Add files via upload

This commit is contained in:
dxawi 2023-09-01 10:13:09 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7a42b37bdb
commit b05fa8e9ee
No known key found for this signature in database
2 changed files with 405 additions and 0 deletions

cat/wogg.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
import {load, _, Uri} from './lib/cat.js';
import {log} from './lib/utils.js';
import {initAli, detailContent, playContent} from './lib/ali.js';
let siteKey = '';
let siteType = 0;
let siteUrl = '';
let UA = "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1";
let patternAli = /(https:\/\/www\.aliyundrive\.com\/s\/[^"]+)/
// cfg = {skey: siteKey, ext: extend}
async function init(cfg) {
let ext = '';
if (typeof cfg == 'object') {
siteKey = cfg.skey;
siteType = cfg.stype;
ext = cfg.ext;
} else {
ext = cfg; //适配影视
await initAli(ext);
async function request(reqUrl, agentSp) {
let header = {
'user-agent': agentSp || 'okhttp/3.12.0',
let uri = new Uri(reqUrl);
let res = await req(uri.toString(), {
headers: header,
timeout: 10000
let content = res.content;
return content;
function getHeader() {
let header = {};
header['User-Agent'] = UA;
return header;
async function getString(url) {
let res = await req(url, {
headers: getHeader()
return res.content;
let classes = [{'type_id': 1, 'type_name' : '电影'},{'type_id': 20, 'type_name' : '电视剧'},{'type_id': 28, 'type_name' : '综艺'},{'type_id': 24, 'type_name' : '动漫'},{'type_id': 32, 'type_name' : '音乐'}];
let filterObj = {};
async function home(filter) {
return JSON.stringify({
class: classes,
filters: filterObj,
async function homeVod() {
return '{}';
async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
let reqUrl = siteUrl + '/index.php/vodshow/'+tid+'--------'+pg+'---.html';
let con = await request(reqUrl, UA);
const $ = load(con);
let items = $('.module:eq(0) > .module-list > .module-items > .module-item');
let videos = [];
for(var item of items) {
let oneA = $(item).find('.module-item-cover .module-item-pic a').first();
let href = oneA.attr('href');
let name = oneA.attr('title');
let oneImg = $(item).find('.module-item-cover .module-item-pic img').first();
let pic = oneImg.attr('data-src');
let remark = $(item).find('.module-item-text').first().text();
vod_id: href,
vod_name: name,
vod_pic: pic,
vod_remarks: remark,
const hasMore = $('#page > a:contains(下一页)').length > 0;
const pgCount = hasMore ? parseInt(pg) + 1 : parseInt(pg);
return JSON.stringify({
page: parseInt(pg),
pagecount: pgCount,
limit: 72,
total: 72 * pgCount,
list: videos,
async function detail(id) {
let preMatches = id.match(patternAli);
if (!_.isEmpty(preMatches)) return await detailContent(preMatches[1]);
let url = siteUrl + id;
let aliUrl = await getString(url);
let matches = aliUrl.match(patternAli);
if (!_.isEmpty(matches)) return await detailContent(matches[1]);
return '';
async function play(flag, id, flags) {
return await playContent(flag, id, flags);
async function search(wd, quick) {
await log('search---' + wd);
let searchUrl = siteUrl + '/index.php/vodsearch/-------------.html?wd=' + wd;
let html = await getString(searchUrl);
let $ = load(html);
let items = $('.module-search-item');
let videos = [];
for(var item of items) {
let vodId = $(item).find(".video-serial")[0].attribs.href;
