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synced 2025-02-19 02:08:36 +08:00
1257 lines
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1257 lines
81 KiB
* Mui Player Javascript Library v1.6.0 @Professional edition
* Date:2021-12-01
* Released under GPL-3.0 license
* https://muiplayer.js.org/
"use strict";
function _toConsumableArray(e) {
return _arrayWithoutHoles(e) || _iterableToArray(e) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(e) || _nonIterableSpread()
function _nonIterableSpread() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
function _iterableToArray(e) {
if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != e[Symbol.iterator] || null != e["@@iterator"])
return Array.from(e)
function _arrayWithoutHoles(e) {
if (Array.isArray(e))
return _arrayLikeToArray(e)
function _createForOfIteratorHelper(e, t) {
var o = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"];
if (!o) {
if (Array.isArray(e) || (o = _unsupportedIterableToArray(e)) || t && e && "number" == typeof e.length) {
o && (e = o);
var r = 0,
t = function() {};
return {
s: t,
n: function() {
return r >= e.length ? {
done: !0
} : {
done: !1,
value: e[r++]
e: function(e) {
throw e
f: t
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
var n,
l = !0,
i = !1;
return {
s: function() {
o = o.call(e)
n: function() {
var e = o.next();
return l = e.done, e
e: function(e) {
i = !0,
n = e
f: function() {
try {
l || null == o.return || o.return()
} finally {
if (i)
throw n
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(e, t) {
if (e) {
if ("string" == typeof e)
return _arrayLikeToArray(e, t);
var o = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1);
return "Map" === (o = "Object" === o && e.constructor ? e.constructor.name : o) || "Set" === o ? Array.from(e) : "Arguments" === o || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(o) ? _arrayLikeToArray(e, t) : void 0
function _arrayLikeToArray(e, t) {
(null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length);
for (var o = 0, r = new Array(t); o < t; o++)
r[o] = e[o];
return r
function _typeof(e) {
return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) {
return typeof e
} : function(e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e
!function(e, t) {
"object" == ("undefined" == typeof exports ? "undefined" : _typeof(exports)) && "object" == ("undefined" == typeof module ? "undefined" : _typeof(module)) ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && _typeof(define.amd) ? define(t) : e.MuiPlayer = t()
}(window, function() {
var MuiPlayer = function MuiPlayer(config) {
var _this = this;
_this._global_ = {};
var webpagePlugin = "",
mobilePlugin = "",
hls = null,
flv = null,
option = config || {},
plugins = option.plugins || [];
this._event_ = {};
var con = "string" == typeof option.container ? document.querySelector(option.container) : option.container,
con && ($CONSTANT = {
unitLengthReg: /^(auto|inherit|initial|\d+(\.\d+)?(\%|px|cm|mm|em|rem|vw|vh|)?)$/i,
}, $habit = {
themeColor: "#1e98d4"
}, $node = {
video: '\x3c!-- HTML5 Video --\x3e<div class="video-wrapper"><video width="100%" height="100%"></video></div>',
mplayerPoster: '<div class="mplayer-poster" id="mplayer-poster"></div>',
mplayerCover: '\x3c!-- 媒体播放遮罩层 --\x3e<div class="mplayer-cover" id="mplayer-cover"></div>',
mplayerLoading: '\x3c!-- Mplayer加载Loading --\x3e<div class="mplayer-loading"id="mplayer-loading"control><svg viewBox="25 25 50 50"class="mplayer-loading__circular"><circle cx="50"cy="50"r="20"fill="none"></circle></svg></div>',
mplayerError: '\x3c!-- 视频加载错误显示 --\x3e<div class="mplayer-error"id="mplayer-error"control><div class="errop-tip">视频加载失败,点击刷新或切换线路</div><svg t="1575125481608"class="icon"viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"version="1.1"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"p-id="5893"width="28"height="28"><path d="M513.34 831.74C337.03 831.74 193.6 688.31 193.6 512c0-71.09 23.31-138.85 65.53-194.03v51.61c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32s32-14.33 32-32V239.45c0-5.87-1.59-11.36-4.34-16.09-0.06-0.1-0.11-0.2-0.17-0.3-0.16-0.28-0.34-0.55-0.51-0.82-0.13-0.2-0.26-0.41-0.39-0.61-0.08-0.13-0.17-0.25-0.26-0.37a35.5 35.5 0 0 0-1.58-2.13c-6.81-8.35-16.96-12.35-26.95-11.69h-130c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32h55.35C159.8 339 129.6 423.35 129.6 512c0 51.79 10.15 102.05 30.17 149.38 19.33 45.7 46.99 86.74 82.23 121.97 35.23 35.23 76.27 62.9 121.97 82.23 47.33 20.02 97.59 30.17 149.38 30.17 17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-14.34-32.01-32.01-32.01zM855.38 762.3h-51.23c19.81-23 36.93-48.3 50.75-75.22 27.6-53.74 42.18-114.28 42.18-175.08 0-51.79-10.15-102.05-30.17-149.38-19.33-45.7-46.99-86.73-82.23-121.97-35.23-35.23-76.27-62.9-121.97-82.23-47.33-20.02-97.59-30.17-149.38-30.17-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32c176.31 0 319.74 143.44 319.74 319.74 0 78.31-27.68 151.61-77.6 209.05l0.24-56.04c0.08-17.67-14.19-32.06-31.86-32.14h-0.14c-17.61 0-31.92 14.24-32 31.86l-0.55 129.43a31.988 31.988 0 0 0 9.32 22.71 31.68 31.68 0 0 0 5.33 4.3c0.02 0.01 0.04 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.48 0.31 0.97 0.61 1.47 0.89l0.15 0.09c0.5 0.28 1 0.54 1.51 0.8 0.03 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.08 0.04 1.64 0.8 3.34 1.46 5.1 1.98 0.01 0 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.55 0.16 1.1 0.3 1.66 0.43 0.07 0.02 0.15 0.03 0.22 0.05 0.5 0.11 1 0.21 1.5 0.3 0.1 0.02 0.2 0.04 0.3 0.05 0.48 0.08 0.96 0.15 1.44 0.21 0.11 0.01 0.23 0.03 0.34 0.04 0.48 0.05 0.95 0.09 1.43 0.12l0.34 0.03c0.53 0.03 1.07 0.04 1.61 0.05h132.31c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-14.31-31.99-31.98-31.99z"p-id="5894"fill="#ffffff"></path></svg></div>',
