# coding=utf-8 # !/usr/bin/python import sys sys.path.append('..') from base.spider import Spider import json import requests import time import re class Spider(Spider): # 元类 默认的元类 type def getName(self): return "阿里云盘" def init(self, extend=""): print("============{0}============".format(extend)) pass def homeContent(self, filter): result = {} return result def homeVideoContent(self): result = {} return result def categoryContent(self, tid, pg, filter, extend): result = {} return result def searchContent(self, key, quick): result = {} return result def isVideoFormat(self, url): pass def manualVideoCheck(self): pass erro = 0 sub = 0 def playerContent(self, flag, id, vipFlags): if flag == 'AliYun': return self.originContent(flag, id, vipFlags) elif flag == 'AliYun原画': return self.fhdContent(flag, id, vipFlags) else: return {} def fhdContent(self, flag, id, vipFlags): self.login() if self.erro != 1: ids = id.split('+') shareId = ids[0] shareToken = ids[1] fileId = ids[2] category = ids[3] subtitle = ids[4] url = self.getDownloadUrl(shareId, shareToken, fileId, category) noRsp = requests.get(url, headers=self.header, allow_redirects=False, verify=False) realUrl = '' if 'Location' in noRsp.headers: realUrl = noRsp.headers['Location'] if 'location' in noRsp.headers and len(realUrl) == 0: realUrl = noRsp.headers['location'] newHeader = { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36", "referer": "https://www.aliyundrive.com/", } if self.sub != 0: subtitleUrl = self.subtitleContent(id) else: subtitleUrl = '' else: realUrl = '' subtitleUrl = '' result = { 'parse': '0', 'playUrl': '', 'url': realUrl, 'header': newHeader, 'subt': subtitleUrl } return result def subtitleContent(self, id): ids = id.split('+') shareId = ids[0] shareToken = ids[1] fileId = ids[2] category = ids[3] subtitle = ids[4] customHeader = self.header.copy() customHeader['x-share-token'] = shareToken customHeader['authorization'] = self.authorization jo = { "expire_sec": 600, "share_id": shareId, "file_id": subtitle, "image_url_process": "image/resize,w_1920/format,jpeg", "image_thumbnail_process": "image/resize,w_1920/format,jpeg", "get_streams_url": True, "drive_id": "183237630" } downloadUrl = 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/get_share_link_download_url' resultJo = requests.post(downloadUrl, json=jo, headers=customHeader).json() noRsp = requests.get(resultJo['download_url'], headers=self.header, allow_redirects=False, verify=False) realUrl = '' if 'Location' in noRsp.headers: realUrl = noRsp.headers['Location'] if 'location' in noRsp.headers and len(realUrl) == 0: realUrl = noRsp.headers['location'] return realUrl def originContent(self, flag, id, vipFlags): self.login() if self.erro != 1: ids = id.split('+') shareId = ids[0] shareToken = ids[1] fileId = ids[2] subtitle = ids[4] url = '{0}?do=push_agent&api=python&type=m3u8&share_id={1}&file_id={2}'.format(self.localProxyUrl, shareId, fileId) if self.sub != 0: subtitleUrl = self.subtitleContent(id) else: subtitleUrl = '' newHeader = { "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36", "referer": "https://www.aliyundrive.com/", } else: url = '' subtitleUrl = '' result = { 'parse': '0', 'playUrl': '', 'url': url, 'header': newHeader, 'subt': subtitleUrl } # shareToken = self.getToken(shareId,'') # self.getMediaSlice(shareId,shareToken,fileId) # map = { # 'share_id':'p1GJYEqgeb2', # 'file_id':'62ed1b95b1048d60ffc246669f5e0999e90b8c2f', # 'media_id':'1' # } # self.proxyMedia(map) return result def detailContent(self, array): tid = array[0] # shareId = self.regStr(href,'www.aliyundrive.com\\/s\\/([^\\/]+)(\\/folder\\/([^\\/]+))?') # todo ========================================================================================= m = re.search('www.aliyundrive.com\\/s\\/([^\\/]+)(\\/folder\\/([^\\/]+))?', tid) col = m.groups() shareId = col[0] fileId = col[2] infoUrl = 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/adrive/v3/share_link/get_share_by_anonymous' infoForm = {'share_id': shareId} infoRsp = requests.post(infoUrl, json=infoForm, headers=self.header) infoJo = json.loads(infoRsp.text) infoJa = [] if 'file_infos' in infoJo: infoJa = infoJo['file_infos'] if len(infoJa) <= 0: return '' fileInfo = {} # todo fileInfo = infoJa[0] if fileId == None or len(fileId) <= 0: fileId = fileInfo['file_id'] vodList = { 'vod_id': tid, 'vod_name': infoJo['share_name'], 'vod_pic': infoJo['avatar'], 'vod_content': tid, 'vod_play_from': 'AliYun$$$AliYun原画' } fileType = fileInfo['type'] if fileType != 'folder': if fileType != 'file' or fileInfo['category'] != video: return '' fileId = 'root' shareToken = self.getToken(shareId, '') hashMap = {} self.listFiles(hashMap, shareId, shareToken, fileId) sortedMap = sorted(hashMap.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) arrayList = [] playList = [] for sm in sortedMap: arrayList.append(sm[0] + '$' + sm[1]) playList.append('#'.join(arrayList)) playList.append('#'.join(arrayList)) vodList['vod_play_url'] = '$$$'.join(playList) result = { 'list': [vodList] } return result authorization = '' timeoutTick = 0 localTime = 0 expiresIn = 0 shareTokenMap = {} expiresMap = {} localMedia = {} header = { "Referer": "https://www.aliyundrive.com/", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36" } localProxyUrl = '' def redirectResponse(tUrl): rsp = requests.get(tUrl, allow_redirects=False, verify=False) if 'Location' in rsp.headers: return redirectResponse(rsp.headers['Location']) else: return rsp def getDownloadUrl(self, shareId, token, fileId, category): lShareId = shareId lFileId = fileId params = { "share_id": lShareId, "category": "live_transcoding", "file_id": lFileId, "template_id": "" } customHeader = self.header.copy() customHeader['x-share-token'] = token customHeader['authorization'] = self.authorization url = 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/get_share_link_video_preview_play_info' if category == 'video': rsp = requests.post(url, json=params, headers=customHeader) rspJo = json.loads(rsp.text) lShareId = rspJo['share_id'] lFileId = rspJo['file_id'] jo = { } if category == 'video': jo['share_id'] = lShareId jo['file_id'] = lFileId jo['expire_sec'] = 600 if category == 'audio': jo['share_id'] = lShareId jo['file_id'] = lFileId jo['get_audio_play_info'] = True downloadUrl = 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/get_share_link_download_url' downloadRsp = requests.post(downloadUrl, json=jo, headers=customHeader) resultJo = json.loads(downloadRsp.text) return resultJo['download_url'] def getMediaSlice(self, shareId, token, fileId): params = { "share_id": shareId, "category": "live_transcoding", "file_id": fileId, "template_id": "" } customHeader = self.header.copy() customHeader['x-share-token'] = token customHeader['authorization'] = self.authorization url = 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/file/get_share_link_video_preview_play_info' rsp = requests.post(url, json=params, headers=customHeader) rspJo = json.loads(rsp.text) quality = ['FHD', 'HD', 'SD'] videoList = rspJo['video_preview_play_info']['live_transcoding_task_list'] highUrl = '' for q in quality: if len(highUrl) > 0: break for video in videoList: if (video['template_id'] == q): highUrl = video['url'] break if len(highUrl) == 0: highUrl = videoList[0]['url'] noRsp = requests.get(highUrl, headers=self.header, allow_redirects=False, verify=False) m3u8Url = '' if 'Location' in noRsp.headers: m3u8Url = noRsp.headers['Location'] if 'location' in noRsp.headers and len(m3u8Url) == 0: m3u8Url = noRsp.headers['location'] m3u8Rsp = requests.get(m3u8Url, headers=self.header) m3u8Content = m3u8Rsp.text tmpArray = m3u8Url.split('/')[0:-1] host = '/'.join(tmpArray) + '/' m3u8List = [] mediaMap = {} slices = m3u8Content.split("\n") count = 0 for slice in slices: tmpSlice = slice if 'x-oss-expires' in tmpSlice: count = count + 1 mediaMap[str(count)] = host + tmpSlice tmpSlice = "{0}?do=push_agent&api=python&type=media&share_id={1}&file_id={2}&media_id={3}".format( self.localProxyUrl, shareId, fileId, count) m3u8List.append(tmpSlice) self.localMedia[fileId] = mediaMap return '\n'.join(m3u8List) def proxyMedia(self, map): shareId = map['share_id'] fileId = map['file_id'] mediaId = map['media_id'] shareToken = self.getToken(shareId, '') refresh = False url = '' ts = 0 if fileId in self.localMedia: fileMap = self.localMedia[fileId] if mediaId in fileMap: url = fileMap[mediaId] if len(url) > 0: ts = int(self.regStr(url, "x-oss-expires=(\\d+)&")) # url = self.localMedia[fileId][mediaId] # ts = int(self.regStr(url,"x-oss-expires=(\\d+)&")) self.localTime = int(time.time()) if ts - self.localTime <= 60: self.getMediaSlice(shareId, shareToken, fileId) url = self.localMedia[fileId][mediaId] action = { 'url': url, 'header': self.header, 'param': '', 'type': 'stream', 'after': '' } return [200, "video/MP2T", action, ""] def proxyM3U8(self, map): shareId = map['share_id'] fileId = map['file_id'] shareToken = self.getToken(shareId, '') content = self.getMediaSlice(shareId, shareToken, fileId) action = { 'url': '', 'header': '', 'param': '', 'type': 'string', 'after': '' } return [200, "application/octet-stream", action, content] def localProxy(self, param): self.login() typ = param['type'] if typ == "m3u8": return self.proxyM3U8(param) if typ == "media": return self.proxyMedia(param) return None def getToken(self, shareId, sharePwd): self.localTime = int(time.time()) shareToken = '' if shareId in self.shareTokenMap: shareToken = self.shareTokenMap[shareId] # todo expire = self.expiresMap[shareId] if len(shareToken) > 0 and expire - self.localTime > 600: return shareToken params = { 'share_id': shareId, 'share_pwd': sharePwd } url = 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/v2/share_link/get_share_token' rsp = requests.post(url, json=params, headers=self.header) jo = json.loads(rsp.text) newShareToken = jo['share_token'] self.expiresMap[shareId] = self.localTime + int(jo['expires_in']) self.shareTokenMap[shareId] = newShareToken return newShareToken def listFiles(self, map, shareId, shareToken, fileId, subtitle={}): url = 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/adrive/v3/file/list' newHeader = self.header.copy() newHeader['x-share-token'] = shareToken params = { 'image_thumbnail_process': 'image/resize,w_160/format,jpeg', 'image_url_process': 'image/resize,w_1920/format,jpeg', 'limit': 200, 'order_by': 'updated_at', 'order_direction': 'DESC', 'parent_file_id': fileId, 'share_id': shareId, 'video_thumbnail_process': 'video/snapshot,t_1000,f_jpg,ar_auto,w_300' } maker = '' arrayList = [] for i in range(1, 51): if i >= 2 and len(maker) == 0: break params['marker'] = maker rsp = requests.post(url, json=params, headers=newHeader) jo = json.loads(rsp.text) ja = jo['items'] for jt in ja: if jt['type'] == 'folder': arrayList.append(jt['file_id']) else: if 'video' in jt['mime_type'] or 'video' in jt['category']: self.sub = 0 repStr = jt['name'].replace("#", "_").replace("$", "_").replace(jt['file_extension'], '')[0:-1] map[repStr] = shareId + "+" + shareToken + "+" + jt['file_id'] + "+" + jt['category'] + "+" elif 'others' == jt['category'] and 'srt' == jt['file_extension']: self.sub = 1 repStr = jt['name'].replace("#", "_").replace("$", "_").replace(jt['file_extension'], '')[0:-1] subtitle[repStr] = jt['file_id'] maker = jo['next_marker'] i = i + 1 for item in arrayList: self.listFiles(map, shareId, shareToken, item, subtitle) for key in map.keys(): for subKey in subtitle.keys(): if key in subKey: map[key] = map[key] + subtitle[subKey] break def login(self): self.localTime = int(time.time()) url = 'https://api.aliyundrive.com/token/refresh' if len(self.authorization) == 0 or self.timeoutTick - self.localTime <= 600: form = { 'refresh_token': 'ab0b9a7555e84175bbc6f8e60310ae49' } rsp = requests.post(url, json=form, headers=self.header) if rsp.status_code == 200: jo = json.loads(rsp.text) self.authorization = jo['token_type'] + ' ' + jo['access_token'] self.expiresIn = int(jo['expires_in']) self.timeoutTick = self.localTime + self.expiresIn else: self.erro = 1 # print(self.authorization) # print(self.timeoutTick) # print(self.localTime) # print(self.expiresIn)