let name = $(item).find(".video-serial")[0].attribs.title;
let pic = $(item).find(".module-item-pic > img")[0].attribs['data-src'];
let remark = '';
vod_id: vodId,
vod_name: name,
vod_pic: pic,
vod_remarks: remark,
return JSON.stringify({
list: videos,
export function __jsEvalReturn() {
return {
init: init,
home: home,
homeVod: homeVod,
category: category,
detail: detail,
play: play,
search: search,

cat/zxzj_open.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
// 自动从 地址发布页 获取&跳转url地址
import { Crypto, load, _ } from './lib/cat.js';
let key = '在线之家';
let HOST = ''; // 地址发布页
let host = '';
let siteKey = '';
let siteType = 0;
const MOBILE_UA = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; M2007J3SC Build/RKQ1.200826.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/77.0.3865.120 MQQBrowser/6.2 TBS/045714 Mobile Safari/537.36';
async function request(reqUrl, agentSp) {
let res = await req(reqUrl, {
method: 'get',
headers: {
'User-Agent': agentSp || MOBILE_UA,
'Referer': host
return res.content;
// cfg = {skey: siteKey, ext: extend}
async function init(cfg) {
siteKey = cfg.skey;
siteType = cfg.stype;
const html = await request(HOST);
const $ = load(html);
host = $('div.content-top > ul > li').find('a:first')[0].attribs.href;
console.debug('在线之家 跳转地址 =====>' + host); // js_debug.log
async function home(filter) {
const html = await request(host);
const $ = load(html);
const class_parse = $('ul.stui-header__menu > li > a[href*=list]');
let classes =, (cls) => {
let typeId = cls.attribs['href'];
typeId = typeId.substring(typeId.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).replace('.html', '');
return {
type_id: typeId,
type_name: cls.children[0].data,
const filterObj = {
1: [{ key: 'class', name: '剧情', value: [{ n: '全部', v: '' }, { n: '喜剧', v: '喜剧' }, { n: '爱情', v: '爱情' }, { n: '恐怖', v: '恐怖' }, { n: '动作', v: '动作' }, { n: '科幻', v: '科幻' }, { n: '剧情', v: '剧情' }, { n: '战争', v: '战争' }, { n: '警匪', v: '警匪' }, { n: '犯罪', v: '犯罪' }, { n: '动画', v: '动画' }, { n: '奇幻', v: '奇幻' }, { n: '冒险', v: '冒险' }] }, { key: 'area', name: '地区', value: [{ n: '全部', v: '' }, { n: '大陆', v: '大陆' }, { n: '香港', v: '香港' }, { n: '台湾', v: '台湾' }, { n: '欧美', v: '欧美' }, { n: '韩国', v: '韩国' }, { n: '日本', v: '日本' }, { n: '泰国', v: '泰国' }, { n: '印度', v: '印度' }, { n: '俄罗斯', v: '俄罗斯' }, { n: '其他', v: '其他' }] }],
2: [{ key: 'class', name: '剧情', value: [{ n: '全部', v: '' }, { n: '剧情', v: '剧情' }, { n: '喜剧', v: '喜剧' }, { n: '爱情', v: '爱情' }, { n: '动作', v: '动作' }, { n: '悬疑', v: '悬疑' }, { n: '恐怖', v: '恐怖' }, { n: '奇幻', v: '奇幻' }, { n: '惊悚', v: '惊悚' }, { n: '犯罪', v: '犯罪' }, { n: '科幻', v: '科幻' }, { n: '音乐', v: '音乐' }, { n: '其他', v: '其他' }] }],
3: [{ key: 'class', name: '剧情', value: [{ n: '全部', v: '' }, { n: '剧情', v: '剧情' }, { n: '喜剧', v: '喜剧' }, { n: '爱情', v: '爱情' }, { n: '动作', v: '动作' }, { n: '悬疑', v: '悬疑' }, { n: '恐怖', v: '恐怖' }, { n: '奇幻', v: '奇幻' }, { n: '惊悚', v: '惊悚' }, { n: '犯罪', v: '犯罪' }, { n: '科幻', v: '科幻' }, { n: '音乐', v: '音乐' }, { n: '其他', v: '其他' }] }],
4: [{ key: 'class', name: '剧情', value: [{ n: '全部', v: '' }, { n: '剧情', v: '剧情' }, { n: '喜剧', v: '喜剧' }, { n: '爱情', v: '爱情' }, { n: '动作', v: '动作' }, { n: '悬疑', v: '悬疑' }, { n: '恐怖', v: '恐怖' }, { n: '奇幻', v: '奇幻' }, { n: '惊悚', v: '惊悚' }, { n: '犯罪', v: '犯罪' }, { n: '科幻', v: '科幻' }, { n: '音乐', v: '音乐' }, { n: '其他', v: '其他' }] }],