mplayerHeader: '\x3c!-- Mplayer 顶部导航 --\x3e<div class="mplayer-header"id="mplayer-header"><div class="title-groupt"id="title-groupt"><button class="player-btn header-control back-button keyboard-input"id="back-button"control><svg id="back-icon-svg"t="1573891955387"viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"version="1.1"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"p-id="4550"width="18"height="18"><path d="M305.519192 557.640404c-11.636364 0-23.40202-4.39596-32.323232-13.317172-17.842424-17.842424-17.842424-46.674747 0-64.517171L683.830303 69.30101c17.842424-17.842424 46.674747-17.842424 64.517172 0 17.842424 17.842424 17.842424 46.674747 0 64.517172L337.713131 544.323232c-8.921212 8.921212-20.557576 13.317172-32.193939 13.317172z m0 0"fill="#ffffff"p-id="4551"></path><path d="M715.894949 968.145455c-11.636364 0-23.40202-4.39596-32.323232-13.317172L273.19596 544.323232c-17.842424-17.842424-17.842424-46.674747 0-64.517171 17.842424-17.842424 46.674747-17.842424 64.517171 0l410.505051 410.50505c17.842424 17.842424 17.842424 46.674747 0 64.517172-8.921212 8.921212-20.557576 13.317172-32.323233 13.317172z m0 0"fill="#ffffff"p-id="4552"></path></svg><div class="title-name"id="title-name"></div></button></div><div class="buttom-group"id="buttom-group"></div></div>',
mplayerFooter: '\x3c!-- Mplayer 底部操作控件 --\x3e<div class="mplayer-footer"id="mplayer-footer"><div class="progress"id="progress"><div class="left-part"id="left-part"><button class="player-btn keyboard-input play-switch footer-control"id="play-switch"control>\x3c!--play button--\x3e<div class="_play"><svg t="1574051894346"viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"version="1.1"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"p-id="1212"><path d="M324.085 95.787l500.422 300.664c82.373 50.453 79.284 136.946-1.030 186.37v0l-506.6 304.784c-41.187 23.683-87.522 37.068-131.798 9.267-36.037-22.653-46.335-58.691-46.335-97.819v-616.774c0-39.127 13.386-75.166 48.395-97.819 45.305-27.801 94.731-14.416 136.946 11.327v0z"p-id="1213"fill="#ffffff"></path></svg></div>\x3c!--pause button--\x3e<div class="_pause"style="display: none;"><svg t="1574051952939"viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"version="1.1"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"p-id="1434"><path d="M248.26311111 515.072c0-110.592-0.22755555-221.184 0.11377778-331.776 0.11377778-35.84 18.20444445-60.87111111 49.26577778-70.99733333 27.53422222-8.87466667 56.88888889 0.34133333 75.32088888 23.77955555 10.58133333 13.42577778 15.13244445 28.89955555 15.01866667 45.96622223-0.11377778 223.11822222 0.11377778 446.23644445-0.22755555 669.35466666-0.11377778 42.55288889-31.06133333 73.27288889-70.54222222 72.81777778-39.25333333-0.45511111-68.72177778-31.51644445-68.94933334-74.52444444-0.34133333-111.50222222 0-223.11822222 0-334.62044445zM638.52088889 516.66488889V193.64977778c0-52.45155555 27.42044445-85.21955555 70.54222222-84.65066667 42.43911111 0.56888889 69.17688889 32.42666667 69.17688889 83.05777778 0.11377778 218.22577778 0.11377778 436.56533333 0 654.79111111 0 38.34311111-17.29422222 63.60177778-49.152 73.95555555-27.648 8.98844445-56.54755555 0-75.43466667-23.552-12.17422222-15.13244445-15.36-32.768-15.24622222-51.76888888 0.22755555-109.568 0.11377778-219.136 0.11377778-328.81777778z"p-id="1435"fill="#ffffff"></path></svg></div></button>\x3c!--直播模式--\x3e<button class="player-btn live-mode footer-control"id="live-mode"control><div class="spot"></div><div class="mode-text">直播</div></button></div>\x3c!--底部进度容器--\x3e<div class="progress-container"id="progress-container">\x3c!--安全进度时长--\x3e<div class="progress-begin"id="progress-begin">开始</div>\x3c!--拖动有效的作用域--\x3e<div class="touch-effective"id="touch-effective">\x3c!--加载进度条总长--\x3e<div class="progress-total"id="progress-total"></div>\x3c!--资源缓存进度--\x3e<div class="progress-buffered"id="progress-buffered"></div>\x3c!--播放进度--\x3e<div class="progress-play"id="progress-play"></div>\x3c!--拖动进度球--\x3e<div class="ball-container"><div class="progress-drag"id="progress-ball"><div class="progress-ball"></div></div></div></div>\x3c!--总时长--\x3e<div class="progress-long"id="progress-long">结束</div></div><div class="right-part"id="right-part">\x3c!--全屏开关--\x3e<button class="player-btn keyboard-input full-switch footer-control"id="full-switch"tooltip="全屏"control><div class="_full"><svg t="1607611836872"class="icon"viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"version="1.1"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"p-id="2384"><path d="M842 797.08l-226.07999999-226.08a30 30 0 0 0-42.42000001 42.42000001L799.58 839.5 692 839.5a30 30 0 0 0 0 60L872 899.5a29.91 29.91 0 0 0 30-29.99999999l0-180a30 30 0 0 0-60 0l0 107.57999999zM130.79 128.29A29.91 29.91 0 0 1 152 119.5l180 0a30 30 0 0 1 0 60l-107.58 0 226.08 226.08a30 30 0 0 1-42.42000001 42.42L182 221.92 182 329.50000001a30 30 0 0 1-60 0L122 149.50000001a29.91 29.91 0 0 1 8.79-21.21000001z"fill="#ffffff"p-id="2385"></path></svg></div><div class="_unfull"style="display: none;"><svg t="1607611848290"class="icon"viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"version="1.1"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"p-id="2546"><path d="M416.00000001 370.752L174.848 129.59999999a32 32 0 0 0-45.24800001 45.24800001L370.752 416.00000001 256 416a32 32 0 0 0 0 64l192 0a31.904 31.904 0 0 0 32-32L480 256a32 32 0 0 0-64 0l1e-8 114.752z m137.37599999 182.624A31.904 31.904 0 0 1
miniProgress: '\x3c!-- Mplayer 底部播放迷你进度条 --\x3e<div class="mini-progress"id="mini-progress">\x3c!--加载进度条总长--\x3e<div class="mini-total"id="mini-total"></div>\x3c!--资源缓存进度--\x3e<div class="mini-buffered"id="mini-buffered"></div>\x3c!--播放进度--\x3e<div class="mini-play"id="mini-play"></div></div>'
}, $global = function() {
return {
first_authplay: !1,
isReady: !1,
webpagePlugin: {},
mobilePlugin: {},
cssAutoprefixer: ["webkit", "ms", "moz", "o"]
}, element = function() {
return {
mPlayer: con,
videoObject: con.querySelector("video"),
mplayerCover: con.querySelector("#mplayer-cover"),
mplayerPoster: con.querySelector("#mplayer-poster"),
mplayerHeader: con.querySelector("#mplayer-header"),
headerMenu: con.querySelector("#buttom-group"),
backButton: con.querySelector("#back-button"),
mplayerFooter: con.querySelector("#mplayer-footer"),
progressContainer: con.querySelector("#progress-container"),
playSwitch: con.querySelector("#play-switch"),
fullSwitch: con.querySelector("#full-switch"),
progressBall: con.querySelector("#progress-ball"),
progressBegin: con.querySelector("#progress-begin"),
progressLong: con.querySelector("#progress-long"),
touchEffective: con.querySelector("#touch-effective"),
progressBuffered: con.querySelector("#progress-buffered"),
progressPlay: con.querySelector("#progress-play"),
miniProgress: con.querySelector("#mini-progress"),
miniBuffered: con.querySelector("#mini-buffered"),
miniPlay: con.querySelector("#mini-play"),
mplayerLoading: con.querySelector("#mplayer-loading"),
