import { Crypto, dayjs, jinja2, Uri, _ } from './lib/cat.js'; let key = 'kunyu77'; let url = ''; let device = {}; let timeOffset = 0; let siteKey = ''; let siteType = 0; async function request(reqUrl, agentSp) { let sj = dayjs().unix() - timeOffset; let uri = new Uri(reqUrl); uri.addQueryParam('pcode', '010110005'); uri.addQueryParam('version', '2.1.6'); uri.addQueryParam('devid',; uri.addQueryParam('package', ''); uri.addQueryParam('sys', 'android'); uri.addQueryParam('sysver', device.release); uri.addQueryParam('brand', device.brand); uri.addQueryParam('model', device.model.replaceAll(' ', '_')); uri.addQueryParam('sj', sj); let keys = []; for (var i = 0; i < uri.queryPairs.length; i++) { keys.push(uri.queryPairs[i][0]); } keys = _.sortBy(keys, function (name) { return name; }); let tkSrc = uri.path(); for (let k of keys) { let v = uri.getQueryParamValue(k); v = encodeURIComponent(v); tkSrc += v; } tkSrc += sj; tkSrc += 'XSpeUFjJ'; console.log(tkSrc); let tk = Crypto.MD5(tkSrc).toString().toLowerCase(); console.log(tk); let header = { 'user-agent': agentSp || 'okhttp/3.12.0', t: sj, TK: tk, }; let res = await req(uri.toString(), { headers: header, }); let serverTime =; // dart all response header key is lowercase let content = res.content; let serverTimeS = dayjs(serverTime).unix(); timeOffset = dayjs().unix() - serverTimeS; // console.log(content); return content; } async function init(cfg) { siteKey = cfg.skey; siteType = cfg.stype; var deviceKey = 'device'; var deviceInfo = await local.get(key, deviceKey); if (deviceInfo.length > 0) { try { device = JSON.parse(deviceInfo); } catch (error) {} } if (_.isEmpty(device)) { device = randDevice(); = randStr(32).toLowerCase(); = 'Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android ' + device.release + '; ' + device.model + ' Build/' + device.buildId + ')'; await local.set(key, deviceKey, JSON.stringify(device)); } } async function home(filter) { let data = JSON.parse(await request(url + '/api.php/provide/filter')).data; let classes = []; let filterObj = {}; let filterAll = []; for (const key in data) { classes.push({ type_id: key, type_name: data[key][0].cat, }); if (!filter) continue; try { let typeId = key.toString(); if (_.isEmpty(filterAll)) { let filterData = JSON.parse(await request(url + '/api.php/provide/searchFilter?type_id=0&pagenum=1&pagesize=1')).data.conditions; // console.log(filterData); // 年份 let year = { key: 'year', name: '年份', init: '', }; let yearValues = []; yearValues.push({ n: '全部', v: '' }); filterData.y.forEach((e) => { yearValues.push({ n:, v: e.value }); }); year['value'] = yearValues; // 地区 let area = { key: 'area', name: '地区', init: '', }; let areaValues = []; areaValues.push({ n: '全部', v: '' }); filterData.a.forEach((e) => { areaValues.push({ n:, v: e.value }); }); area['value'] = areaValues; // 类型 let type = { key: 'category', name: '类型', init: '', }; let typeValues = []; typeValues.push({ n: '全部', v: '' }); filterData.scat.forEach((e) => { typeValues.push({ n:, v: e.value }); }); type['value'] = typeValues; filterAll.push(year, area, type); } if (!_.isEmpty(filterAll)) { filterObj[typeId] = filterAll; } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } // console.log(classes); // console.log(filterObj); return JSON.stringify({ class: classes, filters: filterObj, }); } async function homeVod() { let data = JSON.parse(await request(url + '/api.php/provide/homeBlock?type_id=0')).data; let blocks = data.blocks; let videos = []; for (const block of blocks) { let name = block.block_name; if (name.indexOf('热播') >= 0) continue; let contents = block.contents; for (const content of contents) { videos.push({ vod_id:, vod_name: content.title, vod_pic: content.videoCover, vod_remarks: content.msg, }); } } return JSON.stringify({ list: videos, }); } async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) { let