6: [{ key: 'class', name: '剧情', value: [{ n: '全部', v: '' }, { n: '情感', v: '情感' }, { n: '科幻', v: '科幻' }, { n: '热血', v: '热血' }, { n: '推理', v: '推理' }, { n: '搞笑', v: '搞笑' }, { n: '冒险', v: '冒险' }, { n: '萝莉', v: '萝莉' }, { n: '校园', v: '校园' }, { n: '动作', v: '动作' }, { n: '机战', v: '机战' }, { n: '运动', v: '运动' }, { n: '战争', v: '战争' }, { n: '少年', v: '少年' }] }, { key: 'area', name: '地区', value: [{ n: '全部', v: '' }, { n: '国产', v: '国产' }, { n: '日本', v: '日本' }, { n: '欧美', v: '欧美' }, { n: '其他', v: '其他' }] }]
let filYer = { key: 'year', name: '年份', value: [{ n: '全部', v: '' }, { n: '2023', v: '2023' }, { n: '2022', v: '2022' }, { n: '2021', v: '2021' }, { n: '2020', v: '2020' }, { n: '2019', v: '2019' }, { n: '2018', v: '2018' }, { n: '2017', v: '2017' }, { n: '2016', v: '2016' }, { n: '2015', v: '2015' }, { n: '2014', v: '2014' }, { n: '2013', v: '2013' }, { n: '2012', v: '2012' }, { n: '2011', v: '2011' }] };
filYer['init'] = filYer.value[0].v;
let filBy = { key: 'by', name: '排序', value: [{ n: '时间', v: 'time' }, { n: '人气', v: 'hits' }, { n: '评分', v: 'score' }] };
filBy['init'] = filBy.value[0].v;
return JSON.stringify({
class:, (cls) => {
if (filterObj[cls.type_id]) {
filterObj[cls.type_id].push(filYer, filBy);
filterObj[cls.type_id][0]['init'] = filterObj[cls.type_id][0].value[0].v;
} else {
filterObj[cls.type_id] = [];
filterObj[cls.type_id].push(filYer, filBy)
return cls;
filters: filterObj,
async function homeVod() {
const link = host + '/vodshow/1--hits---------2023.html';
const html = await request(link);
const $ = load(html);
const js2Base = await js2Proxy(true, siteType, siteKey, 'img/', {});
const items = $('ul.stui-vodlist > li');
let videos =, (item) => {
const a = $(item).find('a:first')[0];
const remarks = $($(item).find('span.pic-text')[0]).text().trim();
return {
vod_id: a.attribs.href.replace(/.*?\/detail\/(.*).html/g, '$1'),
vod_name: a.attribs.title,
vod_pic: js2Base + base64Encode(a.attribs['data-original']),
vod_remarks: remarks || '',
return JSON.stringify({
list: videos,
async function category(tid, pg, filter, extend) {
if (pg <= 0 || typeof (pg) == 'undefined') pg = 1;
const link = host + '/vodshow/' + tid + '-' + (extend.area || '') + '-' + ( || 'time') + '-' + (extend.class || '') + '-' + (extend.lang || '') + '-' + (extend.letter || '') + '---' + pg + '---' + (extend.year || '') + '.html';
const html = await request(link);
const $ = load(html);
const js2Base = await js2Proxy(true, siteType, siteKey, 'img/', {});
const items = $('ul.stui-vodlist > li');
let videos =, (item) => {
const a = $(item).find('a:first')[0];
const remarks = $($(item).find('span.pic-text')[0]).text().trim();
return {
vod_id: a.attribs.href.replace(/.*?\/detail\/(.*).html/g, '$1'),
vod_name: a.attribs.title,
vod_pic: js2Base + base64Encode(a.attribs['data-original']),
vod_remarks: remarks || '',
const hasMore = $('ul.stui-page__item > li > a:contains(下一页)').length > 0;
const pgCount = hasMore ? parseInt(pg) + 1 : parseInt(pg);
return JSON.stringify({
page: parseInt(pg),
pagecount: pgCount,
limit: 24,
total: 24 * pgCount,
list: videos,
async function detail(id) {
const html = await request(host + '/detail/' + id + '.html');
const $ = load(html);
const js2Base = await js2Proxy(true, siteType, siteKey, 'img/', {});
const vod = {
vod_id: id,
vod_name: $('h1:first').text().trim(),
