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* @File : changzhang.js
* @Author : jade
* @Date : 2024/2/2 16:02
* @Email :
* @Software : Samples
* @Desc :
import {Spider} from "./spider.js";
import {_, Crypto, load} from "../lib/cat.js";
import {VodDetail, VodShort} from "../lib/vod.js";
import * as Utils from "../lib/utils.js";
import { aliName, detailContent,initCloud,playContent, quarkName } from "../lib/cloud.js";
function cryptJs(text, key, iv, type) {
let key_value = Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(key || 'PBfAUnTdMjNDe6pL');
let iv_value = Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(iv || 'sENS6bVbwSfvnXrj');
let content
if (type) {
content = Crypto.AES.encrypt(text, key_value, {
iv: iv_value, mode: Crypto.mode.CBC, padding: Crypto.pad.Pkcs7
} else {
content = Crypto.AES.decrypt(text, key_value, {
iv: iv_value, padding: Crypto.pad.Pkcs7
return content
class ChangZhangSpider extends Spider {
constructor() {
this.siteUrl = ""
async init(cfg) {
await super.init(cfg);
await initCloud(this.cfgObj);
getName() {
return "🏭️┃厂长直连┃🏭️"
getAppName() {
return "厂长直连"
getJSName() {
return "changzhang"
getType() {
return 3
async getHtml(url = this.siteUrl, headers = this.getHeader()) {
let response = await this.fetch(url, null, headers,false,true);
let html = response["content"]
if (!_.isEmpty(html) && html.indexOf("人机验证")===-1) {
return load(html)
} else {
await this.jadeLog.error(`html获取失败`, true)
getSearchHeader() {
return {
"Cookie": "cf_clearance=otYZbHg1safCIxkCtZfy9DPKbf1Gs_zUskkVDc0MVKM-1707026063-1-ATOpKnTLv9+pv171YE/rzxN/nmvGN9Mucx7vpwp0kW2vZb/cbtz5e2md2/ym7EE+9dT7pPBV+kQOg9vJx2v8cks=;myannoun=1;PHPSESSID=73386nobqugs7r3pb2ljcsp5q4",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) CriOS/100.0.4896.77 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
parseVodShortFromElement($, element) {
let vodShort = new VodShort()
let imgElement = $($(element).find("a")).find("img")[0]
vodShort.vod_name = imgElement.attribs.alt
vodShort.vod_pic = imgElement.attribs["data-original"]
vodShort.vod_remarks = $($($(element).find("[class='hdinfo']")).find("span")).text()
vodShort.vod_id = $(element).find("a")[0].attribs.href
return vodShort
async parseVodShortListFromDoc($) {
let vod_list = []
let aList = $($("[class=\"mi_cont\"]").find("ul")).find("li")
for (const a of aList) {
vod_list.push(this.parseVodShortFromElement($, a))
return vod_list
async parseVodShortListFromDocByCategory($) {
let vod_list = []
let aList = $($("[class=\"mi_cont \"]").find("ul")).find("li")
for (const a of aList) {
vod_list.push(this.parseVodShortFromElement($, a))
return vod_list
async parseVodDetailFromDoc($) {
let vodDetail = new VodDetail()
let nodeElement = $("[class='dyxingq']")
vodDetail.vod_pic = $(nodeElement).find("img")[0].attribs.src
vodDetail.vod_name = $($(nodeElement).find("h1")[0]).text()
vodDetail.vod_content = $($($("[class='yp_context']")).find("p")).text()
let infoArray = $(nodeElement).find("[class='moviedteail_list']").find("li")
let x = $(infoArray).text()
for (const info of infoArray) {
let content = $(info).text()
if (content.indexOf("类型") > -1) {
vodDetail.type_name = content.replaceAll("类型", "").replaceAll("", "")
} else if (content.indexOf("年份") > -1) {
vodDetail.vod_year = content.replaceAll("年份", "").replaceAll("", "")
} else if (content.indexOf("地区") > -1) {
vodDetail.vod_area = content.replaceAll("地区", "").replaceAll("", "")
} else if (content.indexOf("豆瓣") > -1) {
vodDetail.vod_remarks = content.replaceAll("豆瓣", "").replaceAll("", "")
} else if (content.indexOf("主演") > -1) {
vodDetail.vod_actor = content.replaceAll("主演", "").replaceAll("", "")
} else if (content.indexOf("导演") > -1) {
vodDetail.vod_director = content.replaceAll("导演", "").replaceAll("", "")
} else if (content.indexOf("剧情") > -1) {
vodDetail.vod_content = content.replaceAll("剧情", "").replaceAll("", "")
let vod_play_from_list = ["厂长资源"]
let vodPlayList = $("[class='paly_list_btn']")
let vod_play_list = []
for (const v1 of vodPlayList) {
let vodItems = []
let aList = $(v1).find("a")
for (const tA of aList) {
let episodeUrl = tA.attribs.href
let episodeName = $(tA).text().replaceAll("立即播放  (", "").replaceAll(")", "")
vodItems.push(episodeName + "$" + episodeUrl)
let valify_formt_list = ["磁力链接", aliName]
let otherPlayList = $("[class=\"ypbt_down_list\"]").find("li")
let playVod = {}
for (const otherPlay of otherPlayList) {
let form_name = $(otherPlay).text()
let is_valify = false
for (const valify_format_name of valify_formt_list) {
if (form_name.indexOf(valify_format_name) > -1) {
is_valify = true
if (form_name.indexOf(aliName) === -1) {
