2024-02-18 16:21:54 +08:00
import axios from 'axios';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import NodeRSA from 'node-rsa';
import MD5 from 'crypto-js/md5.js';
import Hex from 'crypto-js/enc-hex.js';
import HmacSHA1 from 'crypto-js/hmac-sha1.js';
import Base64 from 'crypto-js/enc-base64.js';
import Utf8 from 'crypto-js/enc-utf8.js';
let url = 'https://api.tyun77.cn';
let device = {};
let timeOffset = 0;
const appVer = '2.3.0';
const rsa = NodeRSA(
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----`,
encryptionScheme: 'pkcs1',
async function request(reqUrl, ua) {
let sj = dayjs().unix() - timeOffset;
let uri = new URL(reqUrl);
uri.searchParams.append('pcode', '010110010');
uri.searchParams.append('version', appVer);
uri.searchParams.append('devid', device.id);
uri.searchParams.append('package', 'com.sevenVideo.app.android'); // com.xiaoxiaoVideo.app.android
uri.searchParams.append('sys', 'android');
uri.searchParams.append('sysver', device.release);
uri.searchParams.append('brand', device.brand);
uri.searchParams.append('state', 'on');
uri.searchParams.append('model', device.model.replaceAll(' ', '_'));
uri.searchParams.append('sj', sj);
let keys = [];
for (const k of uri.searchParams.keys()) {
let tkSrc = uri.pathname;
for (let k of keys) {
let v = uri.searchParams.get(k);
v = encodeURIComponent(v);
tkSrc += v;
tkSrc += sj;
tkSrc += 'XSpeUFjJ';
let tk = Hex.stringify(MD5(tkSrc)).toString().toLowerCase();
let header = {
'User-Agent': ua || 'okhttp/3.12.0',
T: sj,
TK: tk,
if (reqUrl.indexOf('getVideoPlayAuth') > 0) {
header['TK-VToken'] = rsa.encrypt(`{"videoId":"${uri.searchParams.get('videoId')}","timestamp":"${sj}"}`, 'base64');
} else if (reqUrl.indexOf('parserUrl') > 0) {
header['TK-VToken'] = rsa.encrypt(`{"url":"${uri.searchParams.get('url')}","timestamp":"${sj}"}`, 'base64');
let resp = await axios.get(uri.toString(), {
headers: header,
let serverTime = resp.headers.date; // dart all response header key is lowercase
let serverTimeS = dayjs(serverTime).unix();
timeOffset = dayjs().unix() - serverTimeS;
return resp.data;
async function init(inReq, outResp) {
const deviceKey = inReq.server.prefix + '/device';
device = await inReq.server.db.getObjectDefault(deviceKey, {});
if (!device.id) {
device = randDevice();
device.id = randStr(32).toLowerCase();
device.ua = 'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android ' + device.release + '; ' + device.model + ' Build/' + device.buildId + ')';
await inReq.server.db.push(deviceKey, device);
await request(url + '/api.php/provide/getDomain');
await request(url + '/api.php/provide/config');
await request(url + '/api.php/provide/checkUpgrade');
await request(url + '/api.php/provide/channel');
async function home(inReq, outResp) {
let data = (await request(url + '/api.php/provide/filter')).data;
let classes = [];
let filterObj = {};
let filterAll = [];
for (const key in data) {
type_id: key,
type_name: data[key][0].cat,
try {
let typeId = key.toString();
if (filterAll.length === 0) {
let filterData = (await request(url + '/api.php/provide/searchFilter?type_id=0&pagenum=1&pagesize=24')).data.conditions;
// 年份
let year = {
key: 'year',
name: '年份',
init: '',
let yearValues = [];
yearValues.push({ n: '全部', v: '' });
// yearValues.push({ n: '2022', v: '2022' });
// yearValues.push({ n: '2021', v: '2021' });
filterData.y.forEach((e) => {
yearValues.push({ n: e.name, v: e.value });
year['value'] = yearValues;
// 地区
let area = {
key: 'area',
name: '地区',
init: '',
let areaValues = [];
areaValues.push({ n: '全部', v: '' });
filterData.a.forEach((e) => {
areaValues.push({ n: e.name, v: e.value });
area['value'] = areaValues;
// 类型
let type = {