vod_type: $('.stui-content__detail p:first a').text(),
vod_actor: $('.stui-content__detail p:nth-child(3)').text().replace('主演:', ''),
vod_director: $('.stui-content__detail p:nth-child(4)').text().replace('导演:', ''),
vod_pic: js2Base + base64Encode($('.stui-content__thumb img:first').attr('data-original')),
vod_remarks: $('.stui-content__detail p:nth-child(5)').text() || '',
vod_content: $('span.detail-content').text().trim(),
let playMap = {};
const tabs = $('div.stui-vodlist__head > h3');
const playlists = $('ul.stui-content__playlist');
_.each(tabs, (tab, i) => {
const from = tab.children[0].data;
let list = playlists[i];
list = $(list).find('a');
_.each(list, (it) => {
const title = it.children[0].data;
const playUrl = it.attribs.href;
if (title.length == 0) title = it.children[0].data.trim();
if (!playMap.hasOwnProperty(from)) {
playMap[from] = [];
playMap[from].push(title + '$' + playUrl);
vod.vod_play_from = _.keys(playMap).join('$$$');
const urls = _.values(playMap);
let vod_play_url =, (urlist) => {
return urlist.join('#');
vod.vod_play_url = vod_play_url.join('$$$');
return JSON.stringify({
list: [vod],
async function play(flag, id, flags) {
const html = await request(host + id);
const mhtml = html.match(/r player_.*?=(.*?)</)[1];
const json = JSON.parse(mhtml);
const url = json.url;
const from = json.from;
if (json.encrypt == '1') {
url = unescape(url)
} else if (json.encrypt == '2') {
url = unescape(base64Decode(url))
if (url.indexOf('m3u8') >= 0 || url.indexOf('mp4') >= 0) {
// console.debug('在线之家url =====>' + url); // js_debug.log
return JSON.stringify({
parse: 0,
url: url,
} else if (from.indexOf('line3') >= 0 || from.indexOf('line5') >= 0) {
const ifrwy = await request(url);
const code = ifrwy.match(/var url = '(.*?)'/)[1].split('').reverse().join('');
let temp = '';
for (let i = 0x0; i < code.length; i = i + 0x2) {
temp += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(code[i] + code[i + 0x1], 0x10))
const purl = temp.substring(0x0, (temp.length - 0x7) / 0x2) + temp.substring((temp.length - 0x7) / 0x2 + 0x7);
// console.debug('在线之家purl =====>' + purl); // js_debug.log
return JSON.stringify({
parse: 0,
url: purl,
} else {
// console.debug('在线之家url =====>' + '空'); // js_debug.log
return '{}';
async function search(wd, quick) {
var data = JSON.parse(await request(host + '/index.php/ajax/suggest?mid=1&wd=' + wd + '&limit=50')).list;
const js2Base = await js2Proxy(true, siteType, siteKey, 'img/', {});
let videos =, (it) => {
return {
vod_pic: js2Base + base64Encode(it.pic),
vod_remarks: '',
return JSON.stringify({
list: videos,
limit: 50,
function base64Encode(text) {
return Crypto.enc.Base64.stringify(Crypto.enc.Utf8.parse(text));
function base64Decode(text) {
return Crypto.enc.Utf8.stringify(Crypto.enc.Base64.parse(text));
async function proxy(segments, headers) {
let what = segments[0];
let url = base64Decode(segments[1]);
if (what == 'img') {
var resp = await req(url, {
buffer: 2,
headers: {
Referer: '',
'User-Agent': MOBILE_UA,
return JSON.stringify({
code: resp.code,
buffer: 2,
content: resp.content,
headers: resp.headers,
return JSON.stringify({
code: 500,
content: '',
export function __jsEvalReturn() {
return {
init: init,
home: home,
homeVod: homeVod,
category: category,
detail: detail,
play: play,
proxy: proxy,
search: search,