#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # File : base_spider.py # Author: DaShenHan&道长-----先苦后甜,任凭晚风拂柳颜------ # Author's Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32394351 # Date : 2024/1/7 import os.path import sys sys.path.append('..') try: from base.spider import Spider as BaseSpider except ImportError: from t4.base.spider import BaseSpider import json import time import base64 import re from pathlib import Path import io import tokenize from urllib.parse import quote """ 配置示例: t4的配置里ext节点会自动变成api对应query参数extend,但t4的ext字符串不支持路径格式,比如./开头或者.json结尾 api里会自动含有ext参数是base64编码后的选中的筛选条件 { "key":"hipy_t4_base", "name":"base(hipy_t4)", "type":4, "api":"", "searchable":1, "quickSearch":1, "filterable":1, "ext":"base_spider" }, { "key": "hipy_t3_base", "name": "base(hipy_t3)", "type": 3, "api": "{{host}}/txt/hipy/base_spider.py", "searchable": 1, "quickSearch": 1, "filterable": 1, "ext": "{{host}}/txt/hipy/base_spider.json" }, """ class Spider(BaseSpider): # 元类 默认的元类 type def getName(self): return "规则名称如:基础示例" def init_api_ext_file(self): """ 这个函数用于初始化py文件对应的json文件,用于存筛选规则。 执行此函数会自动生成筛选文件 @return: """ ext_file = __file__.replace('.py', '.json') print(f'ext_file:{ext_file}') ext_file_dict = { "分类1": [{"key": "letter", "name": "首字母", "value": [{"n": "A", "v": "A"}, {"n": "B", "v": "B"}]}], "分类2": [{"key": "letter", "name": "首字母", "value": [{"n": "A", "v": "A"}, {"n": "B", "v": "B"}]}, {"key": "year", "name": "年份", "value": [{"n": "2024", "v": "2024"}, {"n": "2023", "v": "2023"}]}], } with open(ext_file, mode='w+', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(json.dumps(ext_file_dict, ensure_ascii=False)) def init(self, extend=""): """ 初始化加载extend,一般与py文件名同名的json文件作为扩展筛选 @param extend: @return: """ def init_file(ext_file): """ 根据与py对应的json文件去扩展规则的筛选条件 """ ext_file = Path(ext_file).as_posix() if os.path.exists(ext_file): with open(ext_file, mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as f: try: ext_dict = json.loads(f.read()) self.config['filter'].update(ext_dict) except Exception as e: print(f'更新扩展筛选条件发生错误:{e}') print(f"============{extend}============") if extend.startswith('./'): ext_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), extend) init_file(ext_file) elif extend.startswith('http'): try: r = self.fetch(extend) self.config['filter'].update(r.json()) except Exception as e: print(f'更新扩展筛选条件发生错误:{e}') elif extend and not extend.startswith('./') and not extend.startswith('http'): ext_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './' + extend + '.json') init_file(ext_file) def isVideoFormat(self, url): pass def manualVideoCheck(self): pass def homeContent(self, filterable=False): """ 获取首页分类及筛选数据 @param filterable: 能否筛选,跟t3/t4配置里的filterable参数一致 @return: """ class_name = '电影&电视剧&综艺&动漫' # 静态分类名称拼接 class_url = '1&2&3&4' # 静态分类标识拼接 result = {} classes = [] if all([class_name, class_url]): class_names = class_name.split('&') class_urls = class_url.split('&') cnt = min(len(class_urls), len(class_names)) for i in range(cnt): classes.append({ 'type_name': class_names[i], 'type_id': class_urls[i] }) result['class'] = classes if filterable: result['filters'] = self.config['filter'] return result def homeVideoContent(self): """ 首页推荐列表 @return: """ d = [] d.append({ 'vod_name': '测试', 'vod_id': 'index.html', 'vod_pic': 'https://gitee.com/CherishRx/imagewarehouse/raw/master/image/13096725fe56ce9cf643a0e4cd0c159c.gif', 'vod_remarks': '原始hipy', }) result = { 'list': d } return result def categoryContent(self, tid, pg, filterable, extend): """ 返回一级列表页数据 @param tid: 分类id @param pg: 当前页数 @param filterable: 能否筛选 @param extend: 当前筛选数据 @return: """ page_count = 24 # 默认赋值一页列表24条数据 d = [] d.append({ 'vod_name': '测试', 'vod_id': 'index.html', 'vod_pic': 'https://gitee.com/CherishRx/imagewarehouse/raw/master/image/13096725fe56ce9cf643a0e4cd0c159c.gif', 'vod_remarks': '类型:' + tid, }) result = { 'list': d, 'page': pg, 'pagecount': 9999 if len(d) >= page_count else pg, 'limit': 90, 'total': 999999, } return result def detailContent(self, ids): """ 返回二级详情页数据 @param ids: 一级传过来的vod_id列表 @return: """ vod_id = ids[0] vod = {"vod_id": vod_id, "vod_name": '测试二级', "vod_pic": 'https://gitee.com/CherishRx/imagewarehouse/raw/master/image/13096725fe56ce9cf643a0e4cd0c159c.gif', "type_name": '详情页类型', "vod_year": '详情页年份', "vod_area": '详情页地区', "vod_remarks": '详情页标签', "vod_actor": '详情页演员名称', "vod_director": '详情页导演名称', "vod_content": '详情页剧情描述', "vod_play_from": '测试线路1$$$测试线路2', "vod_play_url": '选集播放1$1.mp4#选集播放2$2.mp4$$$选集播放3$3.mp4#选集播放4$4.mp4'} result = { 'list': [vod] } return result def searchContent(self, wd, quick=False): """ 返回搜索列表 @param wd: 搜索关键词 @param quick: 是否来自快速搜索。