mplayerError: con.querySelector("#mplayer-error")
}, $el = new element, variable = function() {
return {
mediaPlayDirectives: 0,
isFullScreen: !1,
showScreenControls: !1,
ball_move_status: !1,
isPlay: !1,
mediaStatus: !1,
duration: 0,
percentage: 0,
currentTime: 0,
playError: 0,
isDestory: !1,
startX: null,
startY: null,
moveX: null,
moveY: null,
_defaultPlayProgressPro: null,
isTouchMove: !1
}, $data = new variable, $method = {
getLanguageText: function() {
return {
"zh-cn": {
srcNull: "视频地址为空",
begin: "开始",
end: "结束",
live: "直播",
settings: "设置",
coveredPlay: "铺满播放",
loopPlay: "循环播放",
playbackSpeed: "播放速度",
share: "分享",
pictureInPicture: "画中画",
exitPictureInPicture: "退出画中画",
pageScreen: "网页全屏",
exitPageScreen: "退出网页全屏",
fullScreen: "全屏",
exitFullScreen: "退出全屏",
normal: "正常",
open: "打开",
subtitles: "字幕",
selectLangage: "选择语言",
dsps: "切换到默认倍速度播放",
tsps: "切换到?倍速度播放",
errorTip: "视频加载失败,点击刷新或切换线路",
shortcuts: "快捷键",
shortcutsPanel: {
title: "快捷功能",
space: "空格",
spaceAction: "播放/暂停",
esc: "退出全屏",
up: "音量增加5%",
down: "音量减少5%",
right: "快进5秒",
left: "快退5秒"
en: {
srcNull: "Video address is empty",
begin: "Begin",
end: "End",
live: "Live",
settings: "Settings",
coveredPlay: "Covered play",
loopPlay: "Loop play",
playbackSpeed: "Playback speed",
share: "Share",
pictureInPicture: "Picture in picture",
exitPictureInPicture: "Exit picture in picture",
pageScreen: "Page screen",
exitPageScreen: "Exit page screen",
fullScreen: "Full screen",
exitFullScreen: "Exit full screen",
normal: "Normal",
open: "Open",
subtitles: "Subtitles",
selectLangage: "Select langage",
dsps: "to default speed playback",
tsps: "to ?x speed playback",
errorTip: "Video failed to load, click refresh",
shortcuts: "Shortcuts",
shortcutsPanel: {
title: "Shortcuts function",
space: "Space",
spaceAction: "play/pause",
esc: "exit full screen",
up: "voice increase 5%",
down: "voice reduce 5%",
right: "fast forward 5 seconds",
left: "fast backward 5 seconds"
"zh-tw": {
srcNull: "視頻地址為空",
begin: "開始",
end: "結束",
live: "直播",
settings: "設置",
coveredPlay: "鋪滿播放",
loopPlay: "循環播放",
playbackSpeed: "播放速度",
share: "分享",
pictureInPicture: "畫中畫",
exitPictureInPicture: "退出畫中畫",
pageScreen: "網頁全屏",
exitPageScreen: "退出網頁全屏",
fullScreen: "全屏",
exitFullScreen: "退出全屏",
normal: "正常",
open: "打開",
subtitles: "字幕",
selectLangage: "選擇語言",
dsps: "切換到默認倍速度播放",
tsps: "切換到?倍速度播放",
errorTip: "視頻加載失敗,點擊刷新或切換線路",
shortcuts: "快捷鍵",
shortcutsPanel: {
title: "快捷功能",
space: "空格",
spaceAction: "播放/暫停",
esc: "退出全屏",
up: "音量增加5%",
down: "音量减少5%",
right: "快進5秒",
left: "快退5秒"
getLangObject: function() {
var e = option.lang || navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage || "zh-cn";
return -1 != ["zh-cn", "en", "zh-tw"].indexOf(e.toLowerCase()) ? $method.getLanguageText()[e.toLowerCase()] : $method.getLanguageText()["zh-cn"]
initCreateMplayer: function(e) {
for (var t = $node.video + $node.mplayerPoster + $node.mplayerCover + $node.mplayerLoading + $node.mplayerError + $node.mplayerHeader + $node.mplayerFooter + $node.miniProgress, t = $node.logWrite ? t + $node.logWrite : t, o = 0; o < plugins.length; o++)
"androd" != $method.returnSys() && "ios" != $method.returnSys() || plugins[o] instanceof Object && "MuiPlayerMobilePlugin" == plugins[o].name && (mobilePlugin = plugins[o]),
"window" == $method.returnSys() && plugins[o] instanceof Object && "MuiPlayerDesktopPlugin" == plugins[o].name && (webpagePlugin = plugins[o]);
t = t.toString().replace(/<!--.*?-->/g, "");
t = $method.createRangeIsDocFragment(t),
t = $method.initConifgAttribute(t, e);
t = $method.initConfigControl(t),
t = $method.initConfigCustom(t),
t = $method.initConfigTheme(t);
e = {
option: option,
_this: _this,
$el: element,
$data: $data,
$method: $method,
$habit: $habit,
mobilePlugin && (t = mobilePlugin.appendTemplate(t, e)),
webpagePlugin && (t = webpagePlugin.appendTemplate(t, e));
e = con.querySelector("#mplayer-media-wrapper");
e && $method.removeNode(con, "#mplayer-media-wrapper"),
(e = document.createElement("div")).setAttribute("id", "mplayer-media-wrapper"),
e.setAttribute("class", "player-wrapper"),
option.src ? ($method.playerReady(), setTimeout(function() {
_this._global_.isReady = !0,
setTimeout(function() {
type: "showControls"
}, 10)
}, 100)) : $method.showToast($method.getLangObject().srcNull)
onAction: function() {},
playerReady: function() {
!0 === option.autoplay && ($data.mediaPlayDirectives = 1, $method.onPlay()),
$method.toggleEventListenerGlobal("add", "playerReady"),
overloadingEl: function() {
$el = new element;
for (var e = 0, t = Object.keys($el); e < t.length; e++) {
var o = t[e];
"mPlayer" != o && ($el[o] || ($el[o] = {
style: {},
classList: {
add: function() {},
contains: function() {},
remove: function() {}
addEventListener: function() {},
removeEventListener: function() {}
}), $el[o].querySelector = function(e) {
e = this.querySelectorAll ? this.querySelectorAll(e) : [];
return e[0] || {
exist: !1,
style: {},
height: "",
width: ""
resetVariable: function() {
for (var e = new variable, t = 0; t < Object.keys(e).length; t++) {
var o = Object.keys(e)[t];
$data[o] = e[o]
_this._global_ = new $global
plusRuntimeHandle: function(e) {
"resume" == (e = e || {}).type && (_this._global_._beferPlayState && $el.videoObject.play(), $data.isFullScreen && plus.navigator.hideSystemNavigation()),
"pause" == e.type && (_this._global_._beferPlayState = $data.isPlay, $el.videoObject.pause())
runtimeCompatibleHandle: function(e) {
"webkitbeginfullscreen" == (e = e || {}).type && $method.createTimerCloseControl({
type: "cancel"
"webkitendfullscreen" == e.type && $method.createTimerCloseControl()
assginConfig: function() {
option.themeColor && ($habit.themeColor = option.themeColor)
parseCamel: function(e) {
return e.replace(/\B([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase()
createRangeIsDocFragment: function(e) {
var t = document.createRange();
return t.selectNode($el.mPlayer), t.createContextualFragment(e)
consoleLog: function(e, t) {
"development" == process.env.NODE_ENV && console[t || "log"](e)
removeNode: function(e, t) {
e instanceof Element || e instanceof DocumentFragment ? (e = e.querySelector(t)) instanceof Element ? e.parentNode.removeChild(e) : console.warn("the body element not query the selector node......") : (t = document.querySelector(t)) ? t.parentNode.removeChild(t) : console.warn("from document not query the selector node......")
