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synced 2025-02-02 09:14:49 +08:00
304 lines
11 KiB
304 lines
11 KiB
* @File : xb6v.js
* @Author : jade
* @Date : 2023/12/26 10:13
* @Email : jadehh@1ive.com
* @Software : Samples
* @Desc :
import * as Utils from "../lib/utils.js";
import {_, load} from "../lib/cat.js";
import {VodDetail, VodShort} from "../lib/vod.js";
import {Spider} from "./spider.js";
class Xb6vSpider extends Spider {
constructor() {
this.siteUrl = "https://www.xb6v.com";
getName() {
return "🧲┃磁力新6V┃🧲"
getAppName() {
return "磁力新6V"
getJSName() {
return "xb6v"
getType() {
return 3
async redirect(response) {
await this.jadeLog.debug(`重定向回复值为:${response.content}`)
let matcher = /<a HREF=(.*?)>/.exec(response.content)
if (matcher.length > 1) {
let new_url = this.siteUrl + "/e/search/" + matcher[1].replaceAll("\\", "").replaceAll("\"", "")
await this.jadeLog.info(`重定向url为:${new_url}`)
return await this.fetch(new_url, null, this.getHeader())
getActorOrDirector(pattern, str) {
return Utils.getStrByRegex(pattern, str)
.replace(/<br>/g, "")
.replace(/ ./g, "")
.replace(/&/g, "")
.replace(/middot;/g, "・")
.replace(/ /g, ",")
.replace(/ /g, ",")
.replace(/ /g, "");
getDescription(pattern, str) {
return Utils.getStrByRegex(pattern, str)
.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/g, "")
.replace(/\n/g, "")
.replace(/&/g, "")
.replace(/middot;/g, "・")
.replace(/ldquo;/g, "【")
.replace(/rdquo;/g, "】")
.replace(/ /g, "");
async parseVodShortListFromDoc($) {
let items = $("#post_container .post_hover");
let vod_list = []
for (const item of items) {
let element = $(item).find("[class=zoom]")[0];
let vodShort = new VodShort()
vodShort.vod_id = element.attribs["href"];
vodShort.vod_name = element.attribs["title"].replaceAll(/<\\?[^>]+>/g, "");
vodShort.vod_pic = $(element).find("img")[0].attribs["src"];
vodShort.vod_remarks = $(item).find("[rel=\"category tag\"]").text().replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll(" ", "");
return vod_list;
async parseVodDetailFromDoc($) {
let sourceList = $("#post_content");
let play_form_list = []
let play_url_list = []
if (!this.catOpenStatus) {
let i = 0
let circuitName = "磁力线路";
for (const source of sourceList) {
let aList = $(source).find("table a")
let vodItems = []
for (const a of aList) {
let episodeUrl = a.attribs["href"]
let episodeName = a.children[0].data
if (!episodeUrl.toLowerCase().startsWith("magnet")) continue;
vodItems.push(episodeName + "$" + episodeUrl);
if (vodItems.length > 0) {
play_form_list.push(circuitName + i)
let playSourceList = $($(".mainleft")).find("[class=\"widget box row\"]")
for (const source of playSourceList) {
let play_format = $(source).find("h3").text()
let vodItems = []
if (!_.isEmpty(play_format)) {
let urlSourceList = $(source).find("a")
for (const url_source of urlSourceList) {
vodItems.push(url_source.attribs["title"] + "$" + url_source.attribs["href"])
let partHTML = $(".context").html();
let vodDetail = new VodDetail();
vodDetail.vod_name = $(".article_container > h1").text();
vodDetail.vod_pic = $("#post_content img").attr("src");
vodDetail.type_name = Utils.getStrByRegex(/◎类 别 (.*?)<br>/, partHTML);
if (_.isEmpty(vodDetail.type_name)) vodDetail.type_name = $("[rel=\"category tag\"]").text();
vodDetail.vod_year = Utils.getStrByRegex(/◎年 代 (.*?)<br>/, partHTML);
if (_.isEmpty(vodDetail.vod_year)) vodDetail.vod_year = Utils.getStrByRegex(/首播:(.*?)<br>"/, partHTML);
vodDetail.vod_area = Utils.getStrByRegex(/◎产 地 (.*?)<br>/, partHTML);
if (_.isEmpty(vodDetail.vod_year)) vodDetail.vod_area = Utils.getStrByRegex(/地区:(.*?)<br>"/, partHTML);
vodDetail.vod_remarks = Utils.getStrByRegex(/◎上映日期 (.*?)<br>/, partHTML);
vodDetail.vod_actor = this.getActorOrDirector(/◎演 员 (.*?)<\/p>/, partHTML);
if (_.isEmpty(vodDetail.vod_actor)) vodDetail.vod_actor = this.getActorOrDirector(/◎主 演 (.*?)<\/p>/, partHTML);
if (_.isEmpty(vodDetail.vod_actor)) vodDetail.vod_actor = this.getActorOrDirector(/主演:(.*?)<br>/, partHTML);
vodDetail.vod_director = this.getActorOrDirector(/◎导 演 (.*?)<br>/, partHTML);
if (_.isEmpty(vodDetail.vod_director)) vodDetail.vod_director = this.getActorOrDirector(/导演:(.*?)<br>/, partHTML);
vodDetail.vod_content = this.getDescription(/◎简 介(.*?)<hr>/gi, partHTML);