t3/t4配置里启用了快速搜索,在快速搜索在执行才会是True @return: """ headers = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36", "Host": "www.bttwo.net", "Referer": "https://www.bttwo.net/" } url = f'https://www.bttwo.net/xssearch?q={quote(wd)}' r = self.fetch(url, headers=headers) cookies = ['myannoun=1'] for key, value in r.headers.items(): if str(key).lower() == 'set-cookie': cookies.append(value.split(';')[0]) new_headers = { 'Cookie': ';'.join(cookies), # 'Pragma': 'no-cache', # 'Origin': 'https://www.bttwo.net', # 'Referer': url, # 'Sec-Ch-Ua': '"Not_A Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="120", "Google Chrome";v="120"', # 'Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile': '?0', # 'Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform': '"Windows"', # 'Sec-Fetch-Dest': 'document', # 'Sec-Fetch-Mode': 'navigate', # 'Sec-Fetch-Site': 'same-origin', # 'Sec-Fetch-User': '?1', # 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1', } headers.update(new_headers) print(headers) html = self.html(r.text) captcha = ''.join(html.xpath('//*[@class="erphp-search-captcha"]/form/text()')).strip() print('验证码:', captcha) answer = self.eval_computer(captcha) print('回答:', captcha, answer) data = {'result': str(answer)} print('待post数据:', data) self.post(url, data=data, headers=headers, cookies=None) r = self.fetch(url, headers=headers) # print(r.text) html = self.html(r.text) lis = html.xpath('//*[contains(@class,"search_list")]/ul/li') print('搜索结果数:', len(lis)) d = [] if len(lis) < 1: d.append({ 'vod_name': wd, 'vod_id': 'index.html', 'vod_pic': 'https://gitee.com/CherishRx/imagewarehouse/raw/master/image/13096725fe56ce9cf643a0e4cd0c159c.gif', 'vod_remarks': '测试搜索', }) else: for li in lis: d.append({ 'vod_name': ''.join(li.xpath('h3//text()')), 'vod_id': ''.join(li.xpath('a/@href')), 'vod_pic': ''.join(li.xpath('a/img/@data-original')), 'vod_remarks': ''.join(li.xpath('p//text()')), }) result = { 'list': d } print(result) return result def playerContent(self, flag, id, vipFlags): """ 解析播放,返回json。壳子视情况播放直链或进行嗅探 @param flag: vod_play_from 播放来源线路 @param id: vod_play_url 播放的链接 @param vipFlags: vip标识 @return: """ url = 'http://bizcommon.alicdn.com/l2nDqpMmn6DGHnWzZQA/Cg9qI5imMInpPvK5Mnm%40%40hd.m3u8' parse = 0 headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1' } result = { 'parse': parse, # 1=嗅探,0=播放 'playUrl': '', # 解析链接 'url': url, # 直链或待嗅探地址 'header': headers, # 播放UA } return result config = { "player": {}, "filter": {} } header = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.54 Safari/537.36", "Host": "www.baidu.com", "Referer": "https://www.baidu.com/" } def localProxy(self, param): return [200, "video/MP2T", action, ""] # -----------------------------------------------自定义函数----------------------------------------------- def eval_computer(self, text): """ 自定义的字符串安全计算器 @param text:字符串的加减乘除 @return:计算后得到的值 """ localdict = {} self.safe_eval(f'ret={text.replace("=", "")}', localdict) ret = localdict.get('ret') or None return ret def safe_eval(self, code: str = '', localdict: dict = None): code = code.strip() if not code: return {} if localdict is None: localdict = {} builtins = __builtins__ if not isinstance(builtins, dict): builtins = builtins.__dict__.copy() else: builtins = builtins.copy() for key in ['__import__', 'eval', 'exec', 'globals', 'dir', 'copyright', 'open', 'quit']: del builtins[key] # 删除不安全的关键字 # print(builtins) global_dict = {'__builtins__': builtins, 'json': json, 'print': print, 're': re, 'time': time, 'base64': base64 } # 禁用内置函数,不允许导入包 try: self.check_unsafe_attributes(code) exec(code, global_dict, localdict) return localdict except Exception as e: return {'error': f'执行报错:{e}'} # ==================== 静态函数 ====================== @staticmethod def check_unsafe_attributes(string): """ 安全检测需要exec执行的python代码 :param string: :return: """ g = tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(string.encode('utf-8')).readline) pre_op = '' for toktype, tokval, _, _, _ in g: if toktype == tokenize.NAME and pre_op == '.' and tokval.startswith('_'): attr = tokval msg = "access to attribute '{0}' is unsafe.".format(attr) raise AttributeError(msg) elif toktype == tokenize.OP: pre_op = tokval if __name__ == '__main__': spider = Spider() spider.init() spider.init_api_ext_file() # 生成筛选对应的json文件 spider.searchContent('斗罗大陆')