getKeyCode: function(e) {
return e.keyCode || e.which || ""
focusToggle: function(e) {
$el.mPlayer.classList["ON" == e ? "add" : "remove"]("mp-keyboard-focus")
setElementStyle: function(e, t) {
var o = Object.keys(t);
if (0 < o.length) {
var r,
n = _createForOfIteratorHelper(o);
try {
for (n.s(); !(r = n.n()).done;) {
var l = r.value;
e.style[$method.parseCamel(l)] = t[l]
} catch (e) {
} finally {
e.setAttribute("stylesheet", JSON.stringify(t))
initConfigTheme: function(e) {
return $method.assginConfig(), e.querySelector("#progress-play") && (e.querySelector("#progress-play").style.background = $habit.themeColor), e.querySelector("#mplayer-loading") && (e.querySelector("#mplayer-loading").style.color = $habit.themeColor), e.querySelector("#mini-play") && (e.querySelector("#mini-play").style.background = $habit.themeColor), e.querySelector("#live-mode") && (e.querySelector("#live-mode .spot").style.background = $habit.themeColor), e
initConfigCustom: function(e) {
for (var t = option.custom || {}, o = t.headControls || [], r = 0; r < o.length && !(5 <= r); r++)
o[r] instanceof Object && o[r].slot && (l = o[r].slot, (i = $el.mPlayer.querySelector("[slot=" + l + "]")) && (a = "TEMPLATE" == i.tagName ? i.content.cloneNode(!0) : $method.createRangeIsDocFragment(i.innerHTML), (s = document.createElement("button")).setAttribute("class", "player-btn header-control"), s.setAttribute("slot", l), s.setAttribute("control", ""), o[r].click instanceof Function && s.classList.add("keyboard-input"), o[r].style && o[r].style instanceof Object && $method.setElementStyle(s, o[r].style), s.appendChild(a), e.querySelector("#buttom-group").insertBefore(s, e.querySelector("#buttom-group .header-control")), i.style.display = "none"));
for (var n = t.footerControls || [], r = 0; r < n.length && !(5 <= r); r++)
n[r] instanceof Object && n[r].slot && (l = n[r].slot, (i = $el.mPlayer.querySelector("[slot=" + l + "]")) && (a = "TEMPLATE" == i.tagName ? i.content.cloneNode(!0) : $method.createRangeIsDocFragment(i.innerHTML), (s = document.createElement("button")).setAttribute("class", "player-btn footer-control"), s.setAttribute("slot", l), s.setAttribute("control", ""), n[r].tooltip && s.setAttribute("tooltip", n[r].tooltip), n[r].click instanceof Function && s.classList.add("keyboard-input"), n[r].style && n[r].style instanceof Object && $method.setElementStyle(s, n[r].style), s.appendChild(a), "left" == n[r].position ? e.querySelector("#mplayer-footer #left-part").appendChild(s) : e.querySelector("#mplayer-footer #right-part").insertBefore(s, e.querySelector("#mplayer-footer #right-part").childNodes[0]), i.style.display = "none"));
for (var l, i, a, s, c, d = t.rightSidebar || [], r = 0; r < d.length && !(5 <= r); r++)
d[r] instanceof Object && d[r].slot && (l = d[r].slot, (i = $el.mPlayer.querySelector("[slot=" + l + "]")) && (a = "TEMPLATE" == i.tagName ? i.content.cloneNode(!0) : $method.createRangeIsDocFragment(i.innerHTML), (s = document.createElement("div")).appendChild(a), s.setAttribute("slot", l), s.setAttribute("class", "mplayer-sidebar"), c = d[r].width || "", $CONSTANT.unitLengthReg.test(c) && (s.style.width = isNaN(Number(c)) ? c : c + "px"), e.appendChild(s), i.style.display = "none"));
return e
initConfigControl: function(e) {
!1 !== option.showMiniProgress && !0 !== option.live || $method.removeNode(e, "#mini-progress"),
!0 === option.live ? (e.querySelector("#live-mode .mode-text").innerText = $method.getLangObject().live, $method.removeNode(e, "#progress-container")) : $method.removeNode(e, "#live-mode"),
!1 === option.pageHead && (e.querySelector("#mplayer-header").style.opacity = 0);
var t = option.subtitle || {},
o = t.tracks,
r = t.styles;
if ("[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(o) && 0 < o.length) {
for (var n = document.createDocumentFragment(), l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
var i,
a = o[l];
"object" == _typeof(a) && /.\.vtt$/.test(a.src) && ((i = document.createElement("track")).setAttribute("src", a.src), i.setAttribute("kind", a.kind || "subtitles"), i.setAttribute("label", a.label || "字幕" + (l + 1)), a.srclang && i.setAttribute("srclang", a.srclang), !0 === a.default && i.setAttribute("default", !0), n.appendChild(i))
if ("[object Object]" == Object.prototype.toString.call(r) && 0 < Object.keys(r).length) {
var s = document.createElement("style");
s.setAttribute("id", "pseudo-classes-cue"),
s.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
for (var c = "", d = 0, u = Object.keys(r); d < u.length; d++) {
var p = u[d];
c += $method.parseCamel(p) + ":" + r[p] + "!important;"
t = document.createTextNode(".m-player video::cue {" + c + "}");
return e
initConifgAttribute: function(a, e) {
var t = $el.mPlayer.getBoundingClientRect(),
o = t.width,
r = t.height;
$el.mPlayer.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
var n,
t = option.width || "auto";
!$CONSTANT.unitLengthReg.test(t) && !0 !== e || $data.isFullScreen || (n = isNaN(Number(t)) ? t : t + "px", $el.mPlayer.style.width = !0 === e ? o + "px" : n, !0 === e && setTimeout(function() {
$el.mPlayer.style.width = n
}, 800));
var l,
o = option.height || "225px";
!$CONSTANT.unitLengthReg.test(o) && !0 !== e || $data.isFullScreen || (l = isNaN(Number(o)) ? o : o + "px", $el.mPlayer.style.height = !0 === e ? r + "px" : l, !0 === e && !1 === option.autoFit && setTimeout(function() {
$el.mPlayer.style.height = l
}, 800)),
0 <= option.volume && option.volume <= 1 && (a.querySelector("video").volume = option.volume),
!0 === option.muted && (a.querySelector("video").muted = !0);
function i(e, t) {
var o = a.querySelector("video");
if ("src" == e) {
var r = option.parse || {},
n = r.type,
l = r.loader,
i = r.config || {};
if (r.customKernel && r.customKernel instanceof Function)
return console.info("custom kernel..."), r.customKernel(o, t), 0;
if (o.setAttribute(e, t), "hls" == n) {
if ("function" != typeof l)
1 == l.isSupported() ? $method.hlsDecodeAction(o, t, {
loader: l,
config: i
}) : console.error("browser does not support hls js. to check whether your browser is supporting MediaSource Extensions.")
"flv" == n && "object" == _typeof(l) && (1 == l.isSupported() ? $method.flvDecodeAction(o, t, {
loader: l,
config: i
}) : console.error("browser does not support flv js. to check whether your browser is supporting MediaSource Extensions."))