reqUrl = url + '/api.php/provide/searchFilter?type_id=' + tid + '&pagenum=' + pg + '&pagesize=24&'; reqUrl += jinja2('year={{ext.year}}&category={{ext.category}}&area={{ext.area}}', { ext: extend }); let data = JSON.parse(await request(reqUrl)).data; let videos = []; for (const vod of data.result) { videos.push({ vod_id:, vod_name: vod.title, vod_pic: vod.videoCover, vod_remarks: vod.msg, }); } return JSON.stringify({ page: parseInt(, pagecount: data.pagesize, limit: 24, total:, list: videos, }); } async function detail(id) { let data = JSON.parse(await request(url + '/api.php/provide/videoDetail?ids=' + id)).data; console.log(data); let vod = { vod_id:, vod_name: data.videoName, vod_pic: data.videoCover, type_name: data.subCategory, vod_year: data.year, vod_area: data.area, vod_remarks: data.msg, vod_actor:, vod_director: data.director, vod_content: data.brief.trim(), }; let episodes = JSON.parse(await request(url + '/api.php/provide/videoPlaylist?ids=' + id)).data.episodes; let playlist = {}; for (const episode of episodes) { let playurls = episode.playurls; for (const playurl of playurls) { let from = playurl.playfrom; let t = formatPlayUrl(vod.vod_name, playurl.title); if (t.length == 0) t = playurl.title.trim(); if (!playlist.hasOwnProperty(from)) { playlist[from] = []; } playlist[from].push(t + '$' + playurl.playurl); } } vod.vod_play_from = _.keys(playlist).join('$$$'); let urls = _.values(playlist); let vod_play_url = []; for (const urlist of urls) { vod_play_url.push(urlist.join('#')); } vod.vod_play_url = vod_play_url.join('$$$'); return JSON.stringify({ list: [vod], }); } async function play(flag, id, flags) { try { let data = JSON.parse(await request(url + '/api.php/provide/parserUrl?url=' + id + '&retryNum=0')).data; let playHeader = data.playHeader; let jxUrl = data.url; let res = await req(jxUrl, { headers: { 'user-agent': 'okhttp/3.12.0', }, }); let result = jsonParse(id, JSON.parse(res.content)); result['parse'] = 0; if (playHeader) { result.header = _.merge(result.header, playHeader); } return JSON.stringify(result); } catch (e) { return JSON.stringify({ parse: 0, url: id, }); } } async function search(wd, quick) { let data = JSON.parse(await request(url + '/api.php/provide/searchVideo?searchName=' + wd + '&pg=1', 'okhttp/3.12.0')).data; let videos = []; for (const vod of data) { videos.push({ vod_id:, vod_name: vod.videoName, vod_pic: vod.videoCover, vod_remarks: vod.msg, }); } return JSON.stringify({ list: videos, }); } const charStr = 'abacdefghjklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; function randStr(len, withNum) { var _str = ''; let containsNum = withNum === undefined ? true : withNum; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { let idx = _.random(0, containsNum ? charStr.length - 1 : charStr.length - 11); _str += charStr[idx]; } return _str; } function randDevice() { return { brand: 'Huawei', model: 'HUAWEI Mate 20', release: '10', buildId: randStr(3, false).toUpperCase() + _.random(11, 99) + randStr(1, false).toUpperCase(), }; } function formatPlayUrl(src, name) { return name .trim() .replaceAll(src, '') .replace(/<|>|《|》/g, '') .replace(/\$|#/g, ' ') .trim(); } function jsonParse(input, json) { try { let url = json.url ?? ''; if (url.startsWith('//')) { url = 'https:' + url; } if (!url.startsWith('http')) { return {}; } let headers = json['headers'] || {}; let ua = (json['user-agent'] || '').trim(); if (ua.length > 0) { headers['User-Agent'] = ua; } let referer = (json['referer'] || '').trim(); if (referer.length > 0) { headers['Referer'] = referer; } return { header: headers, url: url, }; } catch (error) { console.log(error); } return {}; } export function __jsEvalReturn() { return { init: init, home: home, homeVod: homeVod, category: category, detail: detail, play: play, search: search, }; }