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2023-07-28 23:28:03 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : quickjs_py交互.py
# Author: DaShenHan&道长-----先苦后甜,任凭晚风拂柳颜------
# Date : 2022/10/12
from quickjs import Context, Object as QuickJSObject
import json
from pprint import pp
from uuid import UUID
from datetime import date, datetime
# https://github.com/PetterS/quickjs/pull/82 py交互扩展
# print(QuickJSObject)
# QuickJSObject.set('a',1)
# print(Context.get_global())
# exit()
class JS:
interp = None
# Store global variables here. Reference from javascript by path
_globals = None
# Used for generating unique ids in Context namespace
_incr = 0
# I cache the values passed from python to js. Otherwise, we create new representation
# objects each time a value is referenced.
_cache = None
def __init__(self):
self.interp = Context()
self._globals = {}
self._cache = {}
# Install js proxy logic
self.interp.add_callable("proxy_get", self.proxy_get)
self.interp.add_callable("proxy_set", self.proxy_set)
var handler = {
get(target, property) {
rv = proxy_get(target.path, property)
if (typeof rv == 'string' && rv.substr(0, 5) == 'eval:') {
return eval(rv.substr(5));
return rv
set(target, property, value) {
return proxy_set(target.path, property, value)
var mk_proxy = function(path) {
return new Proxy({path: path}, handler);
def set(self, **kwargs):
for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
self.interp.set(k, v)
def __call__(self, s):
return self.interp.eval(s)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
def to_non_proxied(self, v):
# returns True/False and a value if the value can be represented
# by a Javascript type (not proxied)
if v in [None, True, False]:
return True, v
if type(v) in [QuickJSObject, str, int, float]:
return True, v
if type(v) in [UUID]:
return True, str(v)
return False, None
def to_eval_str(self, v, path=None):
# The value will be produced via eval if it is a string starting with eval:
# Cache results
if id(v) and id(v) in self._cache:
return self._cache[id(v)]
# If the value is a list, create a list of return values. Problem is
# that these have no path in the self._globals dict. They will have to
# be duplicated if they are objects.
# BUG here - every reference to the list, create another copy - need to cache
if type(v) == list:
rv = []
for v1 in v:
can_non_proxy, non_proxied = self.to_non_proxied(v1)
if can_non_proxy:
self._incr += 1
self.interp.set("_lv%s" % self._incr, v1)
rv.append("_lv%s" % self._incr)
rv = "[" + ",".join(rv) + "]"
self._cache[id(v)] = rv
return rv
if type(v) == date:
rv = "new Date(%s, %s, %s)" % (v.year, v.month - 1, v.day)
self._cache[id(v)] = rv
return rv
if type(v) == datetime:
rv = "new Date('%s')" % v.isoformat()
self._cache[id(v)] = rv
return rv
# this creates a function, which can never be garbage collected
if callable(v):
self._incr += 1
gname = "_fn%s" % self._incr
self.interp.add_callable(gname, v)
rv = "%s" % gname
self._cache[id(v)] = rv
return rv
# Anonymous variables are created by values inside lists
if path is None:
self._incr += 1
path = "_anon%s" % self._incr
self._globals[path] = v
# I need to do this for objects and try getattr
if type(v) == dict:
rv = "mk_proxy('%s')" % path
self._cache[id(v)] = rv
return rv
# Should be a user defined object to get here. Proxy it.
rv = "mk_proxy('%s')" % path
self._cache[id(v)] = rv
return rv
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Proxy Callback Points
def proxy_variable(self, **kwargs):
for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
self._globals[k] = v
self.interp.set(k, None)
js("""%s = mk_proxy("%s");""" % (k, k))
def eval_path(self, path):
parts = path.split(".")
root = self._globals
for part in parts:
root = root[part]
return root
def proxy_get(self, path, property):
# print(path, property)
root = self.eval_path(path)
rv = root.get(property, None)
# Object
rv = getattr(root, property)
# print(path, property, rv)
can_non_proxy, non_proxied = self.to_non_proxied(rv)
if can_non_proxy:
return rv
new_path = path + "." + property
estr = self.to_eval_str(rv, path=new_path)
# print("eval:" + estr)
return "eval:" + estr
def proxy_set(self, path, property, value):
# print(path, property, value)
root = self.eval_path(path)
root[property] = value
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Example access class attributes
class example:
a = "I am a"
a1 = 111
def fn(self, a='not set'):
print("fn() called, a = ", a)
# Example access dict
l = {
"a": 1,
"fn": lambda: "XXXX",
"p1": None,
"p2": {
"p3": "PPP333"
"p4": ["A", 4, None, example()],
"p5": example()
js = JS()
# Standard Variables
js.set(v1="Set via python")
print("v1 = ", js("v1"))
assert (js("v1") == "Set via python")
print("v2 = ", js("v2"))
assert (js("v2") is None)
# null
print("p1 = ", js("l.p1"))
assert (l['p1'] == js("l.p1"))
# Access dict values
print("l.a = ", js("l.a"))
assert (l['a'] == js("l.a"))
js("l.b = 4")
print("l.b = ", js("l.b"))
assert (l['b'] == 4)
print("fn() = ", js("l.fn()"))
# Undefined attribute
print("l.undef = ", js("l.undef"))
# Nested dict
print("l.p2.p3 = ", js("l.p2.p3"))
assert (l['p2']['p3'] == js("l.p2.p3"))
# Dict assigned from JS - Need to use .json() to unwrap in Python
js("l.c = {d: 4}")
print("l.c = ", js("l.c"))
print("l.c.d = ", js("l.c.d"))
print("l.c = ", l['c'].json())
# List
print("l.p4[1] =", js("l.p4[1]"))
assert (js("l.p4[1]") == l['p4'][1])
print("calling l.p4[3].fn('called')")
# THIS FAILS - p4 was copied and the original variable is never referenced.
print("l.p4 = ", l['p4'])
# Python Object accesss
print("l.p5 =", js("l.p5"))
print("l.p5.a1 =", js("l.p5.a1"))
assert (l['p5'].a1 == js("l.p5.a1"))
print("calling l.p5.fn(444)")
# Print the global variables - will see anonymous variables