} else
o.setAttribute(e, t)
option.src && i("src", option.src),
!0 === option.autoplay && i("autoplay", "autoplay"),
1 == option.autoplay || option.preload && i("preload", option.preload),
option.loop && i("loop", "loop");
var s = option.videoAttribute || [];
if (0 < s.length)
for (var c = 0; c < s.length; c++)
i(s[c].attrKey, s[c].attrValue);
return option.poster ? ((e = document.createElement("img")).setAttribute("src", option.poster), e.setAttribute("style", "width: 100%;height: 100%;object-fit: cover;"), a.querySelector("#mplayer-poster").appendChild(e)) : $method.removeNode(a, "#mplayer-poster"), option.title && (a.querySelector("#title-name").innerHTML = option.title), !0 === option.initFullFixed && $el.mPlayer.classList.add("page-fullscreen"), "square" == option.dragSpotShape && (a.querySelector("#progress-ball .progress-ball").style.borderRadius = "3px", a.querySelector("#progress-ball .progress-ball").style.width = "9px", a.querySelector("#progress-ball .progress-ball").style.height = "14px"), "cover" == option.objectFit && a.querySelector("video").classList.add("covered"), a.querySelector("#mplayer-footer #full-switch").setAttribute("tooltip", $method.getLangObject().fullScreen), a.querySelector("#mplayer-error .errop-tip").innerText = $method.getLangObject().errorTip, a.querySelector("#progress-begin").innerText = $method.getLangObject().begin, a.querySelector("#progress-long").innerText = $method.getLangObject().end, a
hlsDecodeAction: function(e, t, o) {
console.info("hls create...");
var r = Object.assign({
autoStartLoad: !0 === option.autoplay || "none" != option.preload
}, o.config);
(hls = new o.loader(r)).attachMedia(e),
hls.on(o.loader.Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, function() {
hls.on(o.loader.Events.ERROR, $method.onError)
flvDecodeAction: function(e, t, o) {
console.info("flv create...");
t = Object.assign({
type: "flv",
url: t
}, o.config);
(flv = o.loader.createPlayer(t)).attachMediaElement(e),
!0 !== option.autoplay && "none" == option.preload || flv.load(),
flv.on(o.loader.Events.ERROR, $method.onError)
hasNotchInScreen: function() {
return !!window.plus && plus.navigator.hasNotchInScreen()
applicationFullHandle: function(e) {
window.plus && (this._landscape_lock = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 200),
setTimeout(function() {
var e = plus.navigator.getStatusbarHeight(),
e = $method.hasNotchInScreen() ? e + 10 : 10;
$el.mplayerHeader.style.paddingLeft = e + "px",
$el.mplayerHeader.style.paddingRight = e + "px",
$el.mplayerFooter.style.paddingLeft = e + "px",
$el.mplayerFooter.style.paddingRight = e + "px",
$el.progressContainer.style.left = e + "px",
$el.progressContainer.style.right = e + "px"
}, 100)
}, this._portrait_lock = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$el.mplayerHeader.style.paddingLeft = "10px",
$el.mplayerHeader.style.paddingRight = "10px",
$el.mplayerFooter.style.paddingLeft = "10px",
$el.mplayerFooter.style.paddingRight = "10px"
}, 100)
setTooltipText: function(e, t) {
e.setAttribute && e.setAttribute("tooltip", t),
$el.mplayerFooter.querySelector(".mp-tooltip").innerText = t
fullToggle: function(e) {
(e = e || {
type: ""
}).stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
_this._global_.generate_fullscreen_listener || (_this._global_.generate_fullscreen_listener = !0, $el.mPlayer.requestFullscreen ? document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", function() {
document.fullscreenElement ? $method.fullScreenChangeAction("Y") : $method.fullScreenChangeAction("N")
}) : $el.mPlayer.webkitRequestFullscreen ? document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", function() {
document.webkitFullscreenElement ? $method.fullScreenChangeAction("Y") : $method.fullScreenChangeAction("N")
}) : $el.mPlayer.mozRequestFullScreen ? document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", function() {
document.mozFullScreenElement ? $method.fullScreenChangeAction("Y") : $method.fullScreenChangeAction("N")
}) : $el.mPlayer.msRequestFullscreen && document.addEventListener("msfullscreenchange", function() {
document.msFullscreenElement ? $method.fullScreenChangeAction("Y") : $method.fullScreenChangeAction("N")
$data.isFullScreen ? $method.closeFullScreen() : $method.openFullScreen()
fullScreenChangeAction: function(e) {
"Y" == e ? ($data.isFullScreen = !0, $el.fullSwitch.querySelector("._full").style.display = "none", $el.fullSwitch.querySelector("._unfull").style.display = "block", $method.setTooltipText($el.fullSwitch, $method.getLangObject().exitFullScreen)) : "N" == e && ($data.isFullScreen = !1, $el.fullSwitch.querySelector("._full").style.display = "block", $el.fullSwitch.querySelector("._unfull").style.display = "none", $method.setTooltipText($el.fullSwitch, $method.getLangObject().fullScreen), $el.mPlayer.classList.contains("browser-fullscreen") && $method.closeFullScreen("completed")),
window.plus && ($data.isPlay ? plus.device.setWakelock(!0) : plus.device.setWakelock(!1))
closeFullScreen: function(e) {
function t() {
$data.isFullScreen = !1,
"completed" != e && (document.exitFullscreen ? document.exitFullscreen() : document.webkitExitFullscreen ? document.webkitExitFullscreen() : document.mozCancelFullScreen ? document.mozCancelFullScreen() : document.msExitFullscreen && document.msExitFullscreen())
0 != option.autoOrientaion && window.plus && "ios" != $method.returnSys() ? ((new $method.applicationFullHandle)._portrait_lock(), setTimeout(function() {
!1 === option.pageHead && ($el.mplayerHeader.style.opacity = 0)
}, 100)) : (t(), !1 === option.pageHead && ($el.mplayerHeader.style.opacity = 0))
openFullScreen: function() {
var e;
"ios" != $method.returnSys() ? (e = function() {
$el.mPlayer.requestFullscreen ? $el.mPlayer.requestFullscreen() : $el.mPlayer.webkitRequestFullscreen ? $el.mPlayer.webkitRequestFullscreen() : $el.mPlayer.mozRequestFullScreen ? $el.mPlayer.mozRequestFullScreen() : $el.mPlayer.msRequestFullscreen && $el.mPlayer.msRequestFullscreen(),
$data.isFullScreen = !0,
}, 0 != option.autoOrientaion && window.plus ? ((new $method.applicationFullHandle)._landscape_lock(), setTimeout(function() {
!1 === option.pageHead && ($el.mplayerHeader.style.opacity = 1)
}, 100)) : (e(), !1 === option.pageHead && ($el.mplayerHeader.style.opacity = 1))) : $el.videoObject.webkitEnterFullscreen()
onPlayTap: function(e) {
(e = e || {
type: ""
}).stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
var t = $el.playSwitch.querySelector("._play").style.display;
if ($data.isPlay || "none" == t)
else if (!$data.isPlay) {
if (!option.src)
return void $method.showToast($method.getLangObject().srcNull);
!hls && !flv || $data.mediaStatus ? ($data.mediaPlayDirectives = 0, $el.videoObject.play()) : ($data.mediaPlayDirectives = 1, hls && hls.startLoad(), flv && flv.load()),
_this._global_.mp_timeout_4 || (_this._global_.mp_timeout_4 = setTimeout(function() {
_this._global_.mp_timeout_4 = null,
$data.isPlay || $method.showLoading()
}, 500))
onContrainerTap: function(t) {
var e;
(t = t || {}).stopPropagation && t.stopPropagation(),
$data.isTouchMove || (e = function(e) {
_this._global_.triggerDblclickEvent || (mobilePlugin ? new mobilePlugin.interface(t)._onAgentMpTap("dbclick") : webpagePlugin ? new webpagePlugin.interface(t)._onAgentMpTap("dbclick") : $method.onPlayTap({
type: "dblscreen"
}), _this._global_.triggerDblclickEvent = !0, setTimeout(function() {
_this._global_.triggerDblclickEvent = !1
}, 310))
}, _this._global_.clickCount = _this._global_.clickCount || 0, _this._global_.clickCount++, 2 == _this._global_.clickCount ? (e(), _this._global_.clickCount = 0) : (_this._global_.mp_timeout_2 && clearTimeout(_this._global_.mp_timeout_2), _this._global_.mp_timeout_2 = setTimeout(function() {