if (_.isEmpty(vodDetail.vod_content)) vodDetail.vod_content = this.getDescription(/简介(.*?)<\/p>/gi, partHTML);
if (_.isEmpty(vodDetail.vod_content)) vodDetail.vod_content = this.getDescription(/◎简 介(.*?)<br>/gi, partHTML);
vodDetail.vod_play_from = play_form_list.join("$$$")
vodDetail.vod_play_url = play_url_list.join("$$$")
return vodDetail
async parseVodPlayFromDoc(flag, $) {
let play_url = ""
let html = $.html()
switch (flag) {
case "播放地址(无插件 极速播放)":
case "播放地址三":
play_url = $($(".video")).find("iframe")[0].attribs["src"] + "/index.m3u8"
case "播放地址(无需安装插件)":
let matchers2 = /url: '(.*?)',/gs.exec(html)
if (matchers2.length > 1) {
play_url = matchers2[1]
case "播放地址四":
let matchers4 = /source: "(.*?)",/gs.exec(html)
if (matchers4.length > 1) {
play_url = matchers4[1]
await this.jadeLog.warning(`暂不支持当前格式,当前格式为:${flag}`)
return play_url
async setClasses() {
let html = await this.fetch(this.siteUrl, null, this.getHeader());
if (!_.isEmpty(html)) {
let $ = load(html);
let elements = $('#menus > li > a');
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
let element = elements[i]
if (i < 2 || i === elements.length - 1) continue;
let typeName = element.children[0].data;
let typeId = element.attribs["href"];
this.classes.push({"type_name": typeName, "type_id": typeId})
if (typeName === "电视剧") {
let values = [{"n": "不限", "v": ""}]
for (const a of $(element.next).find("a")) {
values.push({"n": a.children[0].data, "v": a.attribs["href"].replaceAll(typeId, "")})
this.filterObj[typeId] = [{
"key": "cateId", "name": "类型", "value": values
async setHomeVod() {
let html = await this.fetch(this.siteUrl, null, this.getHeader());
if (!_.isEmpty(html)) {
let $ = load(html);
this.homeVodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDoc($)
} else {
await this.jadeLog.info("首页类别解析失败", true)
async setCategory(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
let cateId = extend["cateId"] ?? "";
let cateUrl = this.siteUrl + tid + cateId;
this.page = parseInt(pg)
this.count = 0
this.limit = 18;
this.total = 0;
if (this.page !== 1) {
cateUrl += "index_" + pg + ".html";
let html = await this.fetch(cateUrl, null, this.getHeader());
if (!_.isEmpty(html)) {
let $ = load(html)
let href_elements = $(".pagination > a")
if (href_elements.length > 0) {
let href = href_elements.slice(-1)[0].attribs["href"];
let patternPageCount = /index_(.*?).html/
let matches = patternPageCount.exec(href)
this.count = parseInt(matches[1])
let items = $("#post_container .post_hover");
this.total = this.page === this.count ? (this.page - 1) * this.limit + items.length : this.count * this.limit;
this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDoc($)
async setSearch(wd, quick) {
let searchUrl = this.siteUrl + "/e/search/index.php";
let params = {
"show": "title", "tempid": "1", "tbname": "article", "mid": "1", "dopost": "search", "keyboard": wd,
let html = await this.post(searchUrl, params, this.getHeader())
if (!_.isEmpty(html)) {
let $ = load(html)
this.vodList = await this.parseVodShortListFromDoc($)
async setDetail(id) {
let detailUrl = this.siteUrl + id;
let html = await this.fetch(detailUrl, null, this.getHeader())
if (!_.isEmpty(html)) {
let $ = load(html);
this.vodDetail = await this.parseVodDetailFromDoc($)
async setPlay(flag, id, flags) {
if (id.toLowerCase().startsWith("magnet")) {
this.playUrl = id
} else {
let playUrl = this.siteUrl + id
let html = await this.fetch(playUrl, null, this.getHeader())
let $ = load(html)
this.playUrl = await this.parseVodPlayFromDoc(flag, $)
let spider = new Xb6vSpider()
async function init(cfg) {
await spider.init(cfg)
async function home(filter) {
return await spider.home(filter)
async function homeVod() {
return await spider.homeVod()
async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
return await spider.category(tid, pg, filter, extend)
async function detail(id) {
return await spider.detail(id)
async function play(flag, id, flags) {
return await spider.play(flag, id, flags)
async function search(wd, quick) {
return await spider.search(wd, quick)
export function __jsEvalReturn() {
return {
init: init, home: home, homeVod: homeVod, category: category, detail: detail, play: play, search: search,
export {spider}