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synced 2025-02-19 10:18:35 +08:00
161 lines
4.2 KiB
161 lines
4.2 KiB
import sys
from base.spider import Spider
import re
import math
class Spider(Spider):
def getName(self):
return "体育直播"
def init(self,extend=""):
def isVideoFormat(self,url):
def manualVideoCheck(self):
def homeContent(self,filter):
result = {}
cateManual = {
"全部": ""
classes = []
for k in cateManual:
'type_name': k,
'type_id': cateManual[k]
result['class'] = classes
if (filter):
result['filters'] = self.config['filter']
return result
def homeVideoContent(self):
result = {}
return result
def categoryContent(self,tid,pg,filter,extend):
result = {}
url = 'http://www.freezb.live/'
rsp = self.fetch(url)
html = self.html(rsp.text)
aList = html.xpath("//tr[@class='match_main']")
videos = []
img = 'https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/10/07/x3NPUO.png'
for a in aList:
urlList = a.xpath("./td[@class='update_data live_link']/a")
stat = a.xpath("./td[contains(@style, 'font-weight:bold')]/sapn/@title")[0]
time = a.xpath("./td[contains(@style, 'font-weight:bold')]/sapn/text()")[0]
if '比分' not in urlList[0].xpath("./text()")[0] and stat == '直播中':
remark = a.xpath(".//p[@class='raceclass matchcolor']/@title")[0].replace('直播','') + '|' + time
name = a.xpath("string(./td[4])").replace(' ','').replace('\tVS','VS')
if 'VS' not in name:
names = name.split('\t')
remark = names[0] + '|' + time
name = names[-1].replace('vs','VS')
aid = ''
for url in urlList:
title = url.xpath("./text()")[0]
aurl = url.xpath("./@href")[0]
aurl = self.regStr(reg=r'/tv/(.*?).html', src=aurl)
if '比分' not in title:
aid = aid + title + '@@@' + aurl + '#'
"vod_id": name + '###' + remark.split('|')[0] + '###' + aid,
"vod_name": name,
"vod_pic": img,
"vod_remarks": remark
numvL = len(videos)
pgc = math.ceil(numvL/15)
result['list'] = videos
result['page'] = pg
result['pagecount'] = pgc
result['limit'] = numvL
result['total'] = numvL
return result
def detailContent(self,array):
aid = array[0]
aids = aid.split('###')
name = aids[0]
typeName = aids[1]
tus = aids[2].strip('#').split('#')
pic = 'https://s1.ax1x.com/2022/10/07/x3NPUO.png'
vod = {
"vod_id": name,
"vod_name": name,
"vod_pic": pic,
"type_name": typeName,
"vod_year": "",
"vod_area": "",
"vod_remarks": '',
"vod_actor": '',
"vod_content": ''
purl = ''
for tu in tus:
title = tu.split('@@@')[0]
uid = tu.split('@@@')[1]
url = "http://www.freezb.live/tv/{0}.html".format(uid)
rsp = self.fetch(url)
root = self.html(rsp.text)
phpurl = root.xpath("//div[@class='media']/iframe/@src")[0]
purl = purl + '{0}${1}@@@{2}'.format(title,phpurl,uid) + '#'
vod['vod_play_from'] = '体育直播'
vod['vod_play_url'] = purl
result = {
'list': [
return result
def searchContent(self,key,quick):
result = {}
return result
def playerContent(self,flag,id,vipFlags):
result = {}
ids = id.split('@@@')
url = ids[0]
vid = ids[1]
headers = {
"referer": "http://www.freezb.live/tv/{0}.html".format(vid),
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36"
rsp = self.fetch(url,headers=headers)
aurl = self.regStr(reg=r'\"../(.*?)\"', src=rsp.text)
if aurl =='':
url = self.regStr(reg=r"url: \'(.*?)\'", src=rsp.text)
pheaders = {
"referer": url,
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36"
purl = self.regStr(reg=r'(.*)/', src=url) + '/' + aurl
prsp = self.fetch(purl, headers=pheaders)
url = self.regStr(reg=r"url: \'(.*?)\'", src=prsp.text)
result["parse"] = 0
result["playUrl"] = ''
result["url"] = url
result["header"] = ''
return result
config = {
"player": {},
"filter": {}
header = {}
def localProxy(self,param):
action = {
return [200, "video/MP2T", action, ""]