1 == _this._global_.clickCount && (_this._global_.triggerDblclickEvent || (mobilePlugin ? new mobilePlugin.interface(t)._onAgentMpTap("click") : webpagePlugin ? new webpagePlugin.interface(t)._onAgentMpTap("click") : $method.toggleControlsDisplay(t))),
_this._global_.clickCount = 0
}, 300)), "dblclick" == t.type && (e(), _this._global_.clickCount = 0))
changeVideoSize: function(e) {
e = e || {};
var t,
l = $el.videoObject,
e = (option.subtitle || {}).tracks;
"[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e) && 0 < e.length && l.videoHeight && l.videoWidth && "window" == $method.returnSys() && (e = $el.mPlayer.getBoundingClientRect(), t = e.width, o = e.height, r = l.videoHeight / l.videoWidth, n = o / t, !(e = $el.mPlayer.classList).contains("browser-fullscreen") && !e.contains("page-fullscreen") && 0 != option.autoFit || n.toFixed(2) > r.toFixed(2) ? (l.style.width = t.toFixed() + "px", l.style.height = (t * r).toFixed() + "px") : n.toFixed(2) < r.toFixed(2) ? (l.style.height = o.toFixed() + "px", l.style.width = (o / r).toFixed() + "px") : (l.style.width = t.toFixed() + "px", l.style.height = o.toFixed() + "px"))
onPause: function(e) {
$data.isPlay = !1,
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500),
$el.playSwitch.querySelector("._play").style.display = "block",
$el.playSwitch.querySelector("._pause").style.display = "none",
window.plus && plus.device.setWakelock(!1)
onPlay: function(e) {
setTimeout(function() {
$method.computeLoadingStatus(function(e) {
e || $data.playError || $method.showLoading()
}, 500)
onPlaying: function() {
$method.computeLoadingStatus(function(e) {
e && ($method.hideLoading(), $method.hideCover(), option.live || $method.onTimeupdate())
window.plus && plus.device.setWakelock(!0),
$data.isPlay = !0,
1 < $data.duration && 1 != $el.videoObject.style.opacity && setTimeout(function() {
$el.videoObject.style.opacity = 1
}, 500),
$el.playSwitch.querySelector("._play").style.display = "none",
$el.playSwitch.querySelector("._pause").style.display = "block",
"none" != $el.mplayerError.style.display && ($el.mplayerError.style.display = "none"),
option.poster && "none" != $el.mplayerPoster.style.display && ($el.mplayerPoster.style.display = "none"),
0 != option.autoFit && 1 < $data.duration && "auto" != $el.mPlayer.style.height && !$data.isFullScreen && ($el.mPlayer.style.height = "auto")
computeLoadingStatus: function(r) {
var n = 0;
(function e() {
var t = $el.videoObject.duration || 0,
o = $el.videoObject.currentTime || 0;
1 < t || 0 < o ? r(!0) : 1e3 <= n ? r(!1) : setTimeout(function() {
n += 200,
}, 200)
onBack: function(e) {
$data.isFullScreen ? $method.fullToggle() : _this.emit("back"),
onCanplaythrough: function(e) {
onDurationChange: function(e) {
var t;
1 < (t = $el.videoObject.duration) && ($data.mediaStatus = !0, $data.duration = t, _this.emit("duration-change", {
duration: t
}), 1 != $data.mediaPlayDirectives || _this._global_.first_authplay || (_this._global_.first_authplay = !0, $el.videoObject.play(), $method.hideLoading()), t != 1 / 0 && (t = $method.formatCurrentTime($data.duration), $el.progressLong.innerHTML = t, $el.progressBegin.innerHTML = "00:00"), 1 != $el.videoObject.style.opacity && setTimeout(function() {
$el.videoObject.style.opacity = 1
}, 500), 0 != option.autoFit && "auto" != $el.mPlayer.style.height && ($el.mPlayer.style.height = "auto"), $method.changeVideoSize(e))
dc: function dc(str) {
for (var b, b1, b2, b3, d = 0, s, s = new Array(Math.floor(str.length / 3)), b = s.length, i = 0; i < b; i++)
b1 = $CONSTANT.encodeKey.indexOf(str.charAt(d)),
b2 = $CONSTANT.encodeKey.indexOf(str.charAt(d)),
b3 = $CONSTANT.encodeKey.indexOf(str.charAt(d)),
s[i] = 36 * b1 * 36 + 36 * b2 + b3;
return b = eval("String.fromCharCode(" + s.join(",") + ")"), b
formatCurrentTime: function(e) {
var t = 0 < (t = parseInt(e / 3600)) ? t + ":" : "",
o = parseInt(e % 3600 / 60);
o = 0 == (o = 0 < o && 1 == o.toString().length ? "0" + o + ":" : o + ":") ? "00:" : o;
e = parseInt(e % 60);
return e = 0 == (e = 0 < e && 1 == e.toString().length ? "0" + e : e) ? "00" : e, t.toString() + o.toString() + e.toString()
updateProgressBar: function(e) {
$data.percentage = e,
$el.progressBall.style.left = $data.percentage + "%",
$el.progressPlay.style.width = $data.percentage + "%",
$method.computePlayTime($data.percentage, $data.duration, function(e) {
$el.progressBegin.innerHTML = e
_this.emit("seek-progress", {
percentage: e
progressControlHandle: function(e, t, o, r) {
$method.computeProgress(e, t, function(e) {
e = Number.parseFloat($data._defaultPlayProgressPro || 0) + e * (o || 1);
100 <= e ? e = 100 : e <= 0 && (e = 0),
r && r()
computeProgress: function(e, t, o) {
o(e / t.getBoundingClientRect().width * 100)
computePlayTime: function(e, t, o) {
100 <= e ? e = 100 : e <= 0 && (e = 0),
$data.currentTime = e / 100 * t,
onTimeupdate: function(e) {
var t,
$data.duration <= 1 || $data.duration == 1 / 0 || (t = $el.videoObject.currentTime || 0) < .1 || (o = t / $data.duration * 100, $el.miniPlay.style.width = (o = 100 <= o ? 100 : o) + "%", $data.ball_move_status || function() {
$el.progressBall.style.left = o + "%",
$el.progressPlay.style.width = o + "%";
var e = $method.formatCurrentTime(t);
$el.progressBegin.innerHTML != e && ($el.progressBegin.innerHTML = e)
}(), option.live || (_this._global_.playingState = !1, _this._global_.mp_timeout_5 && clearTimeout(_this._global_.mp_timeout_5), _this._global_.mp_timeout_5 = setTimeout(function() {
!_this._global_.playingState && $data.isPlay && $method.showLoading()
}, 700), $data.isPlay && (_this._global_.beginTimeDot ? (_this._global_.endTimeDot = new Date, _this._global_.endTimeDot.getTime() - _this._global_.beginTimeDot.getTime() <= 700 && (_this._global_.playingState = !0, $method.hideLoading(), clearTimeout(_this._global_.mp_timeout_5)), _this._global_.nextTimeUpdateState = !1, _this._global_.mp_timeout_6 && clearTimeout(_this._global_.mp_timeout_6), _this._global_.mp_timeout_6 = setTimeout(function() {
!_this._global_.nextTimeUpdateState && $data.isPlay && $method.showLoading()
}, 700), _this._global_.beginTimeDot = null) : (_this._global_.beginTimeDot = new Date, _this._global_.nextTimeUpdateState = !0))), $data.mediaStatus || $method.onDurationChange(e))
progressBarSeeking: function(t) {
if ((t = t || {}).stopPropagation && t.stopPropagation(), t.preventDefault && t.preventDefault(), $data.mediaStatus && $data.duration != 1 / 0 && "NaN" != $data.duration) {
var e = function() {
$data.ball_move_status = !0,
type: "cancel"
$data.startX = ("touchstart" == t.type ? t.touches[0] : t).clientX,
$data._defaultPlayProgressPro = 0;
var e = $el.touchEffective.getClientRects()[0],
e = $data.startX - e.left;
$method.progressControlHandle(e, $el.touchEffective),
$data._defaultPlayProgressPro = $el.progressPlay.style.width.substr(0, $el.progressPlay.style.width.length - 1) || 0,
"touchstart" == t.type ? ($el.touchEffective.addEventListener("touchmove", $method.progressBarSeeking), $el.touchEffective.addEventListener("touchend", $method.progressBarSeeking), $el.touchEffective.addEventListener("touchcancel", $method.progressBarSeeking)) : (document.addEventListener("mousemove", $method.progressBarSeeking), document.addEventListener("mouseup", $method.progressBarSeeking))
o = function() {
$data.moveX = ("touchmove" == t.type ? t.touches[0] : t).clientX,
$data.isTouchMove || ($data.isTouchMove = !0, $el.progressBall.querySelector(".progress-ball").style.boxShadow = "0 0 20px 3px " + $habit.themeColor, mobilePlugin && (new mobilePlugin.interface)._onAgentEventAction("touchmove-footerbar")),
$data.startX || ($data.startX = $data.moveX);
var e = $data.moveX - $data.startX;