if (is_valify) {
let vodItems = []
for (const ciliPlayUrl of $(otherPlay).find("a")) {
let episodeUrl = ciliPlayUrl.attribs.href
if ($(otherPlay).text().indexOf(aliName)) {
playVod = await detailContent([episodeUrl])
} else {
let episodeName = Utils.getStrByRegex(/\[(.*?)]/, $(ciliPlayUrl).text())
vodItems.push(episodeName + "$" + episodeUrl)
playVod["磁力链接"] = (vodItems.join("#"))
vodDetail.vod_play_from = _.keys(playVod).join('$$$');
vodDetail.vod_play_url = _.values(playVod).join('$$$');
return vodDetail
async parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($) {
const items = $('div.search_list > ul > li');
return, (item) => {
const img = $(item).find('img:first')[0];
const a = $(item).find('a:first')[0];
const hdinfo = $($(item).find('div.hdinfo')[0]).text().trim();
const jidi = $($(item).find('div.jidi')[0]).text().trim();
return {
vod_id: a.attribs.href,
vod_name: img.attribs.alt,
vod_pic: img.attribs['data-original'],
vod_remarks: jidi || hdinfo || '',
async setClasses() {
const $ = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + '/movie_bt');
const series = $('div#beautiful-taxonomy-filters-tax-movie_bt_series > a[cat-url*=movie_bt_series]');
const tags = $('div#beautiful-taxonomy-filters-tax-movie_bt_tags > a');
let tag = {
key: 'tag', name: '类型', value:, (n) => {
let v = n.attribs['cat-url'] || '';
v = v.substring(v.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
return {n: n.children[0].data, v: v};
tag['init'] = tag.value[0].v;
let classes =, (s) => {
let typeId = s.attribs['cat-url'];
typeId = typeId.substring(typeId.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
this.filterObj[typeId] = [tag];
return {
type_id: typeId, type_name: s.children[0].data,
const sortName = ['电影', '电视剧', '国产剧', '美剧', '韩剧', '日剧', '海外剧(其他)', '华语电影', '印度电影', '日本电影', '欧美电影', '韩国电影', '动画', '俄罗斯电影', '加拿大电影'];
let sort_classes = _.sortBy(classes, (c) => {
const index = sortName.indexOf(c.type_name);
return index === -1 ? sortName.length : index;
for (const sort_class of sort_classes){
let type_name = sort_class["type_name"]
if (type_name!=="会员专区" && type_name !== "站长推荐"){
async setHomeVod() {
let $ = await this.getHtml()
this.homeVodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDoc($)
async setCategory(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
if (pg <= 0) pg = 1;
const tag = extend.tag || '';
const link = this.siteUrl + '/movie_bt' + (tag.length > 0 ? `/movie_bt_tags/${tag}` : '') + '/movie_bt_series/' + tid + (pg > 1 ? `/page/${pg}` : '');
let $ = await this.getHtml(link)
this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDocByCategory($)
async setDetail(id) {
let $ = await this.getHtml(id)
this.vodDetail = await this.parseVodDetailFromDoc($)
async setSearch(wd, quick) {
const $ = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + '/xssearch?q=' + wd,this.getSearchHeader());
let html = $.html()
this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($)
async setPlay(flag, id, flags) {
if (flag.indexOf(aliName) > -1 || flag.indexOf(quarkName) > -1) {
this.playUrl = await playContent(flag, id, flags)
} else {
if (id.indexOf("magnet") > -1) {
this.playUrl = id
} else {
let $ = await this.getHtml(id)
const iframe = $('body iframe[src*=https]');
if (iframe.length > 0) {
const iframeHtml = (await req(iframe[0].attribs.src, {
headers: {
Referer: id, 'User-Agent': Utils.CHROME,
let player = Utils.getStrByRegex(/var player = "(.*?)"/, iframeHtml)
let rand = Utils.getStrByRegex(/var rand = "(.*?)"/, iframeHtml)
let content = JSON.parse(cryptJs(player, "VFBTzdujpR9FWBhe", rand))
this.playUrl = content["url"]
} else {
const js = $('script:contains(window.wp_nonce)').html();
const group = js.match(/(var.*)eval\((\w*\(\w*\))\)/);
const md5 = Crypto;
const result = eval(group[1] + group[2]);
this.playUrl = result.match(/url:.*?['"](.*?)['"]/)[1];
let spider = new ChangZhangSpider()
async function init(cfg) {
await spider.init(cfg)
async function home(filter) {
return await spider.home(filter)
async function homeVod() {
return await spider.homeVod()
async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
return await spider.category(tid, pg, filter, extend)
async function detail(id) {
return await spider.detail(id)
async function play(flag, id, flags) {
return await, id, flags)
async function search(wd, quick) {
return await, quick)
async function proxy(segments, headers) {
return await spider.proxy(segments, headers)
export function __jsEvalReturn() {
return {
init: init,
home: home,
homeVod: homeVod,
category: category,
detail: detail,
play: play,
proxy: proxy,
search: search,
export {spider}