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synced 2025-02-02 09:14:49 +08:00
331 lines
16 KiB
331 lines
16 KiB
import req from '../../util/req.js';
import pkg from 'lodash';
const { _ } = pkg;
import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js';
import { load } from 'cheerio';
import axios from 'axios';
import Crypto from 'crypto-js';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
let key = 'jiohub';
let url = 'https://jiohub.top';
let siteKey = '';
let siteType = 0;
const UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1';
const cookie = {};
async function request(reqUrl, referer, mth, data, hd) {
const headers = {
'User-Agent': UA,
Cookie: _.map(cookie, (value, key) => {
return `${key}=${value}`;
'Authorization' : null,
'Sec-Fetch-Dest' : 'empty',
'Sec-Fetch-Mode' : 'cors',
'Sec-Fetch-Site' : 'cross-site',
'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
if (referer) headers.referer = encodeURIComponent(referer);
let res = await req(reqUrl, {
method: mth || 'get',
headers: headers,
data: data,
postType: mth === 'post' ? 'form' : '',
return res.data;
// cfg = {skey: siteKey, ext: extend}
async function init(inReq, _outResp) {
// siteKey = cfg.skey;
// siteType = cfg.stype;
return {};
async function home(inReq, _outResp) {
return JSON.stringify({
'class': [{'type_id':'最新','type_name':'最新'},{'type_id':'电影','type_name':'电影'},{'type_id':'美剧','type_name':'美剧'},{'type_id':'韩剧','type_name':'韩剧'},{'type_id':'日剧','type_name':'日剧'},{'type_id':'动漫','type_name':'动漫'},{'type_id':'国产','type_name':'国产'}],
'filters': {
async function homeVod() {
return '{}';
// tid, pg, filter, extend
async function category(inReq, _outResp) {
const tid = inReq.body.id;
let pg = inReq.body.page;
const extend = inReq.body.filters;
if (pg <= 0) pg = 1;
let tag = extend['tag']?extend['tag']:'全部';
let year = extend['year']?extend['year']:'全部';
// const link = url + '/list/' + tid + "?page=" + pg + '&size=24';
const link = 'https://pan.syrme.top/v1/api/video/jojo/type/tag/year?type=' + tid + '&tag=' + tag + '&year=' + year + '&page=' + pg + '&size=24';
const res = await request(link, null, 'post', null);
// 换普通处理方法
let videos = [];
for (const vod of res.data) {
let a = {
vod_id: vod.ID,
vod_name: vod.title,
vod_pic: vod.image,
vod_remarks: vod.score,
return JSON.stringify({
page: pg,
pagecount: _.ceil(res.num / 24),
list: videos,
const $ = load(html);
const items = $('div.content-body > a');
let videos = _.map(items, (item) => {
const img = $(item).find('img:first')[0].attribs['src'];
const a = item.attribs['href'].match(/\/watch\/(.*)/)[1];
const n = ($(item).find('p.card-title')[0]).children[0].data;
let speed = ($(item).find('p.item-speed')[0]).children[0].data || '';
const score = ($(item).find('p.score')[0]).children[0].data || '';
if (speed == tid) speed = '';
return {
vod_id: a,
vod_name: n,
vod_pic: img,
vod_remarks: speed || score || '',
let total = 24;
const pag = $('ui-pagination');
if (pag.length > 0) {
try {
total = parseInt(pag[0].attribs['total']);
} catch (error) {
return JSON.stringify({
page: pg,
pagecount: _.ceil(total / 24),
list: videos,
function stripHtmlTag(src) {
return src
.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, '')
.replace(/&.{1,5};/g, '')
.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
async function detail(inReq, _outResp) {
const ids = !Array.isArray(inReq.body.id) ? [inReq.body.id] : inReq.body.id;
const videos = [];
for (const id of ids) {
// https://pan.syrme.top/v1/api/video/jojo/id?id=63901
const data = (await request('https://pan.syrme.top/v1/api/video/jojo/id?id=' + id, null, 'post', null)).data;
let vod = {
vod_name: data.title,
vod_pic: data.image,
type_name: data.video_type,
vod_year: data.year,
vod_remarks: data.score,
