2023-04-20 19:05:14 +08:00
import cheerio from 'assets://js/lib/cheerio.min.js' ;
import 'assets://js/lib/crypto-js.js' ;
import 模板 from "../js/模板.js"
import { gbkTool } from './gbk.js'
2023-04-24 13:39:13 +08:00
// import cheerio from "https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/libs/cheerio.min.js";
// import "https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/libs/crypto-js.js";
// import 模板 from"https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/js/模板.js";
// import {gbkTool} from 'https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/libs/gbk.js'
2023-04-20 19:05:14 +08:00
function init _test ( ) {
// console.log(typeof(CryptoJS));
console . log ( "init_test_start" ) ;
// print(模板);
// print(typeof(模板.getMubans));
console . log ( "当前版本号:" + VERSION ) ;
console . log ( RKEY ) ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( rule ) ) ;
console . log ( "init_test_end" ) ;
/ * *
* 执行预处理代码
* /
function pre ( ) {
if ( typeof ( rule . 预处理 ) === 'string' && rule . 预处理 && rule . 预处理 . trim ( ) ) {
let code = rule . 预处理 . trim ( ) ;
console . log ( "执行预处理代码:" + code ) ;
if ( code . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ) {
code = code . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ;
try {
// code里可以进行get 或者 post请求cookie并改变rule.headers 里的cookie
// 直接操作 rule_fetch_params 这个变量 .headers.Cookie
eval ( code ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( '预处理执行失败:' + e . message ) ;
let rule = { } ;
let vercode = typeof ( pdfl ) === 'function' ? 'drpy2.1' : 'drpy2' ;
2023-05-03 10:59:29 +08:00
const VERSION = vercode + ' 3.9.41beta14 20230428' ;
2023-04-20 19:05:14 +08:00
/ * * 已 知 问 题 记 录
* 1. 影魔的jinjia2引擎不支持 { { fl } } 对象直接渲染 ( 有能力解决的话尽量解决下 , 支持对象直接渲染字符串转义 , 如果加了 | safe就不转义 ) [ 影魔牛逼 , 最新的文件发现这问题已经解决了 ]
* Array . prototype . append = Array . prototype . push ; 这种js执行后有毛病 , for in 循环列表会把属性给打印出来 ( 这个大毛病需要重点排除一下 )
* 2. import es6py . js但是里面的函数没有被装载进来 . 比如drpy规则报错setResult2 is undefiend ( 合并文件了可以不管了 )
* 3. 无法重复导入cheerio ( 怎么解决drpy和parseTag里都需要导入cheerio的问题 ) 无法在副文件导入cheerio ( 现在是全部放在drpy一个文件里了 , 凑合解决 ? )
* 4. 有个错误不知道哪儿来的 executeScript : com . quickjs . JSObject$Undefined cannot be cast to java . lang . String 在 点击选集播放打印init _test _end后面打印 ( 貌似不影响使用 )
* 5. 需要实现 stringify 函数 , 比起JSON . stringify函数 , 它会原封不动保留中文不会编码unicode
* 6. base64Encode , base64Decode , md5函数还没有实现 ( 抄影魔代码实现了 )
* 7. eval ( getCryptoJS ( ) ) ; 还没有实现 ( 可以空实现了 , 以后遇到能忽略 )
* done : jsp : { pdfa , pdfh , pd } , json : { pdfa , pdfh , pd } , jq : { pdfa , pdfh , pd }
* 8. req函数不支持传递字符串的data参数 { 'content-type' : 'text/plain' } 类型数据 , 因此无法直接调用alist的ocr接口
* * 电脑看日志调试
adb tcpip 5555
adb connect 192.168 . 10.192
adb devices - l
adb logcat - c
adb logcat | grep - i QuickJS
adb logcat - c - b events
adb logcat - c - b main - b events - b radio - b system
adb logcat > 2. log DRPY : E | grep - i QuickJS
* * * /
/*** 以下是内置变量和解析方法 **/
const MOBILE _UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; M2007J3SC Build/RKQ1.200826.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/77.0.3865.120 MQQBrowser/6.2 TBS/045714 Mobile Safari/537.36' ;
const PC _UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36' ;
const UA = 'Mozilla/5.0' ;
const UC _UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 9; zh-CN; MI 9 Build/PKQ1.181121.001) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/57.0.2987.108 UCBrowser/ Mobile Safari/537.36' ;
const IOS _UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1' ;
const RULE _CK = 'cookie' ; // 源cookie的key值
// const KEY = typeof(key)!=='undefined'&&key?key:'drpy_' + (rule.title || rule.host); // 源的唯一标识
const CATE _EXCLUDE = '首页|留言|APP|下载|资讯|新闻|动态' ;
2023-05-03 10:59:29 +08:00
const TAB _EXCLUDE = '猜你|喜欢|下载|剧情|热播' ;
2023-04-20 19:05:14 +08:00
const OCR _RETRY = 3 ; //ocr验证重试次数
// const OCR_API = 'http://dm.mudery.com:10000';//ocr在线识别接口
// const OCR_API = '';//ocr在线识别接口
// const OCR_API = 'http://cms.nokia.press/parse/ocr';//ocr在线识别接口
// const OCR_API = 'http://cms.nokia.press:5707/parse/ocr';//ocr在线识别接口
const OCR _API = 'http://drpy.nokia.press:8028/ocr/drpy/text' ; //ocr在线识别接口
if ( typeof ( MY _URL ) === 'undefined' ) {
var MY _URL ; // 全局注入变量,pd函数需要
var RKEY ; // 源的唯一标识
var fetch ;
var print ;
var log ;
var rule _fetch _params ;
var fetch _params ; // 每个位置单独的
var oheaders ;
// var play_url; // 二级详情页注入变量,为了适配js模式0 (不在这里定义了,直接二级里定义了个空字符串)
var _pdfh ;
var _pdfa ;
var _pd ;
// const DOM_CHECK_ATTR = ['url', 'src', 'href', 'data-original', 'data-src'];
const DOM _CHECK _ATTR = /(url|src|href|-original|-src|-play|-url)$/ ;
const NOADD _INDEX = /:eq|:lt|:gt|:first|:last|^body$|^#/ ; // 不自动加eq下标索引
const URLJOIN _ATTR = /(url|src|href|-original|-src|-play|-url)$/ ; // 需要自动urljoin的属性
const SELECT _REGEX = /:eq|:lt|:gt|#/g ;
const SELECT _REGEX _A = /:eq|:lt|:gt/g ;
/ * *
* /
if ( typeof Object . assign != 'function' ) {
Object . assign = function ( ) {
var target = arguments [ 0 ] ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < arguments . length ; i ++ ) {
var source = arguments [ i ] ;
for ( var key in source ) {
if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( source , key ) ) {
target [ key ] = source [ key ] ;
return target ;
} ;
if ( ! String . prototype . includes ) {
String . prototype . includes = function ( search , start ) {
if ( typeof start !== 'number' ) {
start = 0 ;
if ( start + search . length > this . length ) {
return false ;
} else {
return this . indexOf ( search , start ) !== - 1 ;
} ;
if ( ! Array . prototype . includes ) {
Object . defineProperty ( Array . prototype , 'includes' , {
value : function ( searchElement , fromIndex ) {
if ( this == null ) { //this是空或者未定义, 抛出错误
throw new TypeError ( '"this" is null or not defined' ) ;
var o = Object ( this ) ; //将this转变成对象
var len = o . length >>> 0 ; //无符号右移0位, 获取对象length属性, 如果未定义就会变成0
if ( len === 0 ) { //length为0直接返回false未找到目标值
return false ;
var n = fromIndex | 0 ; //查找起始索引
var k = Math . max ( n >= 0 ? n : len - Math . abs ( n ) , 0 ) ; //计算正确起始索引,因为有可能是负值
while ( k < len ) { //从起始索引处开始循环
if ( o [ k ] === searchElement ) { //如果某一位置与寻找目标相等, 返回true, 找到了
return true ;
k ++ ;
return false ; //未找到, 返回false
} ) ;
if ( typeof String . prototype . startsWith != 'function' ) {
String . prototype . startsWith = function ( prefix ) {
return this . slice ( 0 , prefix . length ) === prefix ;
} ;
if ( typeof String . prototype . endsWith != 'function' ) {
String . prototype . endsWith = function ( suffix ) {
return this . indexOf ( suffix , this . length - suffix . length ) !== - 1 ;
} ;
Object . prototype . myValues = function ( obj ) {
if ( obj == null ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Cannot convert undefined or null to object" ) ;
var res = [ ]
for ( var k in obj ) {
if ( obj . hasOwnProperty ( k ) ) { //需判断是否是本身的属性
res . push ( obj [ k ] ) ;
return res ;
if ( typeof Object . prototype . values != 'function' ) {
Object . prototype . values = function ( obj ) {
if ( obj == null ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Cannot convert undefined or null to object" ) ;
var res = [ ]
for ( var k in obj ) {
if ( obj . hasOwnProperty ( k ) ) { //需判断是否是本身的属性
res . push ( obj [ k ] ) ;
return res ;
if ( typeof Array . prototype . join != 'function' ) {
Array . prototype . join = function ( emoji ) {
// emoji = emoji||',';
emoji = emoji || '' ;
let self = this ;
let str = "" ;
let i = 0 ;
if ( ! Array . isArray ( self ) ) { throw String ( self ) + 'is not Array' }
if ( self . length === 0 ) { return '' }
if ( self . length === 1 ) { return String ( self [ 0 ] ) }
i = 1 ;
str = this [ 0 ] ;
for ( ; i < self . length ; i ++ ) {
str += String ( emoji ) + String ( self [ i ] ) ;
return str ;
} ;
String . prototype . rstrip = function ( chars ) {
let regex = new RegExp ( chars + "$" ) ;
return this . replace ( regex , "" ) ;
} ;
Array . prototype . append = Array . prototype . push ;
