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synced 2025-02-02 10:14:50 +08:00
460 lines
17 KiB
460 lines
17 KiB
* @File : pipixia.js
* @Author : jade
* @Date : 2024/2/2 13:33
* @Email : jadehh@1ive.com
* @Software : Samples
* @Desc : 完成所有的功能开发(已失效)
import {_, Crypto, load} from '../lib/cat.js';
import {VodDetail, VodShort} from "../lib/vod.js"
import * as Utils from "../lib/utils.js";
import {Spider} from "./spider.js";
import {pipixiaMd5} from "../lib/pipiXiaObject.js"
class PiPiXiaSpider extends Spider {
constructor() {
this.siteUrl = "http://aikun.tv/"
this.pipixiaReconnectTimes = 0
getHeader() {
let headers = super.getHeader();
headers["Connection"] = "keep-alive"
headers["Host"] = "pipixia.vip"
return headers
getName() {
return `🦐┃皮皮虾影视┃🦐`
getAppName() {
return `皮皮虾影视`
getJSName() {
return "pipixia"
getType() {
return 3
async parseVodShortListFromDoc($) {
let vod_list = []
let vodElements = $($("[class=\"wow fadeInUp animated\"]")).find("[class=\"public-list-box public-pic-b\"]")
for (const vodElement of vodElements) {
let vodShort = new VodShort()
vodShort.vod_id = Utils.getStrByRegex(/v\/(.*?).html/, $(vodElement).find("a")[0].attribs.href)
vodShort.vod_name = $(vodElement).find("a")[0].attribs.title
vodShort.vod_pic = this.baseProxy + Utils.base64Encode(this.siteUrl + "/" + $(vodElement).find("[class=\"lazy gen-movie-img mask-1\"]")[0].attribs["data-original"])
return vod_list
async parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($) {
let vod_list = []
let vodElements = $("[class=\"row-right hide\"]").find("[class=\"search-box flex rel\"]")
for (const vodElement of vodElements) {
let vodShort = new VodShort();
vodShort.vod_pic = this.baseProxy + Utils.base64Encode(this.siteUrl + "/" + Utils.getStrByRegex(/url\((.*?)\);/, $(vodElement).find("[class=\"cover\"]")[0].attribs.style))
vodShort.vod_remarks = $($(vodElement).find("[class=\"public-list-prb hide ft2\"]")).html()
vodShort.vod_name = $($(vodElement).find("[class=\"thumb-txt cor4 hide\"]")).html()
vodShort.vod_id = Utils.getStrByRegex(/v\/(.*?).html/, $(vodElement).find("[class=\"button\"]")[0].attribs.href)
return vod_list
async parseVodShortListFromJson(obj) {
let vod_list = []
for (const vod_json of obj["list"]) {
let vodShort = new VodShort();
vodShort.vod_name = vod_json["vod_name"]
vodShort.vod_id = vod_json["vod_id"]
vodShort.vod_pic = this.baseProxy + Utils.base64Encode(this.siteUrl + "/" + vod_json["vod_pic"])
vodShort.vod_remarks = vod_json["vod_remarks"]
return vod_list
async parseVodDetailFromDoc($) {
let vodDetail = new VodDetail();
let detailElement = $("[class=\"vod-detail style-detail rel box cor1\"]")
vodDetail.vod_name = $($(detailElement).find("[class=\"slide-info-title hide\"]")).text()
vodDetail.vod_pic = this.siteUrl + $(detailElement).find("[class=\"detail-pic lazy mask-1\"]")[0].attribs["data-original"]
vodDetail.vod_remarks = $($($(detailElement).find("[class=\"slide-info hide\"]")[0]).find("[class=\"slide-info-remarks\"]")[0]).text()
vodDetail.vod_year = $($($(detailElement).find("[class=\"slide-info hide\"]")[0]).find("[class=\"slide-info-remarks\"]")[1]).text()
vodDetail.vod_area = $($($(detailElement).find("[class=\"slide-info hide\"]")[0]).find("[class=\"slide-info-remarks\"]")[2]).text()
vodDetail.vod_director = $($($(detailElement).find("[class=\"slide-info hide\"]")[1]).find("a")).text()
vodDetail.vod_actor = $($($(detailElement).find("[class=\"slide-info hide\"]")[2]).find("a")).text()
let type_list = []
for (const typeEle of $($(detailElement).find("[class=\"slide-info hide\"]")[3]).find("a")) {
vodDetail.type_name = type_list.join("/")
vodDetail.vod_content = $($("[class=\"check text selected cor3\"]")).text()
let playElemet = $("[class=\"anthology wow fadeInUp animated\"]")
let playFormatElemets = $(playElemet).find("[class=\"swiper-slide\"]")
let playUrlElements = $(playElemet).find("[class=\"anthology-list-play size\"]")
let vod_play_from_list = []
let vod_play_list = []
for (let i = 0; i < playFormatElemets.length; i++) {
let playFormatElement = playFormatElemets[i]
let vodItems = []
for (const playUrlElement of $(playUrlElements[i]).find("a")) {
let episodeName = $(playUrlElement).text()
