// !!!!! Do not use in release mode. Just a native inject fake wrapper for test spider. !!!!! // !!!!! Do not use in release mode. Just a native inject fake wrapper for test spider. !!!!! // !!!!! Do not use in release mode. Just a native inject fake wrapper for test spider. !!!!! import axios, {toFormData} from 'axios'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import https from 'https'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import qs from 'qs'; import {Uri, _} from '../lib/cat.js'; import tunnel from "tunnel"; const confs = {}; function initLocalStorage(storage) { if (!_.has(confs, storage)) { if (!fs.existsSync('local')) { fs.mkdirSync('local'); } const storagePath = 'local/js_' + storage; if (!fs.existsSync(storagePath)) { fs.writeFileSync(storagePath, '{}'); confs[storage] = {}; } else { confs[storage] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(storagePath).toString()); } } } function localGet(storage, key) { initLocalStorage(storage); return _.get(confs[storage], key, ''); } function localSet(storage, key, value) { initLocalStorage(storage); confs[storage][key] = value; fs.writeFileSync('local/js_' + storage, JSON.stringify(confs[storage])); } async function request(url, opt) { try { var data = opt ? opt.data || null : null; var postType = opt ? opt.postType || null : null; var returnBuffer = opt ? opt.buffer || 0 : 0; var timeout = opt ? opt.timeout || 5000 : 5000; var redirect = (opt ? opt.redirect || 1 : 1) == 1; var headers = opt ? opt.headers || {} : {}; if (postType == 'form') { headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; if (data != null) { data = qs.stringify(data, {encode: false}); } } else if (postType == 'form-data') { headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data'; data = toFormData(data); } let respType = returnBuffer == 1 || returnBuffer == 2 ? 'arraybuffer' : undefined; // const agent = tunnel.httpsOverHttp({ // proxy: { // host: '', port: 7890, // } // }); let agent; if (opt.proxy){ agent = tunnel.httpsOverHttp({ proxy: { host: '', port: 7890, } }); }else{ agent = https.Agent({ rejectUnauthorized: false,}) } var resp = await axios(url, { responseType: respType, method: opt ? opt.method || 'get' : 'get', headers: headers, data: data, timeout: timeout, maxRedirects: !redirect ? 0 : null, httpsAgent: agent }); var data = resp.data; var resHeader = {}; for (const hks of resp.headers) { var v = hks[1]; resHeader[hks[0]] = Array.isArray(v) ? (v.length == 1 ? v[0] : v) : v; } if (!returnBuffer) { if (typeof data === 'object') { data = JSON.stringify(data); } } else if (returnBuffer == 1) { return {code: resp.status, headers: resHeader, content: data}; } else if (returnBuffer == 2) { return {code: resp.status, headers: resHeader, content: data.toString('base64')}; } else if (returnBuffer == 3) { var stream = opt.stream; if (stream['onResp']) await stream['onResp']({code: resp.status, headers: resHeader}); if (stream['onData']) { data.on('data', async (data) => { await stream['onData'](data); }); data.on('end', async () => { if (stream['onDone']) await stream['onDone'](); }); } else { if (stream['onDone']) await stream['onDone'](); } return 'stream...'; } return {code: resp.status, headers: resHeader, content: data}; } catch (error) { resp = error.response try { return {code: resp.status, headers: resp.headers, content: JSON.stringify(resp.data)}; } catch (err) { return {headers: {}, content: ''}; } } return {headers: {}, content: ''}; } function base64EncodeBuf(buff, urlsafe = false) { return buff.toString(urlsafe ? 'base64url' : 'base64'); } function base64Encode(text, urlsafe = false) { return base64EncodeBuf(Buffer.from(text, 'utf8'), urlsafe); } function base64DecodeBuf(text) { return Buffer.from(text, 'base64'); } function base64Decode(text) { return base64DecodeBuf(text).toString('utf8'); } function md5(text) { return crypto.createHash('md5').update(Buffer.from(text, 'utf8')).digest('hex'); } function aes(mode, encrypt, input, inBase64, key, iv, outBase64) { if (iv.length == 0) iv = null; try { if (mode.startsWith('AES/CBC')) { switch (key.length) { case 16: mode = 'aes-128-cbc'; break; case 32: mode = 'aes-256-cbc'; break; } } else if (mode.startsWith('AES/ECB')) { switch (key.length) { case 16: mode = 'aes-128-ecb'; break; case 32: mode = 'aes-256-ecb'; break; } } const inBuf = inBase64 ? base64DecodeBuf(input) : Buffer.from(input, 'utf8'); let keyBuf = Buffer.from(key); if (keyBuf.length < 16) keyBuf = Buffer.concat([keyBuf], 16); let ivBuf = iv == null ? Buffer.alloc(0) : Buffer.from(iv); if (iv != null && ivBuf.length < 16) ivBuf = Buffer.concat([ivBuf], 16); const cipher = encrypt ? crypto.createCipheriv(mode, keyBuf, ivBuf) : crypto.createDecipheriv(mode, keyBuf, ivBuf); const outBuf = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(inBuf), cipher.final()]); return outBase64 ? base64EncodeBuf(outBuf) : outBuf.toString('utf8'); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } return ''; } function des(mode, encrypt, input, inBase64, key, iv, outBase64) { try { if (mode.startsWith('DESede/CBC')) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29831300/convert-desede-ecb-nopadding-algorithm-written-in-java-into-nodejs-using-crypto switch (key.length) { case 16: mode = 'des-ede-cbc'; break; case 24: mode = 'des-ede3-cbc'; break; } } const inBuf = inBase64 ? base64DecodeBuf(input) : Buffer.from(input, 'utf8'); let keyBuf = Buffer.from(key); if (keyBuf.length < 16) keyBuf = Buffer.concat([keyBuf], 16); let ivBuf = iv == null ? Buffer.alloc(0) : Buffer.from(iv); if (iv != null && ivBuf.length < 8) ivBuf = Buffer.concat([ivBuf], 8); const cipher = encrypt ? crypto.createCipheriv(mode, keyBuf, ivBuf) : crypto.createDecipheriv(mode, keyBuf, ivBuf); const outBuf = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(inBuf), cipher.final()]); return outBase64 ? base64EncodeBuf(outBuf) : outBuf.toString('utf8'); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } return ''; } // pkcs8 only function rsa(mode, pub, encrypt, input, inBase64, key, outBase64) { try { let pd = undefined; const keyObj = pub ? crypto.createPublicKey(key) : crypto.createPrivateKey(key); if (!keyObj.asymmetricKeyDetails || !keyObj.asymmetricKeyDetails.modulusLength) return ''; const moduleLen = keyObj.asymmetricKeyDetails.modulusLength; let blockLen = moduleLen / 8; switch (mode) { case 'RSA/PKCS1': pd = crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING; blockLen = encrypt ? blockLen - 11 : blockLen; break; case 'RSA/None/NoPadding': pd = crypto.constants.RSA_NO_PADDING; break; case 'RSA/None/OAEPPadding': pd = crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING; blockLen = encrypt ? blockLen - 41 : blockLen; break; default: throw Error('not support ' + mode); } let inBuf = inBase64 ? base64DecodeBuf(input) : Buffer.from(input, 'utf8'); let bufIdx = 0; let outBuf = Buffer.alloc(0); while (bufIdx < inBuf.length) { const bufEndIdx = Math.min(bufIdx + blockLen, inBuf.length); let tmpInBuf = inBuf.subarray(bufIdx, bufEndIdx); if (pd == crypto.constants.RSA_NO_PADDING) { if (tmpInBuf.length < blockLen) { tmpInBuf = Buffer.concat([Buffer.alloc(128 - tmpInBuf.length), tmpInBuf]); } } let tmpBuf; if (pub) { tmpBuf = encrypt ? crypto.publicEncrypt({ key: keyObj, padding: pd }, tmpInBuf) : crypto.publicDecrypt({key: keyObj, padding: pd}, tmpInBuf); } else { tmpBuf = encrypt ? crypto.privateEncrypt({ key: keyObj, padding: pd }, tmpInBuf) : crypto.privateDecrypt({key: keyObj, padding: pd}, tmpInBuf); } bufIdx = bufEndIdx; outBuf = Buffer.concat([outBuf, tmpBuf]); } return outBase64 ? base64EncodeBuf(outBuf) : outBuf.toString('utf8'); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } return ''; } var charStr = 'abacdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; function randStr(len, withNum) { var _str = ''; let containsNum = withNum === undefined ? true : withNum; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { let idx = _.random(0, containsNum ? charStr.length - 1 : charStr.length - 11); _str += charStr[idx]; } return _str; } globalThis.local = { get: async function (storage, key) { return localGet(storage, key); }, set: async function (storage, key, val) { localSet(storage, key, val); }, }; globalThis.md5X = md5; globalThis.rsaX = rsa; globalThis.aesX = aes; globalThis.desX = des; globalThis.req = request; /** * Constructor for the JSProxyStream class. * * @constructor */ globalThis.JSProxyStream = function () { /** * Set proxy stream http code & headers * * @param {Number} code - http status code * @param {Map} headers - http response headers */ this.head = async function (code, headers) { }; /** * Writes the given buffer. * * @param {ArrayBuffer} buf - the buffer to write * @return {Number} 1 if the write was successful, 0 stream read is paused, -1 strean was closed */ this.write = async function (buf) { return 1; }; /** * Stream will be closed. */ this.done = async function () { }; /** * Stream will be closed cause by error happened. */ this.error = async function (err) { }; }; /** * Creates a new JSFile object with the specified path. * * @param {string} path - The path to the file. * @return {JSFile} - The JSFile object. */ globalThis.JSFile = function (path) { this._path = path; this.fd = null; /** * Returns the raw path of the object. * * @return {string} The raw path of the file. Runtime path is not same with _path. */ this.path = async function () { return this._path; }; /** * Opens a file with the specified mode. * * @param {string} mode - The mode in which to open the file. Can be 'r' for read, 'w' for write, or 'a' for append. * @return {boolean} Returns true if the file was successfully opened, false otherwise. */ this.open = async function (mode) { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (mode == 'w' || mode == 'a') { const directoryPath = dirname(file._path); if (!fs.existsSync(directoryPath)) { fs.mkdirSync(directoryPath, {recursive: true}); } } fs.open(file._path, mode, null, (e, f) => { if (!e) file.fd = f; if (file.fd) resolve(true); else resolve(false); }); }); }; /** * Reads data from a file asynchronously. * * @param {number} length - The number of bytes to read. * @param {number} position - The position in the file to start reading from. * @return {ArrayBuffer} The data read from the file. */ this.read = async function (length, position) { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let arraybuffer = new ArrayBuffer(length); let arr = new Int8Array(arraybuffer); fs.read(file.fd, arr, 0, length, position, (err, bytesRead, buffer) => { if (length > bytesRead) { arraybuffer = buffer.slice(0, bytesRead).buffer; } resolve(arraybuffer); }); }); }; /** * Writes data from an ArrayBuffer to a file at a given position. * * @param {ArrayBuffer} arraybuffer - The ArrayBuffer containing the data to write. * @param {number} position - The position within the file to start writing. * @return {boolean} Returns true if the write operation was successful. */ this.write = async function (arraybuffer, position) { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.write(file.fd, new Int8Array(arraybuffer), 0, arraybuffer.byteLength, position, (err, written, buffer) => { if (!err) resolve(true); else resolve(false); }); }); }; /** * Flush buffers to disk. */ this.flush = async function () { return; }; /** * Closes the file descriptor. * * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves once the file descriptor is closed. */ this.close = async function () { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.close(file.fd, (err) => { resolve(); }); }); }; /** * Moves the file to a new path. * * @param {string} newPath - The new path where the file will be moved. * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves with `true` if the file was successfully moved, otherwise returns false. */ this.move = async function (newPath) { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.rename(file._path, newPath, (err) => { if (!err) resolve(true); else resolve(false); }); }); }; /** * Copies the file to a new path. * * @param {string} newPath - The path of the new location where the file will be copied. * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves with `true` if the file is successfully copied, and `false` otherwise. */ this.copy = async function (newPath) { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.copyFile(file._path, newPath, (err) => { if (!err) resolve(true); else resolve(false); }); }); }; /** * Deletes the file associated with this object. * */ this.delete = async function () { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.rm(file._path, (err) => { resolve(); }); }); }; /** * Checks if the file exists. * * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to a boolean value indicating whether the file exists or not. */ this.exist = async function () { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.exists(file._path, (stat) => { resolve(stat); }); }); }; /** * @returns the file length */ this.size = async function () { const file = this; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.stat(file._path, (err, stat) => { if (err) { resolve(0); } else { resolve(stat.size); } }); }); }; }; globalThis.js2Proxy = function (dynamic, siteType, site, url, headers) { let hd = Object.keys(headers).length == 0 ? '_' : encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(headers)); return (dynamic ? 'js2p://_WEB_/' : '') + randStr(6) + '/' + siteType + '/' + site + '/' + hd + '/' + encodeURIComponent(url); }; export default {};