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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : layui.py
# Author: DaShenHan&道长-----先苦后甜,任凭晚风拂柳颜------
# Date : 2022/9/14
import ujson
from flask import Blueprint,request,render_template,jsonify,make_response,redirect
from utils.ua import UA
from utils.web import getParmas,get_interval,layuiBack,verfy_token
from utils.cfg import cfg
from controllers.service import storage_service,rules_service,parse_service
from utils.system import getHost
from utils.files import getCustonDict,custom_merge
from utils.encode import parseText
from js.rules import getRules,getPys,getJxs
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
import functools
layui = Blueprint("layui", __name__)
def hello(): # put application's code here
return jsonify({'msg':'hello layui'})
def layui_index(): # put application's code here
# return render_template('layui_index.html')
if not verfy_token():
return render_template('login.html')
return render_template('layui_list.html')
def layui_jxs(): # put application's code here
# return render_template('layui_index.html')
if not verfy_token():
return render_template('login.html')
return render_template('layui_jxs.html')
def comp(x, y):
if x['order'] > y['order']:
return 1
elif x['order'] < y['order']:
return - 1
if x['write_date'] < y['write_date']:
return 1
elif x['write_date'] > y['write_date']:
return -1
return 0
def layui_rule_list():
page = int(getParmas('page',1))
limit = int(getParmas('limit',10))
# print(f'page:{page},limit:{limit}')
new_conf = cfg
lsg = storage_service()
store_conf_dict = lsg.getStoreConfDict()
host = getHost(2)
customConfig = getCustonDict(host)
jxs = []
js0_password = lsg.getItem('JS0_PASSWORD')
lsg = storage_service()
use_py = lsg.getItem('USE_PY')
pys = getPys() if use_py else []
# print(pys)
alists = []
live_url = []
local_rules = getRules('js')
# print(local_rules)
html = render_template('config.txt', pys=pys, rules=local_rules, host=host, mode=2, jxs=jxs, alists=alists,
alists_str='[]', live_url=live_url, config=new_conf)
# html = render_template('config.txt', js0_password=js0_password, UA=UA, xr_mode=1, ISTVB=1, pys=pys,
# rules=local_rules, host=host, mode=2, js_mode=1, jxs=jxs, alists=alists,
# alists_str='[]', live_url=live_url, config=new_conf)
merged_config = custom_merge(parseText(html), customConfig)
sites = merged_config['sites']
rules = rules_service()
rule_list = rules.query_all()
rule_names = list(map(lambda x:x['name'],rule_list))
# print(rule_list)
# print(rule_names)
# print(sites)
for i in range(len(sites)):
sites[i]['id'] = i+1
site_name = sites[i]['api'].split('rule=')[1].split('&')[0] if 'rule=' in sites[i]['api'] else sites[i]['key']
if not str(sites[i]['key']).startswith('dr_') and site_name == 'drpy':
site_name = sites[i]['key']
# print(sites[i])
if site_name in rule_names:
site_rule = rule_list[rule_names.index(site_name)]
sites[i]['state'] = 1 if site_rule['state'] is None else site_rule['state']
sites[i]['order'] = 0 if site_rule['order'] is None else site_rule['order']
sites[i]['write_date'] = 0 if site_rule['write_date'] is None else site_rule['write_date'].timestamp()
sites[i]['state'] = 1
sites[i]['order'] = 0
sites[i]['write_date'] = 0
sites[i]['site_name'] = site_name
def multisort(sites, specs):
:param sites:
:param specs:
for key, reverse in specs:
# sites.sort(key=attrgetter(key), reverse=reverse)
sites.sort(key=lambda x:x[key], reverse=reverse)
return sites
# multisort(sites, (('order', False), ('write_date', True)))
# sites.sort(key=lambda x:x['order'],reverse=False)
new_sites = sites[(page-1)*limit:page*limit]
# print(new_sites)
return layuiBack('获取成功',new_sites,count=len(sites))
def layui_jx_list():
# 拖拽排序教程 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41829337/article/details/126610406
host = request.host_url.rstrip('/') # 获取当前访问链接对应的host
page = int(getParmas('page',1))
limit = int(getParmas('limit',10))
new_conf = cfg
lsg = storage_service()
store_conf_dict = lsg.getStoreConfDict()
ali_token = new_conf.ALI_TOKEN
xr_mode = new_conf.XR_MODE
js0_password = new_conf.JS0_PASSWORD
js_mode = int(new_conf.JS_MODE or 0)
customConfig = getCustonDict(host, ali_token, js0_password)
jxs = getJxs(host=host)
rules = {'list': [{"key": "dr_MXONE", "name": "MXONE(道长)", "type": 1, "api": "{{host}}/vod?{% if js0_password %}pwd={{js0_password}}&{% endif %}rule=MXONE&ext=txt/js/tg/MXONE.js", "searchable": 2, "quickSearch": 0, "filterable": 0},
], 'count': 1}
html = render_template('config.txt', js0_password=js0_password, UA=UA, xr_mode=xr_mode, ISTVB=False, pys=[],
rules=rules, host=host, mode=2, js_mode=js_mode, jxs=jxs, alists=[],
alists_str='', live_url='', config=new_conf)
merged_config = custom_merge(parseText(html), customConfig)
parses = merged_config['parses']
parse = parse_service()
parse_list = parse.query_all()
parse_url_list = list(map(lambda x:x['url'],parse_list))
for i in range(len(parses)):
parses[i]['id'] = i+1
if str(parses[i]['url']).startswith(host):
parses[i]['url'] = parses[i]['url'].replace(host,'')
if parses[i]['url'] in parse_url_list:
parse_rule = parse_list[parse_url_list.index(parses[i]['url'])]
parses[i]['state'] = 1 if parse_rule['state'] is None else parse_rule['state']
parses[i]['order'] = 0 if parse_rule['order'] is None else parse_rule['order']
parses[i]['write_date'] = 0 if parse_rule['write_date'] is None else parse_rule['write_date'].timestamp()
parses[i]['state'] = 1
parses[i]['order'] = 0
parses[i]['write_date'] = 0
if not parses[i].get('header'):
parses[i]['header'] = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
if isinstance(parses[i].get('header'),dict):
parses[i]['header'] = ujson.dumps(parses[i]['header'],ensure_ascii=False)
if isinstance(parses[i].get('ext'),dict):
parses[i]['ext'] = ujson.dumps(parses[i]['ext'],ensure_ascii=False)
parses.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(comp), reverse=False)
new_parses = parses[(page - 1) * limit:page * limit]
return layuiBack('获取成功', new_parses, count=len(parses))