key: 'category',
name: '类型',
init: '',
let typeValues = [];
typeValues.push({ n: '全部', v: '' });
filterData.scat.forEach((e) => {
typeValues.push({ n: e.name, v: e.value });
type['value'] = typeValues;
filterAll.push(year, area, type);
if (filterAll.length !== 0) {
filterObj[typeId] = filterAll;
} catch (e) {
class: classes,
filters: filterObj,
async function category(inReq, outResp) {
const tid = inReq.body.id;
const pg = inReq.body.page;
const ext = inReq.body.filters;
let reqUrl = url + '/api.php/provide/searchFilter?type_id=' + tid + '&pagenum=' + pg + '&pagesize=24&';
reqUrl += `year=${ext.year || ''}&category=${ext.category || ''}&area=${ext.area || ''}`;
let data = (await request(reqUrl)).data;
let videos = [];
for (const vod of data.result) {
vod_id: vod.id,
vod_name: vod.title,
vod_pic: vod.videoCover,
vod_remarks: vod.msg,
page: parseInt(data.page),
pagecount: data.pagesize,
limit: 24,
total: data.total,
list: videos,
async function detail(inReq, outResp) {
const ids = !Array.isArray(inReq.body.id) ? [inReq.body.id] : inReq.body.id;
const videos = [];
for (const id of ids) {
let data = (await request(url + '/api.php/provide/videoDetail?ids=' + id)).data;
let vod = {
vod_id: data.id,
vod_name: data.videoName,
vod_pic: data.videoCover,
type_name: data.subCategory,
vod_year: data.year,
vod_area: data.area,
vod_remarks: data.msg,
vod_actor: data.actor,
vod_director: data.director,
vod_content: data.brief.trim(),
let episodes = (await request(url + '/api.php/provide/videoPlaylist?ids=' + id)).data.episodes;
let playlist = {};
for (const episode of episodes) {
let playurls = episode.playurls;
for (const playurl of playurls) {
let from = playurl.playfrom;
let t = formatPlayUrl(vod.vod_name, playurl.title);
if (t.length == 0) t = playurl.title.trim();
if (!playlist.hasOwnProperty(from)) {
playlist[from] = [];
playlist[from].push(t + '$' + playurl.playurl);
vod.vod_play_from = Object.keys(playlist).join('$$$');
let urls = Object.values(playlist);
let vod_play_url = [];
for (const urlist of urls) {
vod.vod_play_url = vod_play_url.join('$$$');
list: videos,
async function play(inReq, outResp) {
const flag = inReq.body.flag;
const id = inReq.body.id;
if (flag == 'alivc') {
const ua = `Dalvik/2.1.0(sevenVideo android)${device.release} ${appVer} ${device.brand}`;
let data = (await request(url + '/api.php/provide/getVideoPlayAuth?videoId=' + id)).data;
var s = Utf8.stringify(Base64.parse(data.playAuth));
s = JSON.parse(s);
const e = {
AccessKeyId: s.AccessKeyId,
Action: 'GetPlayInfo',
AuthInfo: s.AuthInfo,
AuthTimeout: 3600,
Channel: 'Android',
Format: 'JSON',
Formats: '',
PlayerVersion: '',
Rand: randUUID(),
SecurityToken: s.SecurityToken,
SignatureMethod: 'HMAC-SHA1',
SignatureNonce: randUUID(),
SignatureVersion: '1.0',
Version: '2017-03-21',
VideoId: id,
let keys = Object.keys(e);
let param = keys.map((k) => k + '=' + encodeURIComponent(e[k])).join('&');
let signSrc = 'GET&%2F&' + encodeURIComponent(param);
let sign = Base64.stringify(HmacSHA1(signSrc, s.AccessKeySecret + '&'));
param += '&Signature=' + encodeURIComponent(sign);
const aliurl = 'https://vod.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/?' + param;
const res = await axios.get(aliurl, {
header: {
'User-Agent': ua,
if (res.status == 200) {
const p = res.data;
parse: 0,
url: p.PlayInfoList.PlayInfo[0].PlayURL,
header: {
'User-Agent': ua,
} else {
parse: 0,
url: id,
let data = (await request(url + '/api.php/provide/parserUrl?url=' + id + '&retryNum=0')).data;
let playHeader = data.playHeader;
let jxUrl = data.url;
if (jxUrl.indexOf(url) >= 0) {
let result = jsonParse(id, await request(jxUrl));
result['parse'] = 0;
if (playHeader) {