String . prototype . strip = String . prototype . trim ;
function 是否正版 ( vipUrl ) {
let flag = new RegExp ( 'qq\.com|iqiyi\.com|youku\.com|mgtv\.com|bilibili\.com|sohu\.com|ixigua\.com|pptv\.com|miguvideo\.com|le\.com|1905\.com|fun\.tv' ) ;
return flag . test ( vipUrl ) ;
function urlDeal ( vipUrl ) {
if ( ! vipUrl ) {
return ''
if ( ! 是否正版 ( vipUrl ) ) {
return vipUrl
if ( ! /miguvideo/ . test ( vipUrl ) ) {
vipUrl = vipUrl . split ( '#' ) [ 0 ] . split ( '?' ) [ 0 ] ;
return vipUrl
function setResult ( d ) {
if ( ! Array . isArray ( d ) ) {
return [ ]
VODS = [ ] ;
// print(d);
d . forEach ( function ( it ) {
let obj = {
vod _id : it . url || '' ,
vod _name : it . title || '' ,
vod _remarks : it . desc || '' ,
vod _content : it . content || '' ,
vod _pic : it . pic _url || it . img || '' ,
} ;
let keys = Object . keys ( it ) ;
if ( keys . includes ( 'tname' ) ) {
obj . type _name = it . tname || '' ;
if ( keys . includes ( 'tid' ) ) {
obj . type _id = it . tid || '' ;
if ( keys . includes ( 'year' ) ) {
obj . vod _year = it . year || '' ;
if ( keys . includes ( 'actor' ) ) {
obj . vod _actor = it . actor || '' ;
if ( keys . includes ( 'director' ) ) {
obj . vod _director = it . director || '' ;
if ( keys . includes ( 'area' ) ) {
obj . vod _area = it . area || '' ;
VODS . push ( obj ) ;
} ) ;
return VODS
function setResult2 ( res ) {
VODS = res . list || [ ] ;
return VODS
function setHomeResult ( res ) {
if ( ! res || typeof ( res ) !== 'object' ) {
return [ ]
return setResult ( res . list ) ;
// 猫了个咪
function rc ( js ) {
if ( js === 'maomi_aes.js' ) {
var a = CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse ( "625222f9149e961d" ) ;
var t = CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse ( "5efdtf6060e2o330" ) ;
return {
De : function ( word ) {
word = CryptoJS . enc . Hex . parse ( word )
return CryptoJS . AES . decrypt ( CryptoJS . enc . Base64 . stringify ( word ) , a , {
iv : t ,
mode : CryptoJS . mode . CBC ,
padding : CryptoJS . pad . Pkcs7
} ) . toString ( CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 )
} ,
En : function ( word ) {
// print(a);
// print(word);
var Encrypted = CryptoJS . AES . encrypt ( word , a , {
iv : t ,
mode : CryptoJS . mode . CBC ,
padding : CryptoJS . pad . Pkcs7
} ) ;
return Encrypted . ciphertext . toString ( ) ;
} ;
return { } ;
// 千万不要用for in 推荐 forEach (for in 会打乱顺序)
function maoss ( jxurl , ref , key ) {
fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
eval ( getCryptoJS ( ) ) ;
try {
var getVideoInfo = function ( text ) {
return CryptoJS . AES . decrypt ( text , key , { iv : iv , padding : CryptoJS . pad . Pkcs7 } ) . toString ( CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 ) ;
} ;
var token _key = key == undefined ? 'dvyYRQlnPRCMdQSe' : key ;
if ( ref ) {
var html = request ( jxurl , {
headers : {
'Referer' : ref
} ) ;
} else {
var html = request ( jxurl ) ;
// print(html);
if ( html . indexOf ( '&btwaf=' ) != - 1 ) {
html = request ( jxurl + '&btwaf' + html . match ( /&btwaf(.*?)"/ ) [ 1 ] , {
headers : {
'Referer' : ref
} )
var token _iv = html . split ( '_token = "' ) [ 1 ] . split ( '"' ) [ 0 ] ;
var key = CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse ( token _key ) ;
var iv = CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse ( token _iv ) ;
// log("iv:"+iv);
// log(html);
// print(key);
// print(iv);
eval ( html . match ( /var config = {[\s\S]*?}/ ) [ 0 ] + '' ) ;
// config.url = config.url.replace(/,/g,'');
// print(config.url);
if ( ! config . url . startsWith ( 'http' ) ) {
//config.url = decodeURIComponent(AES(config.url, key, iv));
config . url = CryptoJS . AES . decrypt ( config . url , key , {
iv : iv ,
padding : CryptoJS . pad . Pkcs7
} ) . toString ( CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 )
return config . url ;
} catch ( e ) {
return '' ;
function urlencode ( str ) {
str = ( str + '' ) . toString ( ) ;
return encodeURIComponent ( str ) . replace ( /!/g , '%21' ) . replace ( /'/g , '%27' ) . replace ( /\(/g , '%28' ) .
replace ( /\)/g , '%29' ) . replace ( /\*/g , '%2A' ) . replace ( /%20/g , '+' ) ;
function base64Encode ( text ) {
return CryptoJS . enc . Base64 . stringify ( CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse ( text ) ) ;
// return text
function base64Decode ( text ) {
return CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . stringify ( CryptoJS . enc . Base64 . parse ( text ) ) ;
// return text
function md5 ( text ) {
return CryptoJS . MD5 ( text ) . toString ( ) ;
/ * *
* 字符串按指定编码
* @ param input
* @ param encoding
* @ returns { * }
* /
function encodeStr ( input , encoding ) {
encoding = encoding || 'gbk' ;
if ( encoding . startsWith ( 'gb' ) ) {
const strTool = gbkTool ( ) ;
input = strTool . encode ( input ) ;
return input
/ * *
* 字符串指定解码
* @ param input
* @ param encoding
* @ returns { * }
* /
function decodeStr ( input , encoding ) {
encoding = encoding || 'gbk' ;
if ( encoding . startsWith ( 'gb' ) ) {
const strTool = gbkTool ( ) ;
input = strTool . decode ( input ) ;
return input
function getCryptoJS ( ) {
2023-04-24 13:39:13 +08:00
// return request('https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/libs/crypto-hiker.js');
2023-04-20 19:05:14 +08:00
return 'console.log("CryptoJS已装载");'
/ * *
* 强制正序算法
* @ param lists 待正序列表
* @ param key 正序键
* @ param option 单个元素处理函数
* @ returns { * }
* /
function forceOrder ( lists , key , option ) {
let start = Math . floor ( lists . length / 2 ) ;
let end = Math . min ( lists . length - 1 , start + 1 ) ;
if ( start >= end ) {
return lists ;
let first = lists [ start ] ;
let second = lists [ end ] ;
if ( key ) {
try {
first = first [ key ] ;
second = second [ key ] ;
} catch ( e ) { }
if ( option && typeof ( option ) === 'function' ) {
try {
first = option ( first ) ;
second = option ( second ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
first += '' ;
second += '' ;
// console.log(first,second);
if ( first . match ( /(\d+)/ ) && second . match ( /(\d+)/ ) ) {
let num1 = Number ( first . match ( /(\d+)/ ) [ 1 ] ) ;
let num2 = Number ( second . match ( /(\d+)/ ) [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( num1 > num2 ) {
lists . reverse ( ) ;
return lists
let VODS = [ ] ; // 一级或者搜索需要的数据列表
let VOD = { } ; // 二级的单个数据
let TABS = [ ] ; // 二级的自定义线路列表 如: TABS=['道长在线','道长在线2']
let LISTS = [ ] ; // 二级的自定义选集播放列表 如: LISTS=[['第1集$http://1.mp4','第2集$http://2.mp4'],['第3集$http://1.mp4','第4集$http://2.mp4']]
globalThis . encodeUrl = urlencode ;
globalThis . urlencode = urlencode ;
/ * *
* url拼接
* @ param fromPath 初始当前页面url
* @ param nowPath 相对当前页面url
* @ returns { * }
* /
function urljoin ( fromPath , nowPath ) {
fromPath = fromPath || '' ;
nowPath = nowPath || '' ;
return joinUrl ( fromPath , nowPath ) ;
// try {
// // import Uri from './uri.min.js';
// // var Uri = require('./uri.min.js');
// // eval(request('https://cdn.bootcdn.net/ajax/libs/URI.js/1.19.11/URI.min.js'));
// // let new_uri = URI(nowPath, fromPath);
// let new_uri = Uri(nowPath, fromPath);
// new_uri = new_uri.toString();
// // console.log(new_uri);
// // return fromPath + nowPath
// return new_uri
// }
// catch (e) {
// console.log('urljoin发生错误:'+e.message);
// if(nowPath.startsWith('http')){
// return nowPath
// }if(nowPath.startsWith('/')){
// return getHome(fromPath)+nowPath
// }
// return fromPath+nowPath
// }
var urljoin2 = urljoin ;
// 内置 pdfh,pdfa,pd
const defaultParser = {
pdfh : pdfh ,
pdfa : pdfa ,
pd : pd ,
} ;
/ * *
* pdfh原版优化 , 能取style属性里的图片链接
* @ param html 源码
* @ param parse 解析表达式
* @ returns { string | * }
* /
function pdfh2 ( html , parse ) {
let html2 = html ;
try {
if ( typeof ( html ) !== 'string' ) {
html2 = html . rr ( html . ele ) . toString ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
print ( 'html对象转文本发生了错误:' + e . message ) ;
let result = defaultParser . pdfh ( html2 , parse ) ;