let episodeUrl = playUrlElement.attribs.href
vodItems.push(episodeName + "$" + episodeUrl)
vodDetail.vod_play_from = vod_play_from_list.join("$$$")
vodDetail.vod_play_url = vod_play_list.join("$$$")
return vodDetail
async getHtml(url = this.siteUrl, headers = this.getHeader()) {
try {
let html = await this.fetch(url, null, headers)
if (!_.isEmpty(html) && html.indexOf("江苏反诈公益宣传") === -1) {
return load(html)
} else {
if (this.pipixiaReconnectTimes < this.maxReconnectTimes) {
this.pipixiaReconnectTimes = this.pipixiaReconnectTimes + 1
return await this.getHtml(url, headers)
} else {
await this.jadeLog.error(`html获取失败`, true)
} catch (e) {
await this.jadeLog.error(`获取html出错,出错原因为${e}`)
async setClasses() {
let $ = await this.getHtml()
this.classes = [this.getTypeDic("首页", "最近更新")]
let $2 = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + "/s/1.html")
let classElemets = $2("[class=\"nav-swiper rel\"]")[0]
for (const classElement of $(classElemets).find("a")) {
let type_id = Utils.getStrByRegex(/\/s\/(.*?).html/, classElement.attribs.href)
let type_name = $(classElement).text()
this.classes.push(this.getTypeDic(type_name, type_id))
async getFilter($) {
let elements = $("[class=\"nav-swiper rel\"]")
let extend_list = []
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
let element = elements[i]
let name = $($($(element).find("[class=\"filter-text bj cor5\"]")).find("span")).html()
if (name !== "频道") {
let extend_dic = {"key": (i + 1).toString(), "name": name, "value": []}
for (const ele of $(element).find("a")) {
extend_dic["value"].push({"n": $(ele).text(), "v": $(ele).text()})
return extend_list
async setFilterObj() {
for (const type_dic of this.classes) {
let type_id = type_dic["type_id"]
if (Utils.isNumeric(type_id)) {
let url = this.siteUrl + `/s/${type_id}.html`
let $ = await this.getHtml(url)
this.filterObj[type_id] = await this.getFilter($)
async setHomeVod() {
let $ = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + "/map.html")
this.homeVodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDoc($)
getExtend(extend, key) {
if (extend[key] !== undefined && extend[key] !== "全部") {
return extend[key]
} else {
return null
getExtendDic(params, extend) {
let class_value = this.getExtend(extend, "2")
if (class_value !== null) {
params["class"] = class_value
let area_value = this.getExtend(extend, "3")
if (area_value !== null) {
params["area"] = area_value
let year_value = this.getExtend(extend, "4")
if (year_value !== null) {
params["year"] = year_value
let lang_value = this.getExtend(extend, "5")
if (lang_value !== null) {
params["lang"] = lang_value
let letter_value = this.getExtend(extend, "6")
if (letter_value !== null) {
params["letter"] = letter_value
return params
async setCategory(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
if (Utils.isNumeric(tid)) {
let url = this.siteUrl + "/index.php/api/vod"
let time_1 = Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000)
let key_1 = pipixiaMd5(time_1)
let params = {
"type": tid, "page": pg, "time": time_1.toString(), "key": key_1
params = this.getExtendDic(params, extend)
let content = await this.post(url, params, this.getHeader())
if (!_.isEmpty(content)) {
let content_json = JSON.parse(content)
if (content_json["code"] === 1) {
this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromJson(content_json)
async setDetail(id) {
let $ = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + `/v/${id}.html`)
this.vodDetail = await this.parseVodDetailFromDoc($)
async getPlayConfig(element) {
// let playJSUrl = this.siteUrl + element.attribs.src
// let jsContent = await this.fetch(playJSUrl,null,null)
// let playListConfig = JSON.parse(Utils.getStrByRegex(/MacPlayerConfig.player_list=(.*?),MacPlayerConfig/,jsContent))
let playListConfig = {
"qq": {
"show": "QQ虾线",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "qiyi": {
"show": "QY虾线",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qiyi&if=1&url="
}, "youku": {
"show": "YK虾线",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=youku&if=1&url="
}, "mgtv": {
"show": "MG虾线",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=mgtv&if=1&url="
}, "NBY": {