result.header = Object.assign(result.header, playHeader);
} else {
let res = await axios.get(jxUrl, {
headers: {
'user-agent': 'okhttp/3.12.0',
let result = jsonParse(id, res.data);
result['parse'] = 0;
if (playHeader) {
result.header = Object.assign(result.header, playHeader);
async function search(inReq, outResp) {
const pg = inReq.body.page;
const wd = inReq.body.wd;
let page = pg || 1;
if (page == 0) page = 1;
let data = await request(url + '/api.php/provide/searchVideo?searchName=' + wd + '&pg=' + page, 'okhttp/3.12.0');
let videos = [];
for (const vod of data.data) {
vod_id: vod.id,
vod_name: vod.videoName,
vod_pic: vod.videoCover,
vod_remarks: vod.msg,
page: page,
pagecount: data.pages,
list: videos,
function rand(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
const charStr = 'abacdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
function randStr(len, withNum) {
var _str = '';
let containsNum = withNum === undefined ? true : withNum;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
let idx = rand(0, containsNum ? charStr.length - 1 : charStr.length - 11);
_str += charStr[idx];
return _str;
function randDevice() {
return {
brand: 'Huawei',
model: 'HUAWEI Mate 40',
release: '13',
buildId: randStr(3, false).toUpperCase() + rand(11, 99) + randStr(1, false).toUpperCase(),
function formatPlayUrl(src, name) {
return name
.replaceAll(src, '')
.replace(/<|>|《|》/g, '')
.replace(/\$|#/g, ' ')
function jsonParse(input, json) {
try {
let url = json.url || '';
if (url.startsWith('//')) {
url = 'https:' + url;
if (!url.startsWith('http')) {
return {};
let headers = json['headers'] || {};
let ua = (json['user-agent'] || '').trim();
if (ua.length > 0) {
headers['User-Agent'] = ua;
let referer = (json['referer'] || '').trim();
if (referer.length > 0) {
headers['Referer'] = referer;
return {
header: headers,
url: url,
} catch (error) {
return {};
function randUUID() {
return randStr(8).toLowerCase() + '-' + randStr(4).toLowerCase() + '-' + randStr(4).toLowerCase() + '-' + randStr(4).toLowerCase() + '-' + randStr(12).toLowerCase();
async function test(inReq, outResp) {
const prefix = inReq.server.prefix;
const dataResult = {};
let resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/init`);
dataResult.init = resp.json();
resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/home`);
dataResult.home = resp.json();
if (dataResult.home.class.length > 0) {
resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/category`).payload({
id: dataResult.home.class[0].type_id,
page: 1,
filter: true,
filters: {},
dataResult.category = resp.json();
if (dataResult.category.list.length > 0) {
resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/detail`).payload({
id: dataResult.category.list[0].vod_id, // dataResult.category.list.map((v) => v.vod_id),
dataResult.detail = resp.json();
if (dataResult.detail.list.length > 0) {
dataResult.play = [];
for (const vod of dataResult.detail.list) {
const flags = vod.vod_play_from.split('$$$');
const ids = vod.vod_play_url.split('$$$');
for (let j = 0; j < flags.length; j++) {
const flag = flags[j];
const urls = ids[j].split('#');
for (let i = 0; i < urls.length && i < 2; i++) {
resp = await inReq.server
flag: flag,
id: urls[i].split('$')[1],
resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/search`).payload({
wd: '爱',
page: 1,
dataResult.search = resp.json();
export default {
meta: {
key: 'kunyu77',
name: '琨娱七七',
type: 3,
api: async (fastify) => {
fastify.post('/init', init);
fastify.post('/home', home);
fastify.post('/category', category);
fastify.post('/detail', detail);
fastify.post('/play', play);
fastify.post('/search', search);
fastify.get('/test', test);