let option = parse . includes ( '&&' ) ? parse . split ( '&&' ) . slice ( - 1 ) [ 0 ] : parse . split ( ' ' ) . slice ( - 1 ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( /style/ . test ( option . toLowerCase ( ) ) && /url\(/ . test ( result ) ) {
try {
result = result . match ( /url\((.*?)\)/ ) [ 1 ] ;
} catch ( e ) { }
return result
/ * *
* pdfa原版优化 , 可以转换jq的html对象
* @ param html
* @ param parse
* @ returns { * }
* /
function pdfa2 ( html , parse ) {
let html2 = html ;
try {
if ( typeof ( html ) !== 'string' ) {
html2 = html . rr ( html . ele ) . toString ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
print ( 'html对象转文本发生了错误:' + e . message ) ;
return defaultParser . pdfa ( html2 , parse ) ;
/ * *
* pd原版方法重写 - 增加自动urljoin
* @ param html
* @ param parse
* @ param uri
* @ returns { * }
* /
function pd2 ( html , parse , uri ) {
let ret = pdfh2 ( html , parse ) ;
if ( typeof ( uri ) === 'undefined' || ! uri ) {
uri = '' ;
if ( DOM _CHECK _ATTR . test ( parse ) ) {
if ( /http/ . test ( ret ) ) {
ret = ret . substr ( ret . indexOf ( 'http' ) ) ;
} else {
ret = urljoin ( MY _URL , ret )
// MY_URL = getItem('MY_URL',MY_URL);
// console.log(`规则${RKEY}打印MY_URL:${MY_URL},uri:${uri}`);
return ret
const parseTags = {
jsp : {
pdfh : pdfh2 ,
pdfa : pdfa2 ,
pd : pd2 ,
} ,
json : {
pdfh ( html , parse ) {
if ( ! parse || ! parse . trim ( ) ) {
return '' ;
if ( typeof ( html ) === 'string' ) {
// print('jsonpath:pdfh字符串转dict');
html = JSON . parse ( html ) ;
parse = parse . trim ( ) ;
if ( ! parse . startsWith ( '$.' ) ) {
parse = '$.' + parse ;
parse = parse . split ( '||' ) ;
for ( let ps of parse ) {
let ret = cheerio . jp ( ps , html ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( ret ) ) {
ret = ret [ 0 ] || '' ;
} else {
ret = ret || ''
if ( ret && typeof ( ret ) !== 'string' ) {
ret = ret . toString ( ) ;
if ( ret ) {
return ret
return '' ;
} ,
pdfa ( html , parse ) {
if ( ! parse || ! parse . trim ( ) ) {
return '' ;
if ( typeof ( html ) === 'string' ) {
// print('jsonpath:pdfa字符串转dict');
html = JSON . parse ( html ) ;
parse = parse . trim ( )
if ( ! parse . startsWith ( '$.' ) ) {
parse = '$.' + parse ;
let ret = cheerio . jp ( parse , html ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( ret ) && Array . isArray ( ret [ 0 ] ) && ret . length === 1 ) {
return ret [ 0 ] || [ ]
return ret || [ ]
} ,
pd ( html , parse ) {
let ret = parseTags . json . pdfh ( html , parse ) ;
if ( ret ) {
return urljoin ( MY _URL , ret ) ;
return ret
} ,
} ,
jq : {
pdfh ( html , parse ) {
if ( ! html || ! parse || ! parse . trim ( ) ) {
return ''
parse = parse . trim ( ) ;
let result = defaultParser . pdfh ( html , parse ) ;
// print(`pdfh解析${parse}=>${result}`);
return result ;
} ,
pdfa ( html , parse ) {
if ( ! html || ! parse || ! parse . trim ( ) ) {
return [ ] ;
parse = parse . trim ( ) ;
let result = defaultParser . pdfa ( html , parse ) ;
// print(result);
print ( ` pdfa解析 ${ parse } => ${ result . length } ` ) ;
return result ;
} ,
pd ( html , parse , base _url ) {
if ( ! html || ! parse || ! parse . trim ( ) ) {
return ''
parse = parse . trim ( ) ;
base _url = base _url || MY _URL ;
return defaultParser . pd ( html , parse , base _url ) ;
} ,
} ,
getParse ( p0 ) { //非js开头的情况自动获取解析标签
if ( p0 . startsWith ( 'jsp:' ) ) {
return this . jsp
} else if ( p0 . startsWith ( 'json:' ) ) {
return this . json
} else if ( p0 . startsWith ( 'jq:' ) ) {
return this . jq
} else {
return this . jq
} ;
const stringify = JSON . stringify ;
const jsp = parseTags . jsp ;
const jq = parseTags . jq ;
/*** 后台需要实现的java方法并注入到js中 ***/
/ * *
* 读取本地文件 - > 应用程序目录
* @ param filePath
* @ returns { string }
* /
function readFile ( filePath ) {
filePath = filePath || './uri.min.js' ;
var fd = os . open ( filePath ) ;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer ( 1024 ) ;
var len = os . read ( fd , buffer , 0 , 1024 ) ;
console . log ( len ) ;
let text = String . fromCharCode . apply ( null , new Uint8Array ( buffer ) ) ;
console . log ( text ) ;
return text
/ * *
* 处理返回的json数据
* @ param html
* @ returns { * }
* /
function dealJson ( html ) {
try {
// html = html.match(/[\w|\W|\s|\S]*?(\{[\w|\W|\s|\S]*\})/).group[1];
html = html . trim ( ) ;
if ( ! ( ( html . startsWith ( '{' ) && html . endsWith ( '}' ) ) || ( html . startsWith ( '[' ) && html . endsWith ( ']' ) ) ) ) {
html = '{' + html . match ( /.*?\{(.*)\}/m ) [ 1 ] + '}' ;
} catch ( e ) {
try {
html = JSON . parse ( html ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
// console.log(typeof(html));
return html ;
/ * *
* 验证码识别逻辑 , 需要java实现 ( js没有bytes类型 , 无法调用后端的传递图片二进制获取验证码文本的接口 )
* @ type { { api : string , classification : ( function ( *= ) : string ) } }
* /
var OcrApi = {
api : OCR _API ,
classification : function ( img ) { // img是byte类型,这里不方便搞啊
let code = '' ;
try {
// let html = request(this.api,{data:{img:img},headers:{'User-Agent':PC_UA},'method':'POST'},true);
// html = JSON.parse(html);
// code = html.url||'';
log ( '通过drpy_ocr验证码接口过验证...' ) ;
let html = request ( OCR _API , { data : { img : img } , headers : { 'User-Agent' : PC _UA } , 'method' : 'POST' } , true ) ;
code = html || '' ;
} catch ( e ) {
log ( ` OCR识别验证码发生错误: ${ e . message } ` )
return code
} ;
/ * *
* 验证码识别 , 暂未实现
* @ param url 验证码图片链接
* @ returns { string } 验证成功后的cookie
* /
function verifyCode ( url ) {
let cnt = 0 ;
let host = getHome ( url ) ;
let cookie = '' ;
while ( cnt < OCR _RETRY ) {
try {
// let obj = {headers:headers,timeout:timeout};
let yzm _url = ` ${ host } /index.php/verify/index.html ` ;
console . log ( ` 验证码链接: ${ yzm _url } ` ) ;
let hhtml = request ( yzm _url , { withHeaders : true , toBase64 : true } , true ) ;
let json = JSON . parse ( hhtml ) ;
if ( ! cookie ) {
// print(json);
let setCk = Object . keys ( json ) . find ( it => it . toLowerCase ( ) === 'set-cookie' ) ;
// cookie = json['set-cookie']?json['set-cookie'].split(';')[0]:'';
cookie = setCk ? json [ setCk ] . split ( ';' ) [ 0 ] : '' ;
// console.log(hhtml);
console . log ( 'cookie:' + cookie ) ;
let img = json . body ;
// console.log(img);
let code = OcrApi . classification ( img ) ;
console . log ( ` 第 ${ cnt + 1 } 次验证码识别结果: ${ code } ` ) ;
let submit _url = ` ${ host } /index.php/ajax/verify_check?type=search&verify= ${ code } ` ;
console . log ( submit _url ) ;
let html = request ( submit _url , { headers : { Cookie : cookie , 'User-Agent' : MOBILE _UA } , 'method' : 'POST' } ) ;
// console.log(html);
html = JSON . parse ( html ) ;
if ( html . msg === 'ok' ) {
console . log ( ` 第 ${ cnt + 1 } 次验证码提交成功 ` ) ;
return cookie // 需要返回cookie
} else if ( html . msg !== 'ok' && cnt + 1 >= OCR _RETRY ) {
cookie = '' ; // 需要清空返回cookie
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( ` 第 ${ cnt + 1 } 次验证码提交失败: ${ e . message } ` ) ;
if ( cnt + 1 >= OCR _RETRY ) {
cookie = '' ;
cnt += 1
return cookie
/ * *
* 存在数据库配置表里 , key字段对应值value , 没有就新增 , 有就更新 , 调用此方法会清除key对应的内存缓存
* @ param k 键
* @ param v 值
* /
function setItem ( k , v ) {
local . set ( RKEY , k , v ) ;
console . log ( ` 规则 ${ RKEY } 设置 ${ k } => ${ v } ` )
/ * *
* 获取数据库配置表对应的key字段的value , 没有这个key就返回value默认传参 . 需要有缓存 , 第一次获取后会存在内存里
* @ param k 键
* @ param v 值
* @ returns { * }
* /
function getItem ( k , v ) {
return local . get ( RKEY , k ) || v ;
/ * *
* 删除数据库key对应的一条数据 , 并清除此key对应的内存缓存
* @ param k
* /
function clearItem ( k ) {
local . delete ( RKEY , k ) ;
/*** js自封装的方法 ***/
/ * *
* 获取链接的host ( 带http协议的完整链接 )
* @ param url 任意一个正常完整的Url , 自动提取根
* @ returns { string }
* /
function getHome ( url ) {
if ( ! url ) {
return ''
let tmp = url . split ( '//' ) ;
url = tmp [ 0 ] + '//' + tmp [ 1 ] . split ( '/' ) [ 0 ] ;
try {
url = decodeURIComponent ( url ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
return url
/ * *
* get参数编译链接 , 类似python params字典自动拼接
* @ param url 访问链接
* @ param obj 参数字典
* @ returns { * }
* /
function buildUrl ( url , obj ) {
obj = obj || { } ;
if ( url . indexOf ( '?' ) < 0 ) {
url += '?'
