import { Crypto, load, _ } from './lib/cat.js'; let key = 'ikanbot'; let url = ''; let siteKey = ''; let siteType = 0; const UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1'; async function request(reqUrl, agentSp) { let res = await req(reqUrl, { method: 'get', headers: { 'User-Agent': agentSp || UA, 'referer': url }, }); return res.content; } // cfg = {skey: siteKey, ext: extend} async function init(cfg) { siteKey = cfg.skey; siteType = cfg.stype; } function getClass($) { const nav = $('ul.nav-pills:eq(1) > li > a'); let tags = { key: 'tag', name: '标签', value:, (n) => { return { n: n.children[0].data, v: n.attribs.href }; }), }; tags['init'] = tags.value[0].v; const title = $('title:first').text().split('-')[0].substring(2); return { cls: { type_id: tags.value[0].v, type_name: title }, tags: [tags] }; } async function home(filter) { let classes = []; let filterObj = {}; for (const cate of ['/hot/index-movie-热门.html', '/hot/index-tv-热门.html']) { const html = await request(url + cate); const $ = load(html); const { cls, tags } = getClass($); classes.push(cls); filterObj[cls.type_id] = tags; } return JSON.stringify({ class: classes, filters: filterObj, }); } async function homeVod() { const html = await request(url); const $ = load(html); const items = $('div.v-list a.item'); var jsBase = await js2Proxy(true, siteType, siteKey, 'img/', {}); let videos =, (item) => { const img = $(item).find('img:first')[0]; return { vod_id: item.attribs.href, vod_name: img.attribs.alt, vod_pic: jsBase + base64Encode(img.attribs['data-src']), vod_remarks: '', }; }); return JSON.stringify({ list: videos, }); } async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) { if (pg <= 0) pg = 1; const link = url + (extend.tag || tid).replace('.html', pg > 1 ? `-p-${pg}.html` : '.html'); const html = await request(link); const $ = load(html); const items = $('div.v-list a.item'); var jsBase = await js2Proxy(true, siteType, siteKey, 'img/', {}); let videos =, (item) => { const img = $(item).find('img:first')[0]; return { vod_id: item.attribs.href, vod_name: img.attribs.alt, vod_pic: jsBase + base64Encode(img.attribs['data-src']), vod_remarks: '', }; }); const hasMore = $(' > a:contains(下一页)').length > 0; const pgCount = hasMore ? parseInt(pg) + 1 : parseInt(pg); return JSON.stringify({ page: parseInt(pg), pagecount: pgCount, limit: 24, total: 24 * pgCount, list: videos, }); } async function detail(id) { const html = await request(url + id); const $ = load(html); var jsBase = await js2Proxy(true, siteType, siteKey, 'img/', {}); const detail = $('div.detail'); const remarks = $('span#line-tips').text(); let vod = { vod_id: id, vod_pic: jsBase + base64Encode($('div.item-root > img')[0].attribs['data-src']), vod_remarks: '', vod_content: remarks || '', vod_name: $(detail).find('h2').text().trim(), vod_year: $(detail).find('h3:nth-child(3)').text(), vod_area: $(detail).find('h3:nth-child(4)').text(), vod_actor: $(detail).find('h3:nth-child(5)').text(), }; const res = await req(url + '/api/getResN?videoId=' + id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '&mtype=2&token=9109590b194731fde643ce27924fcf6f', { headers: { Referer: 'play', 'User-Agent': UA, }, }); const list = JSON.parse(res.content).data.list; let playlist = {}; let arr = [] for (const l of list) { const flagData = JSON.parse(l.resData); for (const f of flagData) { const from = f.flag; const urls = f.url; if (!from || !urls) continue; if (playlist[from]) continue; playlist[from] = urls; } } for (var key in playlist) { if ('kuaikan' == key) { arr.push({ flag: '快看', url: playlist[key], sort: 4 }) } else if ('bfzym3u8' == key) { arr.push({ flag: '暴风', url: playlist[key], sort: 1 }) } else if ('ffm3u8' == key) { arr.push({ flag: '非凡', url: playlist[key], sort: 2 }) } else if ('lzm3u8' == key) { arr.push({ flag: '量子', url: playlist[key], sort: 3 }) } else { arr.push({ flag: key, url: playlist[key], sort: 5 }) } } arr.sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort); let playFrom = []; let playList = []; => { playFrom.push(val.flag); playList.push(val.url); }) vod.vod_play_from = playFrom.join("$$$"); vod.vod_play_url = playList.join("$$$"); return JSON.stringify({ list: [vod], }); } function base64Encode(text) { return Crypto.enc.Base64.stringify(Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(text)); } function base64Decode(text) { return Crypto.enc.Utf8.stringify(Crypto.enc.Base64.parse(text)); } async function proxy(segments, headers) { let what = segments[0]; let url = base64Decode(segments[1]); if (what == 'img') { var resp = await req(url, { buffer: 2, headers: { Referer: url, 'User-Agent': UA, }, }); return JSON.stringify({ code: resp.code, buffer: 2, content: resp.content, headers: resp.headers, }); } return JSON.stringify({ code: 500, content: '', }); } async function play(flag, id, flags) { return JSON.stringify({ parse: 0, url: id, }); } async function search(wd, quick, pg) { if (pg <= 0 || typeof(pg) == 'undefined') pg = 1; const html = await request(url + '/search?q=' + wd + '&p=' + pg); const $ = load(html); const items = $(''); var jsBase = await js2Proxy(true, siteType, siteKey, 'img/', {}); let videos =, (item) => { const a = $(item).find('a:first')[0]; const img = $(item).find('img:first')[0]; const remarks = $($(item).find('span.label')[0]).text().trim(); return { vod_id: a.attribs.href, vod_name: img.attribs.alt, vod_pic: jsBase + base64Encode(img.attribs['data-src']), vod_remarks: remarks || '', }; }); const hasMore = $(' > a:contains(下一页)').length > 0; const pgCount = hasMore ? parseInt(pg) + 1 : parseInt(pg); return JSON.stringify({ page: parseInt(pg), pagecount: pgCount, list: videos, }); } export function __jsEvalReturn() { return { init: init, home: home, homeVod: homeVod, category: category, detail: detail, play: play, proxy: proxy, search: search, }; }