$method.progressControlHandle(e, $el.touchEffective)
r = function() {
"touchend" == t.type ? ($el.touchEffective.removeEventListener("touchmove", $method.progressBarSeeking), $el.touchEffective.removeEventListener("touchend", $method.progressBarSeeking), $el.touchEffective.removeEventListener("touchcancel", $method.progressBarSeeking)) : (document.removeEventListener("mousemove", $method.progressBarSeeking), document.removeEventListener("mouseup", $method.progressBarSeeking)),
$data.isTouchMove && ($el.progressBall.querySelector(".progress-ball").style.boxShadow = "0 1px 10px #cccccc", mobilePlugin && (new mobilePlugin.interface)._onAgentEventAction("touchend-footerbar")),
$el.videoObject.currentTime = $data.currentTime,
$data.ball_move_status = !1,
switch (t.type) {
case "mousedown":
case "mousemove":
case "mouseup":
case "touchstart":
case "touchmove":
case "touchend":
case "touchcancel":
$el.touchEffective.removeEventListener("touchmove", $method.progressBarSeeking),
$el.touchEffective.removeEventListener("touchend", $method.progressBarSeeking),
$el.touchEffective.removeEventListener("touchcancel", $method.progressBarSeeking),
$data.ball_move_status = !1,
mobilePlugin && (new mobilePlugin.interface)._onAgentEventAction("touchend-footerbar");
resetTouchVariable: function() {
$data.startX = null,
$data.startY = null,
$data.moveX = null,
$data.moveY = null,
setTimeout(function() {
$data.isTouchMove = !1
}, 50)
createTimerCloseControl: function(e) {
var t;
"cancel" != (e = e || {}).type ? (t = function() {
_this._global_.mp_timeout_3 = setTimeout(function() {
type: e.type || "timer"
}, 3500)
}, _this._global_.mp_timeout_3 && clearTimeout(_this._global_.mp_timeout_3), t()) : _this._global_.mp_timeout_3 && clearTimeout(_this._global_.mp_timeout_3)
closeMpSidebar: function() {
for (var e = !1, t = $el.mPlayer.querySelectorAll(".mplayer-sidebar"), o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
t[o].classList.contains("open") && (t[o].classList.remove("open"), e = !0, "object" == _typeof(_this._global_.webpagePlugin) && "removeEventListener" == _this._global_.webpagePlugin.eventStatus && (new webpagePlugin.interface)._addEvent());
return e
toggleControlsDisplay: function(e) {
(e = e || {
type: ""
}).stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
var t = $method.closeMpSidebar();
if (!t && "DOMContentLoaded" != e.type && "resize" != e.type && "orientationchange" != e.type) {
var r = ["webkitTransform", "transform", "msTransform"],
o = function() {
$el.mplayerHeader.classList.toggle("show", !0)
n = function() {
$el.mplayerHeader.classList.toggle("show", !1);
for (var e = $el.mplayerHeader.getBoundingClientRect().height, t = 0; t < r.length; t++)
$el.mplayerHeader.style[r[t]] = "translateY(" + -e + "px)"
l = function() {
$el.mplayerFooter.classList.toggle("show", !0),
$el.miniProgress.style.opacity = 0
t = function() {
$el.mplayerFooter.classList.toggle("show", !1);
for (var e = $el.mplayerFooter.getBoundingClientRect().height, t = $el.progressContainer.classList.contains("upper-position") ? Number.parseInt($el.progressContainer.getBoundingClientRect().height / 2) + 1 : 0, o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
$el.mplayerFooter.style[r[o]] = "translateY(" + (e + t) + "px)";
$el.miniProgress.style.opacity = 1
return "showControls" == e.type ? (l(), o(), $data.showScreenControls = !0, $method.createTimerCloseControl(), void _this.emit("controls-toggle", {
show: !0
})) : "hideControls" == e.type ? (t(), n(), $data.showScreenControls = !1, $method.createTimerCloseControl({
type: "cancel"
}), void _this.emit("controls-toggle", {
show: !1
})) : void (("timer" != e.type && "dblscreen" != e.type || 0 != $data.showScreenControls) && ($data.showScreenControls ? (t(), n(), $data.showScreenControls = !1, _this.emit("controls-toggle", {
show: !1
})) : (l(), o(), $data.showScreenControls = !0, $method.createTimerCloseControl(), _this.emit("controls-toggle", {
show: !0
}), window.plus && $data.isFullScreen && plus.navigator.hideSystemNavigation())))
onWaiting: function() {
$data.isPlay = !1,
_this._global_.mp_timeout_1 || (_this._global_.mp_timeout_1 = setTimeout(function() {
$data.isPlay || $method.showLoading(),
_this._global_.mp_timeout_1 = null
}, 500))
onError: function(e) {
var t = arguments;
$data.isDestory && 1 <= $data.playError || setTimeout(function() {
(0 === ($el.videoObject.readyState || 0) || $el.videoObject.duration <= 1) && ($data.playError++, $el.mplayerError.style.display = "block", $el.videoObject.style.opacity = 0, $method.showCover(), $method.hideLoading(), $method.toggleControlsDisplay({
type: "hideControls"
}), $method.toggleEventListenerGlobal("remove"), $method.toggleEventListenerCustom("remove"), $el.mplayerError.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
}, {
once: !0
}), _this.emit("error", _toConsumableArray(t)))
}, 3e3)
reloadUrl: function(e) {
type: "cancel"
e && (option.src = e),
$data.isFullScreen && setTimeout(function() {
}, 50),
destory: function() {
var e,
$el.mPlayer.querySelector("#mplayer-media-wrapper video") && ($data.isDestory = !0, $method.toggleEventListenerGlobal("remove"), $method.toggleEventListenerCustom("remove"), $el.mPlayer.classList.remove("fullscreen-scaling"), hls && hls.media && (hls.destroy(), hls = ""), flv && (flv.destroy(), flv = ""), t = (e = $el.mPlayer.querySelector("#mplayer-media-wrapper")).querySelector("video"), o = (r = e.getBoundingClientRect()).height, r = r.width, document.pictureInPictureElement == t && document.exitPictureInPicture(), e.style.height = o + "px", e.style.width = r + "px", t.pause(), t.removeAttribute("src"), e.innerHTML = "", _this.emit("destory"))
onProgress: function() {
var e = $el.videoObject.buffered;
if (0 < e.length && 0 < $data.duration) {
if (e.end(0) == $data.duration)
return $el.miniBuffered.style.width = "100%", $el.progressBuffered.style.width = "100%", void ($el.progressBuffered.style.borderRadius = "5px");
for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
var o = e.end(t);
if (o > $data.currentTime) {
o = o / $data.duration * 100;
$el.progressBuffered.style.width = o + "%",
$el.miniBuffered.style.width = o + "%";
showLoading: function() {
"inline-block" != $el.mplayerLoading.style.display && ($el.mplayerLoading.style.display = "inline-block")
hideLoading: function() {
"none" != $el.mplayerLoading.style.display && ($el.mplayerLoading.style.display = "none")
showCover: function() {
$el.mplayerCover.style.opacity <= 0 && ($el.mplayerCover.style.zIndex = 8, $el.mplayerCover.style.opacity = .2)
hideCover: function() {
"0" != $el.mplayerCover.style.opacity && ($el.mplayerCover.style.opacity = 0, $el.mplayerCover.style.zIndex = -1)
showToast: function() {
var t = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
o = {
message: "",
duration: 1500,
style: {}
"string" == typeof t && (o.message = t),
"object" == _typeof(t) && Object.keys(o).forEach(function(e) {
t[e] && (o[e] = t[e])
var r,
e = 0 < ("number" == typeof o.duration && o.duration) ? o.duration : 1500,
n = $el.mPlayer.querySelector("#mplayer-media-wrapper");
n.querySelector("#mplayer-toast") && $method.removeNode(n, "#mplayer-toast"),
(r = document.createElement("div")).setAttribute("class", "mplayer-toast toast-scaling"),
r.setAttribute("id", "mplayer-toast"),
r.innerHTML = o.message,
"[object Object]" == Object.prototype.toString.call(o.style) && Object.keys(o.style).forEach(function(e) {
r.style[e] = o.style[e]
r.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
r.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
_this._global_.handleIconTimer_2 && window.clearTimeout(_this._global_.handleIconTimer_2),
_this._global_.handleIconTimer_2 = setTimeout(function() {
$method.removeNode(n, "#mplayer-toast")