let param _list = [ ] ;
let keys = Object . keys ( obj ) ;
keys . forEach ( it => {
param _list . push ( it + '=' + obj [ it ] )
} ) ;
let prs = param _list . join ( '&' ) ;
if ( keys . length > 0 && ! url . endsWith ( '?' ) ) {
url += '&'
url += prs ;
return url
/ * *
* 远程依赖执行函数
* @ param url 远程js地址
* /
function require ( url ) {
eval ( request ( url ) ) ;
/ * *
* 海阔网页请求函数完整封装
* @ param url 请求链接
* @ param obj 请求对象 { headers : { } , method : '' , timeout : 5000 , body : '' , withHeaders : false }
* @ param ocr _flag 标识此flag是用于请求ocr识别的 , 自动过滤content - type指定编码
* @ returns { string | string | DocumentFragment | * }
* /
function request ( url , obj , ocr _flag ) {
ocr _flag = ocr _flag || false ;
if ( typeof ( obj ) === 'undefined' || ! obj || obj === { } ) {
if ( ! fetch _params || ! fetch _params . headers ) {
let headers = {
'User-Agent' : MOBILE _UA ,
} ;
if ( rule . headers ) {
Object . assign ( headers , rule . headers ) ;
if ( ! fetch _params ) {
fetch _params = { } ;
fetch _params . headers = headers ;
if ( ! fetch _params . headers . Referer ) {
fetch _params . headers . Referer = getHome ( url )
obj = fetch _params ;
} else {
let headers = obj . headers || { } ;
let keys = Object . keys ( headers ) . map ( it => it . toLowerCase ( ) ) ;
if ( ! keys . includes ( 'user-agent' ) ) {
headers [ 'User-Agent' ] = MOBILE _UA ;
} if ( ! keys . includes ( 'referer' ) ) {
headers [ 'Referer' ] = getHome ( url ) ;
obj . headers = headers ;
if ( rule . encoding && rule . encoding !== 'utf-8' && ! ocr _flag ) {
if ( ! obj . headers . hasOwnProperty ( 'Content-Type' ) && ! obj . headers . hasOwnProperty ( 'content-type' ) ) { // 手动指定了就不管
obj . headers [ "Content-Type" ] = 'text/html; charset=' + rule . encoding ;
if ( typeof ( obj . body ) != 'undefined' && obj . body && typeof ( obj . body ) === 'string' ) {
// let data = {};
// obj.body.split('&').forEach(it=>{
// data[it.split('=')[0]] = it.split('=')[1]
// });
// obj.data = data;
// delete obj.body
// 传body加 "Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded;" 即可post form
if ( ! obj . headers . hasOwnProperty ( 'Content-Type' ) && ! obj . headers . hasOwnProperty ( 'content-type' ) ) { // 手动指定了就不管
obj . headers [ "Content-Type" ] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=' + rule . encoding ;
} else if ( typeof ( obj . body ) != 'undefined' && obj . body && typeof ( obj . body ) === 'object' ) {
obj . data = obj . body ;
delete obj . body
if ( ! url ) {
return obj . withHeaders ? '{}' : ''
if ( obj . toBase64 ) { // 返回base64,用于请求图片
obj . buffer = 2 ;
delete obj . toBase64
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( obj . headers ) ) ;
// console.log('request:'+url+' obj:'+JSON.stringify(obj));
console . log ( 'request:' + url + ` |method: ${ obj . method || 'GET' } |body: ${ obj . body || '' } ` ) ;
let res = req ( url , obj ) ;
let html = res . content || '' ;
// console.log(html);
if ( obj . withHeaders ) {
let htmlWithHeaders = res . headers ;
htmlWithHeaders . body = html ;
return JSON . stringify ( htmlWithHeaders ) ;
} else {
return html
/ * *
* 快捷post请求
* @ param url 地址
* @ param obj 对象
* @ returns { string | DocumentFragment | * }
* /
function post ( url , obj ) {
obj . method = 'POST' ;
return request ( url , obj ) ;
fetch = request ;
print = function ( data ) {
data = data || '' ;
if ( typeof ( data ) == 'object' && Object . keys ( data ) . length > 0 ) {
try {
data = JSON . stringify ( data ) ;
console . log ( data ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// console.log('print:'+e.message);
console . log ( typeof ( data ) + ':' + data . length ) ;
} else if ( typeof ( data ) == 'object' && Object . keys ( data ) . length < 1 ) {
console . log ( 'null object' ) ;
} else {
console . log ( data ) ;
log = print ;
/ * *
* 检查宝塔验证并自动跳过获取正确源码
* @ param html 之前获取的html
* @ param url 之前的来源url
* @ param obj 来源obj
* @ returns { string | DocumentFragment | * }
* /
function checkHtml ( html , url , obj ) {
if ( /\?btwaf=/ . test ( html ) ) {
let btwaf = html . match ( /btwaf(.*?)"/ ) [ 1 ] ;
url = url . split ( '#' ) [ 0 ] + '?btwaf' + btwaf ;
print ( '宝塔验证访问链接:' + url ) ;
html = request ( url , obj ) ;
return html
/ * *
* 带一次宝塔验证的源码获取
* @ param url 请求链接
* @ param obj 请求参数
* @ returns { string | DocumentFragment }
* /
function getCode ( url , obj ) {
let html = request ( url , obj ) ;
html = checkHtml ( html , url , obj ) ;
return html
/ * *
* 源rule专用的请求方法 , 自动注入cookie
* @ param url 请求链接
* @ returns { string | DocumentFragment }
* /
function getHtml ( url ) {
let obj = { } ;
if ( rule . headers ) {
obj . headers = rule . headers ;
let cookie = getItem ( RULE _CK , '' ) ;
if ( cookie ) {
// log('有cookie:'+cookie);
if ( obj . headers && ! Object . keys ( obj . headers ) . map ( it => it . toLowerCase ( ) ) . includes ( 'cookie' ) ) {
log ( '历史无cookie,新增过验证后的cookie' ) ;
obj . headers [ 'Cookie' ] = cookie ;
} else if ( obj . headers && obj . headers . cookie && obj . headers . cookie !== cookie ) {
obj . headers [ 'Cookie' ] = cookie ;
log ( '历史有小写过期的cookie,更新过验证后的cookie' ) ;
} else if ( obj . headers && obj . headers . Cookie && obj . headers . Cookie !== cookie ) {
obj . headers [ 'Cookie' ] = cookie ;
log ( '历史有大写过期的cookie,更新过验证后的cookie' ) ;
} else if ( ! obj . headers ) {
obj . headers = { Cookie : cookie } ;
log ( '历史无headers,更新过验证后的含cookie的headers' ) ;
let html = getCode ( url , obj ) ;
return html
/ * *
* 首页分类解析 , 筛选暂未实现
* @ param homeObj 首页传参对象
* @ returns { string }
* /
function homeParse ( homeObj ) {
fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
let classes = [ ] ;
if ( homeObj . class _name && homeObj . class _url ) {
let names = homeObj . class _name . split ( '&' ) ;
let urls = homeObj . class _url . split ( '&' ) ;
let cnt = Math . min ( names . length , urls . length ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < cnt ; i ++ ) {
classes . push ( {
'type_id' : urls [ i ] ,
'type_name' : names [ i ]
} ) ;
if ( homeObj . class _parse ) {
let p = homeObj . class _parse . split ( ';' ) ;
let _ps = parseTags . getParse ( p [ 0 ] ) ;
_pdfa = _ps . pdfa ;
_pdfh = _ps . pdfh ;
_pd = _ps . pd ;
MY _URL = rule . url ;
if ( p . length >= 3 ) { // 可以不写正则
try {
let html = getHtml ( homeObj . MY _URL ) ;
if ( html ) {
homeHtmlCache = html ;
let list = _pdfa ( html , p [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( list && list . length > 0 ) {
list . forEach ( ( it , idex ) => {
try {
let name = _pdfh ( it , p [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( homeObj . cate _exclude && ( new RegExp ( homeObj . cate _exclude ) . test ( name ) ) ) {
return ;
// let url = pdfh(it, p[2]);
let url = _pd ( it , p [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( p . length > 3 && p [ 3 ] ) {
let exp = new RegExp ( p [ 3 ] ) ;
url = url . match ( exp ) [ 1 ] ;
classes . push ( {
'type_id' : url . trim ( ) ,
'type_name' : name . trim ( )
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( ` 分类列表定位第 ${ idex } 个元素正常报错: ${ e . message } ` ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( e . message ) ;
// 排除分类
classes = classes . filter ( it => ! homeObj . cate _exclude || ! ( new RegExp ( homeObj . cate _exclude ) . test ( it . type _name ) ) ) ;
let resp = {
'class' : classes
} ;
if ( homeObj . filter ) {
resp . filters = homeObj . filter ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( resp ) ) ;
return JSON . stringify ( resp ) ;
/ * *
* 推荐和搜索单字段继承一级
* @ param p 推荐或搜索的解析分割 ; 列表
* @ param pn 自身列表序号
* @ param pp 一级解析分割 ; 列表
* @ param ppn 继承一级序号
* @ returns { * }
* /
function getPP ( p , pn , pp , ppn ) {
try {
let ps = p [ pn ] === '*' && pp . length > ppn ? pp [ ppn ] : p [ pn ]
return ps
} catch ( e ) {
return ''
/ * *
* 首页推荐列表解析
* @ param homeVodObj
* @ returns { string }
* /
function homeVodParse ( homeVodObj ) {
fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
let d = [ ] ;
MY _URL = homeVodObj . homeUrl ;