vod_content: data.content,
let playFroms = [];
let playUrls = [];
let nameUrls = [];
for (const play of data.url_content.split('\n')) {
let nameUrls = [];
for (const play of ) {
nameUrls.push(play.name + '$' + play['url'][0]);
vod.vod_play_from = playFroms.join('$$$');
vod.vod_play_url = playUrls.join('$$$');
return {
list: videos,
function playPid() {
var key = Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse('VSmJTRRE'+dayjs().format('YYYYMMDD'));
var iv = Crypto.enc.Hex.parse("00000000000000000000000000000000");
var pid = Crypto.AES.encrypt(dayjs().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm'), key, { iv: iv, padding: Crypto.pad.Pkcs7 });
pid = pid.toString().replace(/\+/g, '-');
return pid;
async function play(inReq, _outResp) {
const id = inReq.body.id;
return JSON.stringify({
parse: 0,
url: id, // + '?pid=' + playPid(),
header: {
'User-Agent': UA,
async function search(inReq, _outResp) {
const pg = inReq.body.page;
const wd = inReq.body.wd;
let page = pg || 1;
if (page == 0) page = 1;
const link = url + '/video/search?q=' + wd + "&page=" + page + '&size=18&pid=' + playPid();
const html = await request(link);
const $ = load(html);
const items = $('div.content-body > a');
let videos = _.map(items, (item) => {
const img = $(item).find('img:first')[0].attribs['src'];
const a = item.attribs['href'].match(/\/watch\/(.*)/)[1];
const n = ($(item).find('p.card-title')[0]).children[0].data;
let speed = ($(item).find('p.item-speed')[0]).children[0].data || '';
const score = ($(item).find('p.score')[0]).children[0].data || '';
if (speed == '电影') speed = '';
return {
vod_id: a,
vod_name: n,
vod_pic: img,
vod_remarks: speed || score || '',
let total = 18;
const pag = $('ui-pagination');
if (pag.length > 0) {
try {
total = parseInt(pag[0].attribs['total']);
} catch (error) {
return JSON.stringify({
page: page,
pagecount: _.ceil(total / 18),
list: videos,
async function test(inReq, outResp) {
try {
const printErr = function (json) {
if (json.statusCode && json.statusCode == 500) {
const prefix = inReq.server.prefix;
const dataResult = {};
let resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/init`);
dataResult.init = resp.json();
resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/home`);
dataResult.home = resp.json();
printErr("" + resp.json());
if (dataResult.home.class.length > 0) {
resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/category`).payload({
id: dataResult.home.class[0].type_id,
page: 1,
filter: true,
filters: {},
dataResult.category = resp.json();
if (dataResult.category.list.length > 0) {
resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/detail`).payload({
id: dataResult.category.list[0].vod_id, // dataResult.category.list.map((v) => v.vod_id),
dataResult.detail = resp.json();
if (dataResult.detail.list && dataResult.detail.list.length > 0) {
dataResult.play = [];
for (const vod of dataResult.detail.list) {
const flags = vod.vod_play_from.split('$$$');
const ids = vod.vod_play_url.split('$$$');
for (let j = 0; j < flags.length; j++) {
const flag = flags[j];
const urls = ids[j].split('#');
for (let i = 0; i < urls.length && i < 2; i++) {
resp = await inReq.server
flag: flag,
id: urls[i].split('$')[1],
resp = await inReq.server.inject().post(`${prefix}/search`).payload({
wd: '暴走',
page: 1,
dataResult.search = resp.json();
return dataResult;
} catch (err) {
return { err: err.message, tip: 'check debug console output' };
export default {
meta: {
key: 'jojo',
name: 'JOJO影视',
type: 3,
api: async (fastify) => {
fastify.post('/init', init);
fastify.post('/home', home);
fastify.post('/category', category);
fastify.post('/detail', detail);
fastify.post('/play', play);
fastify.post('/search', search);
fastify.get('/test', test);