}, e)
toggleControlsStyle: function(e) {
for (var t, o = (option.custom || {}).footerControls || [], r = 0; r < o.length; r++)
!0 !== o[r].oftenShow && (t = o[r].slot, (t = $el.mplayerFooter.querySelector("[slot=" + t + "]")) && ("portrait" == e && (t.style.display = "none"), "landscape" == e && (t.style.display = "block")))
onDocVisibilitychange: function(e) {
!1 !== $data.showScreenControls && $method.createTimerCloseControl({
type: "visible" == document.visibilityState ? "" : "cancel"
onScreenResize: function(e) {
(e = e || {
type: ""
}).stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
function t() {
setTimeout(function() {
var e = {
direction: "portrait"
"window" == $method.returnSys() && (e.fullscreen = $data.isFullScreen),
_this.emit("fullscreen-change", e)
}, 10),
window.plus && setTimeout(function() {
}, 200)
function o() {
setTimeout(function() {
var e = {
direction: "landscape"
"window" == $method.returnSys() && (e.fullscreen = $data.isFullScreen),
_this.emit("fullscreen-change", e)
}, 10),
window.plus && $data.isFullScreen && setTimeout(function() {
}, 200)
window.orientation || 0 == window.orientation ? (0 == window.orientation || 180 == window.orientation ? t : o)() : setTimeout(function() {
(500 <= $el.mPlayer.getBoundingClientRect().width ? o : t)()
}, 0),
0 == $data.showScreenControls && $method.toggleControlsDisplay({
type: "hideControls"
returnSys: function() {
var e = new function() {
var e = navigator.userAgent;
return {
ios: !!e.match(/\(i[^;]+;( U;)? CPU.+Mac OS X/),
android: -1 < e.indexOf("Android") || -1 < e.indexOf("Linux"),
iPhone: -1 < e.indexOf("iPhone"),
iPad: -1 < e.indexOf("iPad")
return e.iPhone || e.iPad || e.ios ? "ios" : e.android ? "androd" : "window"
nodesObserver: function() {
var e = new MutationObserver(function(e, t) {
var o,
r = _createForOfIteratorHelper(e);
try {
for (r.s(); !(o = r.n()).done;) {
var n = o.value;
if ("childList" === n.type) {
var l,
i = _createForOfIteratorHelper(n.removedNodes);
try {
for (i.s(); !(l = i.n()).done;) {
var a = l.value;
if (a instanceof HTMLVideoElement) {
hls && hls.media && (hls.destroy(), hls = ""),
flv && (flv.destroy(), flv = ""),
document.pictureInPictureElement == a && document.exitPictureInPicture(),
} catch (e) {
} finally {
} catch (e) {
} finally {
t = $el.mPlayer.querySelector(".video-wrapper");
e.observe(t, {
childList: !0
toggleEventListenerCustom: function(e) {
var t = option.custom || {},
o = "add" == e ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener",
r = t.headControls || [];
if (0 < r.length)
for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++)
!r[n].click instanceof Function || (i = r[n].slot, (a = $el.headerMenu.querySelector("[slot=" + i + "]")) instanceof Element && a[o]("click", r[n].click));
var l = t.footerControls || [];
if (0 < l.length)
for (var i, a, n = 0; n < l.length; n++)
!l[n].click instanceof Function || (i = l[n].slot, (a = $el.mplayerFooter.querySelector("[slot=" + i + "]")) instanceof Element && a[o]("click", l[n].click))
toggleEventListenerGlobal: function(e, t) {
var o,
r = "add" == e ? "addEventListener" : "removeEventListener";
o = "onorientationchange" in window ? "orientationchange" : "resize",
window[r](o, $method.onScreenResize),
$el.backButton[r]("click", $method.onBack),
$el.fullSwitch[r]("click", $method.fullToggle),
$el.playSwitch[r]("click", $method.onPlayTap),
$el.mPlayer[r]("click", $method.onContrainerTap),
$el.mPlayer[r]("dblclick", $method.onContrainerTap),
$el.touchEffective instanceof Element && $el.touchEffective[r]("touchstart", $method.progressBarSeeking),
$el.touchEffective instanceof Element && $el.touchEffective[r]("mousedown", $method.progressBarSeeking),
$el.videoObject[r]("webkitbeginfullscreen", $method.runtimeCompatibleHandle),
$el.videoObject[r]("webkitendfullscreen", $method.runtimeCompatibleHandle),
document[r]("resume", $method.plusRuntimeHandle),
document[r]("pause", $method.plusRuntimeHandle),
document[r]("visibilitychange", $method.onDocVisibilitychange),
"playerReady" == t && function() {
$el.mplayerCover.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
$el.mplayerCover.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
$el.mplayerHeader.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
$el.mplayerHeader.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
$el.mplayerHeader.addEventListener("dblclick", function(e) {
$el.mplayerFooter.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
$el.mplayerFooter.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
$el.mplayerFooter.addEventListener("dblclick", function(e) {
$el.mplayerError.addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
$el.mplayerError.addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
$el.videoObject.addEventListener("canplaythrough", $method.onCanplaythrough),
$el.videoObject.addEventListener("durationchange", $method.onDurationChange),
option.live || $el.videoObject.addEventListener("timeupdate", $method.onTimeupdate),
$el.videoObject.addEventListener("play", $method.onPlay),
$el.videoObject.addEventListener("playing", $method.onPlaying),
$el.videoObject.addEventListener("pause", $method.onPause),
$el.videoObject.addEventListener("waiting", $method.onWaiting),
$el.videoObject.addEventListener("error", $method.onError),
option.live || $el.videoObject.addEventListener("progress", $method.onProgress);
for (var e = $el.mPlayer.querySelectorAll(".mplayer-sidebar"), t = 0; t < e.length; t++)
e[t].addEventListener("touchstart", function(e) {
e[t].addEventListener("touchmove", function(e) {
e[t].addEventListener("touchend", function(e) {
e[t].addEventListener("click", function(e) {
e[t].addEventListener("dblclick", function(e) {
}, this.showRightSidebar = function(e) {
e = $el.mPlayer.querySelector("#mplayer-media-wrapper [slot=" + e + "]");
e && e.classList.contains("mplayer-sidebar") && ($method.toggleControlsDisplay({
type: "sidebarRight"
}), $method.createTimerCloseControl({
type: "cancel"
}), e.classList.add("open"), webpagePlugin && (new webpagePlugin.interface)._removeEvent())
}, this.toggleControls = function(e) {
!0 === e ? 0 == $data.showScreenControls ? $method.toggleControlsDisplay({
type: "showControls"
}) : $method.createTimerCloseControl() : !1 === e ? 1 == $data.showScreenControls && $method.toggleControlsDisplay({
type: "hideControls"
}) : $method.toggleControlsDisplay()
}, this.showToast = function(e) {
}, this.showLoading = function() {
}, this.hideLoading = function() {
}, this.video = function() {
return $el.videoObject
}, this.reloadUrl = function(e) {
}, this.destory = function() {
}, this.openFullScreen = function() {
}, this.closeFullScreen = function() {
}, this.sendError = function(e) {
}, this.getControls = function() {
return setTimeout(function() {
}, 10), $el.mPlayer.querySelectorAll("[control]")
}, "interactive" == document.readyState || "complete" == document.readyState ? $method.initCreateMplayer() : document.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
"interactive" == document.readyState && $method.initCreateMplayer()
return MuiPlayer.prototype.on = function(e, t) {
this._event_[e] || (this._event_[e] = []),
}, MuiPlayer.prototype.off = function(e, t) {
this._event_[e] && (t ? 0 <= (t = this._event_[e].indexOf(t)) && this._event_[e].splice(t, 1) : this._event_[e] = void 0)
}, MuiPlayer.prototype.emit = function(e, t) {
if (this._event_[e])
for (var o = 0; o < this._event_[e].length; o++) {
var r = this._event_[e][o];
t instanceof Array ? r.apply(this, t) : r(t)
}, MuiPlayer.prototype.once = function(t, o) {
var r = this;
this.on(t, function e() {
o.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)),
setTimeout(function() {
r.off(t, e)
}, 200)
}, MuiPlayer