// setItem('MY_URL',MY_URL);
console . log ( MY _URL ) ;
let t1 = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
let p = homeVodObj . 推荐 ;
print ( 'p:' + p ) ;
if ( p === '*' && rule . 一级 ) {
p = rule . 一级 ;
homeVodObj . double = false ;
if ( ! p || typeof ( p ) !== 'string' ) {
return '{}'
p = p . trim ( ) ;
let pp = rule . 一级 . split ( ';' ) ;
if ( p . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ) {
const TYPE = 'home' ;
var input = MY _URL ;
const HOST = rule . host ;
eval ( p . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ) ;
d = VODS ;
} else {
p = p . split ( ';' ) ;
if ( ! homeVodObj . double && p . length < 5 ) {
return '{}'
} else if ( homeVodObj . double && p . length < 6 ) {
return '{}'
let p0 = getPP ( p , 0 , pp , 0 )
let _ps = parseTags . getParse ( p0 ) ;
_pdfa = _ps . pdfa ;
_pdfh = _ps . pdfh ;
_pd = _ps . pd ;
let is _json = p0 . startsWith ( 'json:' ) ;
p0 = p0 . replace ( /^(jsp:|json:|jq:)/ , '' ) ;
// print(p[0]);
let html = homeHtmlCache || getHtml ( MY _URL ) ;
homeHtmlCache = undefined ;
if ( is _json ) {
// print('是json,开始处理');
html = dealJson ( html ) ;
try {
console . log ( 'double:' + homeVodObj . double ) ;
if ( homeVodObj . double ) {
let items = _pdfa ( html , p0 ) ;
// console.log(items.length);
let p1 = getPP ( p , 1 , pp , 0 ) ;
let p2 = getPP ( p , 2 , pp , 1 ) ;
let p3 = getPP ( p , 3 , pp , 2 ) ;
let p4 = getPP ( p , 4 , pp , 3 ) ;
let p5 = getPP ( p , 5 , pp , 4 ) ;
let p6 = getPP ( p , 6 , pp , 5 ) ;
for ( let item of items ) {
// console.log(p[1]);
let items2 = _pdfa ( item , p1 ) ;
// console.log(items2.length);
for ( let item2 of items2 ) {
try {
let title = _pdfh ( item2 , p2 ) ;
let img = '' ;
try {
img = _pd ( item2 , p3 ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
let desc = '' ;
try {
desc = _pdfh ( item2 , p4 ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
let links = [ ] ;
for ( let _p5 of p5 . split ( '+' ) ) {
let link = ! homeVodObj . detailUrl ? _pd ( item2 , _p5 , MY _URL ) : _pdfh ( item2 , _p5 ) ;
links . push ( link ) ;
let content ;
if ( p . length > 6 && p [ 6 ] ) {
content = _pdfh ( item2 , p6 ) ;
} else {
content = '' ;
let vid = links . join ( '$' ) ;
if ( rule . 二级 === '*' ) {
vid = vid + '@@' + title + '@@' + img ;
let vod = {
vod _name : title ,
vod _pic : img ,
vod _remarks : desc ,
vod _content : content ,
vod _id : vid
} ;
// print(vod);
d . push ( vod ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( '首页列表双层定位处理发生错误:' + e . message ) ;
} else {
let items = _pdfa ( html , p0 ) ;
let p1 = getPP ( p , 1 , pp , 1 ) ;
let p2 = getPP ( p , 2 , pp , 2 ) ;
let p3 = getPP ( p , 3 , pp , 3 ) ;
let p4 = getPP ( p , 4 , pp , 4 ) ;
let p5 = getPP ( p , 5 , pp , 5 ) ;
for ( let item of items ) {
try {
let title = _pdfh ( item , p1 ) ;
let img = '' ;
try {
img = _pd ( item , p2 , MY _URL ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
let desc = '' ;
try {
desc = _pdfh ( item , p3 ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
let links = [ ] ;
for ( let _p5 of p4 . split ( '+' ) ) {
let link = ! homeVodObj . detailUrl ? _pd ( item , _p5 , MY _URL ) : _pdfh ( item , _p5 ) ;
links . push ( link ) ;
let content ;
if ( p . length > 5 && p [ 5 ] ) {
content = _pdfh ( item , p5 ) ;
} else {
content = ''
let vid = links . join ( '$' ) ;
if ( rule . 二级 === '*' ) {
vid = vid + '@@' + title + '@@' + img ;
let vod = {
vod _name : title ,
vod _pic : img ,
vod _remarks : desc ,
vod _content : content ,
vod _id : vid
} ;
d . push ( vod ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( '首页列表单层定位处理发生错误:' + e . message ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
let t2 = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
console . log ( '加载首页推荐耗时:' + ( t2 - t1 ) + '毫秒' ) ;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(d));
if ( rule . 图片来源 ) {
d . forEach ( it => {
if ( it . vod _pic && it . vod _pic . startsWith ( 'http' ) ) {
it . vod _pic = it . vod _pic + rule . 图片来源 ;
} ) ;
if ( d . length > 0 ) {
print ( d . slice ( 0 , 2 ) ) ;
return JSON . stringify ( {
list : d
} )
/ * *
* 一级分类页数据解析
* @ param cateObj
* @ returns { string }
* /
function categoryParse ( cateObj ) {
fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
let p = cateObj . 一级 ;
if ( ! p || typeof ( p ) !== 'string' ) {
return '{}'
let d = [ ] ;
// let url = cateObj.url.replaceAll('fyclass', cateObj.tid).replaceAll('fypage', cateObj.pg);
let url = cateObj . url . replaceAll ( 'fyclass' , cateObj . tid ) ;
if ( cateObj . pg === 1 && url . includes ( '[' ) && url . includes ( ']' ) ) {
url = url . split ( '[' ) [ 1 ] . split ( ']' ) [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( cateObj . pg > 1 && url . includes ( '[' ) && url . includes ( ']' ) ) {
url = url . split ( '[' ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( rule . filter _url ) {
if ( ! /fyfilter/ . test ( url ) ) {
if ( ! url . endsWith ( '&' ) && ! rule . filter _url . startsWith ( '&' ) ) {
url += '&'
url += rule . filter _url ;
} else {
url = url . replace ( 'fyfilter' , rule . filter _url ) ;
// console.log('filter:'+cateObj.filter);
let fl = cateObj . filter ? cateObj . extend : { } ;
// 自动合并 不同分类对应的默认筛选
if ( rule . filter _def && typeof ( rule . filter _def ) === 'object' ) {
try {
if ( Object . keys ( rule . filter _def ) . length > 0 && rule . filter _def . hasOwnProperty ( cateObj . tid ) ) {
let self _fl _def = rule . filter _def [ cateObj . tid ] ;
if ( self _fl _def && typeof ( self _fl _def ) === 'object' ) {
// 引用传递转值传递,避免污染self变量
let fl _def = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( self _fl _def ) ) ;
fl = Object . assign ( fl _def , fl ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
print ( '合并不同分类对应的默认筛选出错:' + e . message ) ;
let new _url ;
new _url = cheerio . jinja2 ( url , { fl : fl } ) ;
// console.log('jinjia2执行后的new_url类型为:'+typeof(new_url));
url = new _url ;
if ( /fypage/ . test ( url ) ) {
if ( url . includes ( '(' ) && url . includes ( ')' ) ) {
let url _rep = url . match ( /.*?\((.*)\)/ ) [ 1 ] ;
// console.log(url_rep);
let cnt _page = url _rep . replaceAll ( 'fypage' , cateObj . pg ) ;
// console.log(cnt_page);
let cnt _pg = eval ( cnt _page ) ;
// console.log(cnt_pg);
url = url . replaceAll ( url _rep , cnt _pg ) . replaceAll ( '(' , '' ) . replaceAll ( ')' , '' ) ;
} else {
url = url . replaceAll ( 'fypage' , cateObj . pg ) ;
MY _URL = url ;
// setItem('MY_URL',MY_URL);
console . log ( MY _URL ) ;
p = p . trim ( ) ;
const MY _CATE = cateObj . tid ;
if ( p . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ) {
var MY _FL = cateObj . extend ;
const TYPE = 'cate' ;
var input = MY _URL ;
const MY _PAGE = cateObj . pg ;
var desc = '' ;
eval ( p . trim ( ) . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ) ;
d = VODS ;
} else {
p = p . split ( ';' ) ;
if ( p . length < 5 ) {
return '{}'
let _ps = parseTags . getParse ( p [ 0 ] ) ;
_pdfa = _ps . pdfa ;
_pdfh = _ps . pdfh ;
_pd = _ps . pd ;
let is _json = p [ 0 ] . startsWith ( 'json:' ) ;
p [ 0 ] = p [ 0 ] . replace ( /^(jsp:|json:|jq:)/ , '' ) ;
try {
let html = getHtml ( MY _URL ) ;
if ( html ) {
if ( is _json ) {
html = dealJson ( html ) ;
let list = _pdfa ( html , p [ 0 ] ) ;
list . forEach ( it => {
let links = p [ 4 ] . split ( '+' ) . map ( p4 => {
return ! rule . detailUrl ? _pd ( it , p4 , MY _URL ) : _pdfh ( it , p4 ) ;
} ) ;
let link = links . join ( '$' ) ;
let vod _id = rule . detailUrl ? MY _CATE + '$' + link : link ;
let vod _name = _pdfh ( it , p [ 1 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) ;
let vod _pic = _pd ( it , p [ 2 ] , MY _URL ) ;
if ( rule . 二级 === '*' ) {
vod _id = vod _id + '@@' + vod _name + '@@' + vod _pic ;
d . push ( {
'vod_id' : vod _id ,
'vod_name' : vod _name ,
'vod_pic' : vod _pic ,
'vod_remarks' : _pdfh ( it , p [ 3 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( e . message ) ;
if ( rule . 图片来源 ) {
d . forEach ( it => {