"show": "极速线路",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "SLNB": {
"show": "三路极速",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "FYNB": {
"show": "APP专享线路",
"des": "",
"ps": "0",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "SPA": {
"show": "极速A",
"des": "",
"ps": "0",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "SPB": {
"show": "极速B",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "kyB": {
"show": "极速直连",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "JMZN": {
"show": "极速直连",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "ZNJSON": {
"show": "极速直连",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "znkan": {
"show": "极速直连",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "bilibili": {
"show": "BLBL虾线",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "pptv": {
"show": "PP虾线", "des": "", "ps": "1", "parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/?url="
}, "letv": {
"show": "LE虾线", "des": "", "ps": "1", "parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/?url="
}, "sohu": {
"show": "SH虾线", "des": "", "ps": "1", "parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/?url="
}, "DJMP4": {
"show": "短剧专用",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "CLDJ": {
"show": "短剧①",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "ChenXi": {
"show": "短剧专用2",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "HT-": {
"show": "自营线",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
}, "htys": {
"show": "解说线路", "des": "", "ps": "1", "parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/?url="
}, "sgdj": {
"show": "短剧③",
"des": "",
"ps": "1",
"parse": "http://play.shijie.chat/player/ec.php?code=qq&if=1&url="
return playListConfig
uic(url, uid) {
let ut = Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse('2890' + uid + 'tB959C');
let mm = Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse("2F131BE91247866E");
let decrypted = Crypto.AES.decrypt(url, ut, {iv: mm, mode: Crypto.mode.CBC, padding: Crypto.pad.Pkcs7});
return Crypto.enc.Utf8.stringify(decrypted);
async setVideoProxy(playUrl){
let urls = []
const pUrls = urls
for (let index = 1; index < pUrls.length; index += 2) {
pUrls[index] = js2Proxy(false, this.siteType, this.siteKey, 'hls/' + encodeURIComponent(pUrls[index]), {});
return pUrls
async setPlay(flag, id, flags) {
let $ = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + id)
let playElements = $("[class=\"player-left\"]")
let scriptElements = $(playElements).find("script")
await this.jadeLog.debug($(scriptElements[0]).html())
let playConfig = JSON.parse($(scriptElements[0]).html().replaceAll("var player_aaaa=", ""))
let playListConfig = await this.getPlayConfig(scriptElements[1])
let jiexiUrl = playListConfig[playConfig["from"]]["parse"] + playConfig["url"]
let jiexi$ = await this.getHtml(jiexiUrl, {"User-Agent": Utils.CHROME})
let ConFig = JSON.parse(Utils.getStrByRegex(/let ConFig = (.*?),box = /, jiexi$.html()))
let playUrl = this.uic(ConFig["url"], ConFig.config.uid)
await this.jadeLog.debug(`播放链接为:${playUrl}`)
if (flag.indexOf("极速") > -1) {
this.playUrl = playUrl
} else {
if (this.catOpenStatus) {
this.playUrl = await this.setVideoProxy(playUrl)
} else {
this.playUrl = playUrl
async setSearch(wd, quick) {
let $ = await this.getHtml(this.siteUrl + `/vodsearch.html?wd=${decodeURI(wd)}`)
this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDocBySearch($)
let spider = new PiPiXiaSpider()
async function init(cfg) {
await spider.init(cfg)
async function home(filter) {
return await spider.home(filter)
async function homeVod() {
return await spider.homeVod()
async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
return await spider.category(tid, pg, filter, extend)
async function detail(id) {
return await spider.detail(id)
async function play(flag, id, flags) {
return await spider.play(flag, id, flags)
async function search(wd, quick) {
return await spider.search(wd, quick)
async function proxy(segments, headers) {
return await spider.proxy(segments, headers)
export function __jsEvalReturn() {
return {
init: init,
home: home,
homeVod: homeVod,
category: category,
detail: detail,
play: play,
proxy: proxy,
search: search,
export {spider}