if ( it . vod _pic && it . vod _pic . startsWith ( 'http' ) ) {
it . vod _pic = it . vod _pic + rule . 图片来源 ;
} ) ;
// print(d);
if ( d . length > 0 ) {
print ( d . slice ( 0 , 2 ) ) ;
let pagecount = 0 ;
if ( rule . pagecount && typeof ( rule . pagecount ) === 'object' && rule . pagecount . hasOwnProperty ( MY _CATE ) ) {
print ( ` MY_CATE: ${ MY _CATE } ,pagecount: ${ JSON . stringify ( rule . pagecount ) } ` ) ;
pagecount = parseInt ( rule . pagecount [ MY _CATE ] ) ;
let nodata = {
2023-04-24 13:39:13 +08:00
list : [ { vod _name : '无数据,防无限请求' , vod _id : 'no_data' , vod _remarks : '不要点,会崩的' , vod _pic : 'https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/404.jpg' } ] ,
2023-04-20 19:05:14 +08:00
total : 1 , pagecount : 1 , page : 1 , limit : 1
} ;
let vod = d . length < 1 ? JSON . stringify ( nodata ) : JSON . stringify ( {
'page' : parseInt ( cateObj . pg ) ,
'pagecount' : pagecount || 999 ,
'limit' : 20 ,
'total' : 999 ,
'list' : d ,
} ) ;
// print(vod);
return vod
/ * *
* 搜索列表数据解析
* @ param searchObj
* @ returns { string }
* /
function searchParse ( searchObj ) {
fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
let d = [ ] ;
if ( ! searchObj . searchUrl ) {
return '{}'
let p = searchObj . 搜索 === '*' && rule . 一级 ? rule . 一级 : searchObj . 搜索 ;
if ( ! p || typeof ( p ) !== 'string' ) {
return '{}'
p = p . trim ( ) ;
let pp = rule . 一级 . split ( ';' ) ;
let url = searchObj . searchUrl . replaceAll ( '**' , searchObj . wd ) . replaceAll ( 'fypage' , searchObj . pg ) ;
MY _URL = url ;
console . log ( MY _URL ) ;
// log(searchObj.搜索);
// setItem('MY_URL',MY_URL);
if ( p . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ) {
const TYPE = 'search' ;
const MY _PAGE = searchObj . pg ;
const KEY = searchObj . wd ;
var input = MY _URL ;
var detailUrl = rule . detailUrl || '' ;
eval ( p . trim ( ) . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ) ;
d = VODS ;
} else {
p = p . split ( ';' ) ;
if ( p . length < 5 ) {
return '{}'
let p0 = getPP ( p , 0 , pp , 0 ) ;
let _ps = parseTags . getParse ( p0 ) ;
_pdfa = _ps . pdfa ;
_pdfh = _ps . pdfh ;
_pd = _ps . pd ;
let is _json = p0 . startsWith ( 'json:' ) ;
p0 = p0 . replace ( /^(jsp:|json:|jq:)/ , '' ) ;
// print('1381 p0:'+p0);
try {
let req _method = MY _URL . split ( ';' ) . length > 1 ? MY _URL . split ( ';' ) [ 1 ] . toLowerCase ( ) : 'get' ;
let html ;
if ( req _method === 'post' ) {
let rurls = MY _URL . split ( ';' ) [ 0 ] . split ( '#' )
let rurl = rurls [ 0 ]
let params = rurls . length > 1 ? rurls [ 1 ] : '' ;
print ( ` post=》rurl: ${ rurl } ,params: ${ params } ` ) ;
// let new_dict = {};
// let new_tmp = params.split('&');
// new_tmp.forEach(i=>{
// new_dict[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1];
// });
// html = post(rurl,{body:new_dict});
let _fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
let postData = { body : params } ;
Object . assign ( _fetch _params , postData ) ;
html = post ( rurl , _fetch _params ) ;
} else if ( req _method === 'postjson' ) {
let rurls = MY _URL . split ( ';' ) [ 0 ] . split ( '#' )
let rurl = rurls [ 0 ]
let params = rurls . length > 1 ? rurls [ 1 ] : '' ;
print ( ` postjson-》rurl: ${ rurl } ,params: ${ params } ` ) ;
try {
params = JSON . parse ( params ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
params = '{}'
let _fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
let postData = { body : params } ;
Object . assign ( _fetch _params , postData ) ;
html = post ( rurl , _fetch _params ) ;
} else {
html = getHtml ( MY _URL ) ;
if ( html ) {
if ( /系统安全验证|输入验证码/ . test ( html ) ) {
let cookie = verifyCode ( MY _URL ) ;
if ( cookie ) {
console . log ( ` 本次成功过验证,cookie: ${ cookie } ` ) ;
setItem ( RULE _CK , cookie ) ;
} else {
console . log ( ` 本次自动过搜索验证失败,cookie: ${ cookie } ` ) ;
// obj.headers['Cookie'] = cookie;
html = getHtml ( MY _URL ) ;
if ( ! html . includes ( searchObj . wd ) ) {
console . log ( '搜索结果源码未包含关键字,疑似搜索失败,正为您打印结果源码' ) ;
console . log ( html ) ;
if ( is _json ) {
// console.log(html);
html = dealJson ( html ) ;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(html));
// console.log(html);
let list = _pdfa ( html , p0 ) ;
// print(list.length);
// print(list);
let p1 = getPP ( p , 1 , pp , 1 ) ;
let p2 = getPP ( p , 2 , pp , 2 ) ;
let p3 = getPP ( p , 3 , pp , 3 ) ;
let p4 = getPP ( p , 4 , pp , 4 ) ;
let p5 = getPP ( p , 5 , pp , 5 ) ;
list . forEach ( it => {
let links = p4 . split ( '+' ) . map ( _p4 => {
return ! rule . detailUrl ? _pd ( it , _p4 , MY _URL ) : _pdfh ( it , _p4 )
} ) ;
let link = links . join ( '$' ) ;
let content ;
if ( p . length > 5 && p [ 5 ] ) {
content = _pdfh ( it , p5 ) ;
} else {
content = '' ;
let vod _id = link ;
let vod _name = _pdfh ( it , p1 ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) ;
let vod _pic = _pd ( it , p2 , MY _URL ) ;
if ( rule . 二级 === '*' ) {
vod _id = vod _id + '@@' + vod _name + '@@' + vod _pic ;
let ob = {
'vod_id' : vod _id ,
'vod_name' : vod _name ,
'vod_pic' : vod _pic ,
'vod_remarks' : _pdfh ( it , p3 ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) ,
'vod_content' : content . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) ,
} ;
d . push ( ob ) ;
} ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
print ( '搜索发生错误:' + e . message ) ;
return '{}'
if ( rule . 图片来源 ) {
d . forEach ( it => {
if ( it . vod _pic && it . vod _pic . startsWith ( 'http' ) ) {
it . vod _pic = it . vod _pic + rule . 图片来源 ;
} ) ;
// print(d);
return JSON . stringify ( {
'page' : parseInt ( searchObj . pg ) ,
'pagecount' : 10 ,
'limit' : 20 ,
'total' : 100 ,
'list' : d ,
} ) ;
/ * *
* 二级详情页数据解析
* @ param detailObj
* @ returns { string }
* /
function detailParse ( detailObj ) {
let t1 = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
let orId = detailObj . orId ;
let vod _name = '片名' ;
let vod _pic = '' ;
let vod _id = orId ;
if ( rule . 二级 === '*' ) {
// vod_id = orId.split('@@')[0]; // 千万不能分割
let extra = orId . split ( '@@' ) ;
vod _name = extra . length > 1 ? extra [ 1 ] : vod _name ;
vod _pic = extra . length > 2 ? extra [ 2 ] : vod _pic ;
// print(vod_pic);
let vod = {
vod _id : vod _id , //"id",
vod _name : vod _name ,
vod _pic : vod _pic ,
type _name : "类型" ,
vod _year : "年份" ,
vod _area : "地区" ,
vod _remarks : "更新信息" ,
vod _actor : "主演" ,
vod _director : "导演" ,
vod _content : "简介"
} ;
let p = detailObj . 二级 ;
let url = detailObj . url ;
let detailUrl = detailObj . detailUrl ;
let fyclass = detailObj . fyclass ;
let tab _exclude = detailObj . tab _exclude ;
let html = detailObj . html || '' ;
MY _URL = url ;
if ( detailObj . 二级访问前 ) {
try {
print ( ` 尝试在二级访问前执行代码: ${ detailObj . 二级访问前 } ` ) ;
eval ( detailObj . 二级访问前 . trim ( ) . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
print ( ` 二级访问前执行代码出现错误: ${ e . message } ` )
// console.log(MY_URL);
// setItem('MY_URL',MY_URL);
if ( p === '*' ) {
vod . vod _play _from = '道长在线' ;
vod . vod _remarks = detailUrl ;
vod . vod _actor = '没有二级,只有一级链接直接嗅探播放' ;
vod . vod _content = MY _URL ;
vod . vod _play _url = '嗅探播放$' + MY _URL . split ( '@@' ) [ 0 ] ;
} else if ( typeof ( p ) === 'string' && p . trim ( ) . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ) {
const TYPE = 'detail' ;
var input = MY _URL ;
var play _url = '' ;
eval ( p . trim ( ) . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ) ;
vod = VOD ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( vod ) ) ;
} else if ( p && typeof ( p ) === 'object' ) {
let tt1 = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
if ( ! html ) {
html = getHtml ( MY _URL ) ;
print ( ` 二级 ${ MY _URL } 仅获取源码耗时: ${ ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) - tt1 } 毫秒 ` ) ;
let _ps ;
if ( p . is _json ) {
print ( '二级是json' ) ;
_ps = parseTags . json ;
html = dealJson ( html ) ;
} else if ( p . is _jsp ) {
print ( '二级是jsp' ) ;
_ps = parseTags . jsp ;
} else if ( p . is _jq ) {
print ( '二级是jq' ) ;
_ps = parseTags . jq ;
} else {
print ( '二级默认jq' ) ;
_ps = parseTags . jq ;
// print('二级默认jsp');
// _ps = parseTags.jsp;
let tt2 = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
print ( ` 二级 ${ MY _URL } 获取并装载源码耗时: ${ tt2 - tt1 } 毫秒 ` ) ;
_pdfa = _ps . pdfa ;
_pdfh = _ps . pdfh ;
_pd = _ps . pd ;
if ( p . title ) {
let p1 = p . title . split ( ';' ) ;
vod . vod _name = _pdfh ( html , p1 [ 0 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) ;
let type _name = p1 . length > 1 ? _pdfh ( html , p1 [ 1 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . replace ( / /g , '' ) . trim ( ) : '' ;
vod . type _name = type _name || vod . type _name ;
if ( p . desc ) {
try {
let p1 = p . desc . split ( ';' ) ;
vod . vod _remarks = _pdfh ( html , p1 [ 0 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) ;
vod . vod _year = p1 . length > 1 ? _pdfh ( html , p1 [ 1 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) : '' ;
vod . vod _area = p1 . length > 2 ? _pdfh ( html , p1 [ 2 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) : '' ;
// vod.vod_actor = p1.length > 3 ? _pdfh(html, p1[3]).replaceAll('\n', ' ').trim():'';
vod . vod _actor = p1 . length > 3 ? _pdfh ( html , p1 [ 3 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) : '' ;
vod . vod _director = p1 . length > 4 ? _pdfh ( html , p1 [ 4 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) : '' ;
catch ( e ) {
if ( p . content ) {
try {
let p1 = p . content . split ( ';' ) ;
vod . vod _content = _pdfh ( html , p1 [ 0 ] ) . replace ( /\n|\t/g , '' ) . trim ( ) ;
catch ( e ) { }
if ( p . img ) {
try {
let p1 = p . img . split ( ';' ) ;
vod . vod _pic = _pd ( html , p1 [ 0 ] , MY _URL ) ;
catch ( e ) { }
let vod _play _from = '$$$' ;
let playFrom = [ ] ;
if ( p . 重定向 && p . 重定向 . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ) {
print ( '开始执行重定向代码:' + p . 重定向 ) ;
html = eval ( p . 重定向 . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ) ;
// console.log(2);
if ( p . tabs ) {
if ( p . tabs . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ) {
print ( '开始执行tabs代码:' + p . tabs ) ;
var input = MY _URL ;
eval ( p . tabs . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ) ;
playFrom = TABS ;
} else {
let p _tab = p . tabs . split ( ';' ) [ 0 ] ;
// console.log(p_tab);
let vHeader = _pdfa ( html , p _tab ) ;
console . log ( vHeader . length ) ;
let tab _text = p . tab _text || 'body&&Text' ;
// print('tab_text:'+tab_text);
let new _map = { } ;
for ( let v of vHeader ) {
let v _title = _pdfh ( v , tab _text ) . trim ( ) ;
console . log ( v _title ) ;
if ( tab _exclude && ( new RegExp ( tab _exclude ) ) . test ( v _title ) ) {
continue ;
if ( ! new _map . hasOwnProperty ( v _title ) ) {
new _map [ v _title ] = 1 ;
} else {
new _map [ v _title ] += 1 ;
if ( new _map [ v _title ] > 1 ) {
v _title += Number ( new _map [ v _title ] - 1 ) ;
playFrom . push ( v _title ) ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( playFrom ) ) ;
} else {
playFrom = [ '道长在线' ]
vod . vod _play _from = playFrom . join ( vod _play _from ) ;
// console.log(3);
let vod _play _url = '$$$' ;
let vod _tab _list = [ ] ;
if ( p . lists ) {
if ( p . lists . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ) {
print ( '开始执行lists代码:' + p . lists ) ;
try {
var input = MY _URL ;
var play _url = '' ;
eval ( p . lists . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) ) ;
for ( let i in LISTS ) {
if ( LISTS . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
// print(i);
try {
LISTS [ i ] = LISTS [ i ] . map ( it => it . split ( '$' ) . slice ( 0 , 2 ) . join ( '$' ) ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
print ( '格式化LISTS发生错误:' + e . message ) ;
vod _play _url = LISTS . map ( it => it . join ( '#' ) ) . join ( vod _play _url ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
print ( 'js执行lists: 发生错误:' + e . message ) ;
} else {
let list _text = p . list _text || 'body&&Text' ;
let list _url = p . list _url || 'a&&href' ;
// print('list_text:'+list_text);
// print('list_url:'+list_url);
// print('list_parse:'+p.lists);
let is _tab _js = p . tabs . trim ( ) . startsWith ( 'js:' ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < playFrom . length ; i ++ ) {
let tab _name = playFrom [ i ] ;
let tab _ext = p . tabs . split ( ';' ) . length > 1 && ! is _tab _js ? p . tabs . split ( ';' ) [ 1 ] : '' ;
let p1 = p . lists . replaceAll ( '#idv' , tab _name ) . replaceAll ( '#id' , i ) ;
tab _ext = tab _ext . replaceAll ( '#idv' , tab _name ) . replaceAll ( '#id' , i ) ;
let tabName = tab _ext ? _pdfh ( html , tab _ext ) : tab _name ;
console . log ( tabName ) ;
// print('tab_ext:'+tab_ext);
let new _vod _list = [ ] ;
let tt1 = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
// print('pdfl:'+typeof (pdfl));
if ( typeof ( pdfl ) === 'function' ) {
new _vod _list = pdfl ( html , p1 , list _text , list _url , MY _URL ) ;
} else {
let vodList = [ ] ;
try {
vodList = _pdfa ( html , p1 ) ;
console . log ( 'len(vodList):' + vodList . length ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// console.log(e.message);
for ( let i = 0 ; i < vodList . length ; i ++ ) {
let it = vodList [ i ] ;
new _vod _list . push ( _pdfh ( it , list _text ) . trim ( ) + '$' + _pd ( it , list _url , MY _URL ) ) ;
if ( new _vod _list . length > 0 ) {
new _vod _list = forceOrder ( new _vod _list , '' , x => x . split ( '$' ) [ 0 ] ) ;
console . log ( ` drpy影响性能代码共计列表数循环次数: ${ new _vod _list . length } ,耗时: ${ ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) - tt1 } 毫秒 ` ) ;
// print(new_vod_list);
let vlist = new _vod _list . join ( '#' ) ;
vod _tab _list . push ( vlist ) ;
vod _play _url = vod _tab _list . join ( vod _play _url ) ;
vod . vod _play _url = vod _play _url ;
if ( rule . 图片来源 && vod . vod _pic && vod . vod _pic . startsWith ( 'http' ) ) {
vod . vod _pic = vod . vod _pic + rule . 图片来源 ;
if ( ! vod . vod _id || ( vod _id . includes ( '$' ) && vod . vod _id !== vod _id ) ) {
vod . vod _id = vod _id ;
let t2 = ( new Date ( ) ) . getTime ( ) ;
console . log ( ` 加载二级界面 ${ MY _URL } 耗时: ${ t2 - t1 } 毫秒 ` ) ;
// print(vod);
return JSON . stringify ( {
list : [ vod ]
} )
/ * *
* 判断是否需要解析
* @ param url
* @ returns { number | number }
* /
function tellIsJx ( url ) {
try {
let is _vip = ! /\.(m3u8|mp4|m4a)$/ . test ( url . split ( '?' ) [ 0 ] ) && 是否正版 ( url ) ;
return is _vip ? 1 : 0
} catch ( e ) {
return 1
/ * *
* 选集播放点击事件解析
* @ param playObj
* @ returns { string }
* /
function playParse ( playObj ) {
fetch _params = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( rule _fetch _params ) ) ;
MY _URL = playObj . url ;
if ( ! /http/ . test ( MY _URL ) ) {
try {
MY _URL = base64Decode ( MY _URL ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
MY _URL = decodeURIComponent ( MY _URL ) ;
var input = MY _URL ; //注入给免嗅js
let common _play = {
parse : 1 ,
url : input ,
// url:urlencode(input),
jx : tellIsJx ( input )
} ;
let lazy _play ;
if ( ! rule . play _parse || ! rule . lazy ) {
lazy _play = common _play ;
} else if ( rule . play _parse && rule . lazy && typeof ( rule . lazy ) === 'string' ) {
try {
let lazy _code = rule . lazy . replace ( 'js:' , '' ) . trim ( ) ;
print ( '开始执行js免嗅=>' + lazy _code ) ;
eval ( lazy _code ) ;
lazy _play = typeof ( input ) === 'object' ? input : {
parse : 1 ,
jx : tellIsJx ( input ) ,
url : input
} ;
} catch ( e ) {
print ( 'js免嗅错误:' + e . message ) ;
lazy _play = common _play ;
} else {
lazy _play = common _play ;
// print('play_json:'+typeof(rule.play_json));
// console.log(Array.isArray(rule.play_json));
if ( Array . isArray ( rule . play _json ) && rule . play _json . length > 0 ) { // 数组情况判断长度大于0
let web _url = lazy _play . url ;
for ( let pjson of rule . play _json ) {
if ( pjson . re && ( pjson . re === '*' || web _url . match ( new RegExp ( pjson . re ) ) ) ) {
if ( pjson . json && typeof ( pjson . json ) === 'object' ) {
let base _json = pjson . json ;
// print('开始合并:');
// print(base_json);
lazy _play = Object . assign ( lazy _play , base _json ) ;
break ;
} else if ( rule . play _json && ! Array . isArray ( rule . play _json ) ) { // 其他情况 非[] 判断true/false
let base _json = {
jx : 1 ,
parse : 1 ,
} ;
lazy _play = Object . assign ( lazy _play , base _json ) ;
} else if ( ! rule . play _json ) { // 不解析传0
let base _json = {
jx : 0 ,
parse : 1 ,
} ;
lazy _play = Object . assign ( lazy _play , base _json ) ;
console . log ( JSON . stringify ( lazy _play ) ) ;
return JSON . stringify ( lazy _play ) ;
/ * *
* js源预处理特定返回对象中的函数
* @ param ext
* /
function init ( ext ) {
console . log ( 'init' ) ;
try {
// make shared jsContext happy muban不能import,不然会造成换源继承后变量被篡改
// if (typeof (globalThis.mubanJs) === 'undefined') {
2023-04-24 13:39:13 +08:00
// let mubanJs = request('https://ghproxy.net/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hjdhnx/dr_py/main/js/模板.js', { 'User-Agent': MOBILE_UA });
2023-04-20 19:05:14 +08:00
// mubanJs = mubanJs.replace('export default', '(function() {return muban;}()) // export default');
// // console.log(mubanJs);
// globalThis.mubanJs = mubanJs;
// }
// let muban = eval(globalThis.mubanJs);
let muban = 模板 . getMubans ( ) ;
// print(typeof (muban));
// print(muban);
if ( typeof ext == 'object' ) {
rule = ext ;
} else if ( typeof ext == 'string' ) {
if ( ext . startsWith ( 'http' ) ) {
let js = request ( ext , { 'method' : 'GET' } ) ;
if ( js ) {
eval ( js . replace ( 'var rule' , 'rule' ) ) ;
} else {
eval ( ext . replace ( 'var rule' , 'rule' ) ) ;
if ( rule . 模板 && muban . hasOwnProperty ( rule . 模板 ) ) {
print ( '继承模板:' + rule . 模板 ) ;
rule = Object . assign ( muban [ rule . 模板 ] , rule ) ;
/** 处理一下 rule规则关键字段没传递的情况 **/
let rule _cate _excludes = ( rule . cate _exclude || '' ) . split ( '|' ) . filter ( it => it . trim ( ) ) ;
let rule _tab _excludes = ( rule . tab _exclude || '' ) . split ( '|' ) . filter ( it => it . trim ( ) ) ;
rule _cate _excludes = rule _cate _excludes . concat ( CATE _EXCLUDE . split ( '|' ) . filter ( it => it . trim ( ) ) ) ;
rule _tab _excludes = rule _tab _excludes . concat ( TAB _EXCLUDE . split ( '|' ) . filter ( it => it . trim ( ) ) ) ;
rule . cate _exclude = rule _cate _excludes . join ( '|' ) ;
rule . tab _exclude = rule _tab _excludes . join ( '|' ) ;
rule . host = ( rule . host || '' ) . rstrip ( '/' ) ;
rule . url = rule . url || '' ;
rule . double = rule . double || false ;
rule . homeUrl = rule . homeUrl || '' ;
rule . detailUrl = rule . detailUrl || '' ;
rule . searchUrl = rule . searchUrl || '' ;
rule . homeUrl = rule . host && rule . homeUrl ? urljoin ( rule . host , rule . homeUrl ) : ( rule . homeUrl || rule . host ) ;
rule . detailUrl = rule . host && rule . detailUrl ? urljoin ( rule . host , rule . detailUrl ) : rule . detailUrl ;
rule . 二级访问前 = rule . 二级访问前 || '' ;
if ( rule . url . includes ( '[' ) && rule . url . includes ( ']' ) ) {
let u1 = rule . url . split ( '[' ) [ 0 ]
let u2 = rule . url . split ( '[' ) [ 1 ] . split ( ']' ) [ 0 ]
rule . url = rule . host && rule . url ? urljoin ( rule . host , u1 ) + '[' + urljoin ( rule . host , u2 ) + ']' : rule . url ;
} else {
rule . url = rule . host && rule . url ? urljoin ( rule . host , rule . url ) : rule . url ;
rule . searchUrl = rule . host && rule . searchUrl ? urljoin ( rule . host , rule . searchUrl ) : rule . searchUrl ;
rule . timeout = rule . timeout || 5000 ;
rule . encoding = rule . 编码 || rule . encoding || 'utf-8' ;
rule . search _encoding = rule . 搜索编码 || rule . search _encoding || '' ;
rule . 图片来源 = rule . 图片来源 || '' ;
rule . play _json = rule . hasOwnProperty ( 'play_json' ) ? rule . play _json : [ ] ;
rule . pagecount = rule . hasOwnProperty ( 'pagecount' ) ? rule . pagecount : { } ;
if ( rule . headers && typeof ( rule . headers ) === 'object' ) {
try {
let header _keys = Object . keys ( rule . headers ) ;
for ( let k of header _keys ) {
if ( k . toLowerCase ( ) === 'user-agent' ) {
let v = rule . headers [ k ] ;
console . log ( v ) ;
if ( [ 'MOBILE_UA' , 'PC_UA' , 'UC_UA' , 'IOS_UA' , 'UA' ] . includes ( v ) ) {
rule . headers [ k ] = eval ( v ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( '处理headers发生错误:' + e . message ) ;
// print(rule.headers);
rule _fetch _params = { 'headers' : rule . headers || false , 'timeout' : rule . timeout , 'encoding' : rule . encoding } ;
oheaders = rule . headers || { } ;
RKEY = typeof ( key ) !== 'undefined' && key ? key : 'drpy_' + ( rule . title || rule . host ) ;
pre ( ) ; // 预处理
init _test ( ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
console . log ( 'init_test发生错误:' + e . message ) ;
let homeHtmlCache = undefined ;
/ * *
* js源获取首页分类和筛选特定返回对象中的函数
* @ param filter 筛选条件字典对象
* @ returns { string }
* /
function home ( filter ) {
console . log ( "home" ) ;
let homeObj = {
filter : rule . filter || false ,
MY _URL : rule . homeUrl ,
class _name : rule . class _name || '' ,
class _url : rule . class _url || '' ,
class _parse : rule . class _parse || '' ,
cate _exclude : rule . cate _exclude ,
} ;
return homeParse ( homeObj ) ;
/ * *
* js源获取首页推荐数据列表特定返回对象中的函数
* @ param params
* @ returns { string }
* /
function homeVod ( params ) {
console . log ( "homeVod" ) ;
let homeVodObj = {
推荐 : rule . 推荐 ,
double : rule . double ,
homeUrl : rule . homeUrl ,
detailUrl : rule . detailUrl
} ;
return homeVodParse ( homeVodObj )
// return "{}";
/ * *
* js源获取分类页一级数据列表特定返回对象中的函数
* @ param tid 分类id
* @ param pg 页数
* @ param filter 当前选中的筛选条件
* @ param extend 扩展
* @ returns { string }
* /
function category ( tid , pg , filter , extend ) {
let cateObj = {
url : rule . url ,
一级 : rule . 一级 ,
tid : tid ,
pg : parseInt ( pg ) ,
filter : filter ,
extend : extend
} ;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(extend));
return categoryParse ( cateObj )
/ * *
* js源获取二级详情页数据特定返回对象中的函数
* @ param vod _url 一级列表中的vod _id或者是带分类的自拼接 vod _id 如 fyclass$vod _id
* @ returns { string }
* /
function detail ( vod _url ) {
let orId = vod _url ;
let fyclass = '' ;
log ( 'orId:' + orId ) ;
if ( vod _url . indexOf ( '$' ) > - 1 ) {
let tmp = vod _url . split ( '$' ) ;
fyclass = tmp [ 0 ] ;
vod _url = tmp [ 1 ] ;
let detailUrl = vod _url . split ( '@@' ) [ 0 ] ;
let url ;
if ( ! detailUrl . startsWith ( 'http' ) && ! detailUrl . includes ( '/' ) ) {
url = rule . detailUrl . replaceAll ( 'fyid' , detailUrl ) . replaceAll ( 'fyclass' , fyclass ) ;
} else if ( detailUrl . includes ( '/' ) ) {
url = urljoin ( rule . homeUrl , detailUrl ) ;
} else {
url = detailUrl
let detailObj = {
orId : orId ,
url : url ,
二级 : rule . 二级 ,
二级访问前 : rule . 二级访问前 ,
detailUrl : detailUrl ,
fyclass : fyclass ,
tab _exclude : rule . tab _exclude ,
return detailParse ( detailObj )
/ * *
* js源选集按钮播放点击事件特定返回对象中的函数
* @ param flag 线路名
* @ param id 播放按钮的链接
* @ param flags 全局配置的flags是否需要解析的标识列表
* @ returns { string }
* /
function play ( flag , id , flags ) {
let playObj = {
url : id ,
flag : flag ,
flags : flags
return playParse ( playObj ) ;
/ * *
* js源搜索返回的数据列表特定返回对象中的函数
* @ param wd 搜索关键字
* @ param quick 是否来自快速搜索
* @ returns { string }
* /
function search ( wd , quick ) {
if ( rule . search _encoding ) {
if ( rule . search _encoding . toLowerCase ( ) !== 'utf-8' ) {
// 按搜索编码进行编码
wd = encodeStr ( wd , rule . search _encoding ) ;
} else if ( rule . encoding && rule . encoding . toLowerCase ( ) !== 'utf-8' ) {
// 按全局编码进行编码
wd = encodeStr ( wd , rule . encoding ) ;
let searchObj = {
searchUrl : rule . searchUrl ,
搜索 : rule . 搜索 ,
wd : wd ,
//pg: pg,
pg : 1 ,
quick : quick ,
} ;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(searchObj));
return searchParse ( searchObj )
function DRPY ( ) { //导出函数
return {
init : init ,
home : home ,
homeVod : homeVod ,
category : category ,
detail : detail ,
play : play ,
search : search ,
// 导出函数对象
export default {
init : init ,
home : home ,
homeVod : homeVod ,
category : category ,
detail : detail ,
play : play ,
search : search ,